I recently upgraded my old C++ Builder 2009 to C++ Builder 11. It was time .. and I wanted to make use of the new GUI improvements (Styles, Scaling, High DPI etc). GUI stuff in other words.
To that end I spent a lot of money to get a license. Everything is relative, but to me this is the biggest investment in quite some time and the biggest software investment ever.
I have always been happy with Builder 2009 and yes, there were some issues that I had to work around, but not too many.
Since I have upgraded I have already reported close to 20 bugs. Never ever did I have to ..
It's also making me nervous as to when these things will get fixed, if at all, as it impacts my work.
The silver lining at least was that my bugs triggered interaction. I saw them being escalated to development or they were assigned to me again to provide more information.
All that has stopped in the last few weeks. For all the last bugs there has been zero interaction. Nothing, as if nobody cares.
The GUI work involves custom controls for which I need the help files, to be able to apply the Styles properly etc. In itself already poorly documented but for 3 weeks now docwiki has predominantly been unavailable. There are already other posts about that, so I won't get into the specifics of that, but it adds to what looks like a systemic failure.
- Many bugs in the very features they're touting about and that convinced me to upgrade
- Nothing appears to be done about it, nobody seems to care
- Docwiki offline, nothing seems to be done about it, nobody (at embarcadero) seems to care
The person most responsive in QA before and who has not responded anymore has a Ukrainian name. Perhaps coincidence, perhaps my paranoia but how exposed is Embarcadero development and support to Ukraine. Is this the reason for all the recent issues ? If so, communicating about it would at least renew confidence.
All this nonsense would not be necessary if they would just COMMUNICATE about the issues (docwiki for instance). The silence only feeds the idea of a failing company or at least a failing product and I feel bad for having invested my time and money in this at this stage.
My 'happy life' with Builder 2009, the type of work I'm doing with it and the low exposure to issues may have made me blind to something that is well known and has been happening for years ? I don't know ? Maybe I shouldn't worry because this is business as usual ? In which case I wish I had done my homework though.