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Does C++ Builder have a Clear() method?

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I was doing my empty string things wrong. I used to think that "" and " " meant the same thing. I just learned they don't. To make an empty string you do "" with the quotation marks close together. Where as the " " means the space character which has an ASCII code of 32. 

Does C++ Builder have a Clear() method like C# does?


So if I didn't want to do this:


labelAnswer.Text = ""


I could use a Clear() method:




Something like that anyway.

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I did not see anything about a Clear method so I guess I would have to use Edit1 -> Text = "".

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There is EmptyStr constant, maybe it will help? I personally never bother of such things and always use '' / ""

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Does C++ Builder have a Clear() method like C# does?

Some UI controls do, and some do not.


So if I didn't want to do this:


labelAnswer.Text = ""


I could use a Clear() method:



A TLabel control does not have a Clear() method, in either VCL or FMX.


Also, VCL's TLabel does not have a Text property, it has a Caption property instead:

labelAnswer->Caption = "";

On the other hand, FMX's TLabel does have a Text property.

On 4/16/2023 at 9:19 AM, 357mag said:

I did not see anything about a Clear method so I guess I would have to use Edit1 -> Text = "".

VCL's TEdit does have a Clear() method:


FMX's TEdit, on the other hand, does not.  However, it does have SelectAll() and DeleteSelection() methods instead:



Edited by Remy Lebeau

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