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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/21 in Posts

  1. Remy Lebeau

    How to create a grid that looks like this

    Should be easy to replicate that in a custom-drawn TDrawGrid/TStringGrid with its grid lines turned off, and an OnDrawCell event handler to draw the rounded blobs and text inside each cell.
  2. CHackbart

    MacOS AVPlayer and DRM

    Wow, thank you very much. This seem to be the solution. I now receive the callbacks from the system. And it seem to work on MacOS as well as on iOS - except the fact that the AVFoundation API Headers (in iOS.AVFoundation) are missing, but luckily this is just copy and paste. Again, thanks for the hint - this saved me a tremendous amount of peek in the poke. Christian
  3. David Schwartz

    How to create a grid that looks like this

    I found an old component TjanRoundedButton on Torry's that I can put on a FlowPanel that gets me what I need.
  4. TurboMagic

    DEC V6.3 released

    Good news, I just released version 6.3 of the Delphi Encryption Compendium cryptography library. You can fin it here: https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium/releases/tag/V6.3"]https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium/releases/tag/V6.3 What's new? Implemented some bugfixes Added Shake128/256 extensible output hash algorithm implementations Made the 32 bit asm implementations of the MD2, SHA384, Tiger, Snefru128 and Snefru256 hash algorithms compile again and they are used now as default for Win32 Delphi projects. In some cases this might double the speed of the hash calculation. Further details about the changes are found in the VersionHistory.pdf file in Docs subfolder. The GetIt Lite version should be released within the next few days. Enjoy TurboMagic
  5. Pat Foley

    How to create a grid that looks like this

    subclass (extend) Tshape with Tmyshape = class(Tshape) protected procedure Paint; public Moniker: string; end ... { TmyShape } procedure TpatShape.Paint; var w, h: integer; textSize: TSize; begin inherited; Brush.Color := clBtnFace; with Canvas do begin font.Size := -15; textSize := TextExtent(Moniker); w := (Width - textSize.cx) div 2; h := (Height - textSize.cy) div 2; TextOut(w,h,Moniker); end; //At runtime create custom shapes setting their parent to a floatPanel
  6. julkas

    Dashboard for Firebird

    For web reporting I use Tibco. Good option - Apache SuperSet.