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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/18 in Posts

  1. MMX Code Explorer shows "Related Classes". When called from inside an interface it shows the implementing classes with navigation on click.
  2. @Tommi Prami That's easy: https://github.com/RomanYankovsky/DelphiAST You might want to try the version with all my patches in it: https://github.com/JBontes/DelphiAST It seems Roman Yankovsky has not had time to integrate all my issues yet. It **is** a very mature library and using it will serve you well. If you want to change the code, grokking the calls between the different parser levels does take some getting used to. I suggest first reading up on the difference between a parser and a lexer if you want to do that. PS don't be put off by the XML output, that's just a cheap trick to display the contents of the tree. You don't need it to work with DelphiAST.
  3. Emil Mustea

    Directions for ARC Memory Management

    Sorry, it's my mistake. I forgot the "var": (inline declaration with type inference) begin var sl := New.Of(TStringList.Create); sl.Add("One"); sl.Add("Two"); //here the record "New" goes out of scope, runs the it's destructor which will free the instance on which "sl" points to end; Better: with inline declaration will stay alive until the block end, not until routine end.
  4. Stefan Glienke

    Directions for ARC Memory Management

    Well, New.Of could return a record that has implicit operator overload to be assignable to the s1 variable which then implicitly goes out of scope at the end of the routine.
  5. Although it has been pretty quiet over there for some years I still use GOLD Parsing System in some of my applications. Besides some pre-built ones it allows to create your own grammars as needed.
  6. Kryvich

    Time bomb

    function x(const input: string; var output: string): boolean; begin output := input; UniqueString(output); //... end; ?