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Handling webhooks using MARS

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I have a company that would like to send me some data over a webhook. They want me to provide them access information for an x-api-key header.


I know that MARS uses Authorization header for secure access. I am not sure if it is possible to support x-api-key header for a specific use case.


Any help is appreciated.


Thanks & Regards,


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Hi, yes you can easily read request's header:

1) using the HeaderParam attribute to decorate a field of your resource (or an argument of your method) to retrieve the value

2) accessing the IMARSActivation and the Request field to have a more direct access to the underlying request object


Other thing is to use that header to provide authentication/authorization through MARS built-in facilities. We can explore that too, just let me know what you need and some examples of requests.




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If possible, I do not want to use existing "Authorization" header. I would like to allow access or block access depending on "x-api-key" header on each request.


- x-api-key header missing: Block the request using 404

- x-api-key header exists: Check in a method that it is correct. Allow only if correct, else block the request using 404


Very basic example would be:

Incoming request Header:
x-api-key: my_own_key_data

Incoming request Body:
{"data":"Various json data. To be read as whole in a string"}


Attached you can find is a sample postman request.


Thanks & Regards,



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I didn't know about HeaderParam attribute.

    [POST, Path('test')]
    function Test([HeaderParam('x-api-key')] const ApiKey: string;
                  [BodyParam] const Body: string): string;

Using above, I can check about ApiKey value in the function and use EMARSHttpException for returning a 404 error if necessary.


I was searching a way to block a request with wrong x-api-key header value even before function code execution, but above approach is a solution, too.


Thanks & Regards,


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