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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/23 in Posts

  1. tinyBigGAMES

    GamePascal Toolkit

    GVExamples in the distro (unzip and run). This is just v0.1.0, more examples and features coming in subsequent releases. GV was folded into DGK when I switched to SDL2 and it optimized for more recent versions of Delphi. GPT uses SDL3, it is designed to work on more compiler/windows versions and will have more/advanced features that will eventually be included. Will not be hampered by limitation of a compiler version not having feature X which prevents you from using it. As long as your compiler version can target win64 and have Unicode, then it should be able to work.
  2. Stano

    D11.2 + FireDAC + MySQL 64 bit not working

    If I take my glasses off, I see shit
  3. Martin Liddle

    Display of bmp and jpeg images is poorer quality in Windows 11

    I have now found time to have another look at this problem. The issue appears to be that the PIxelFormat of the canvas was originally set to pf16bit but 9 years ago was reduced to pf8bit to save memory. This worked satisfactorily on all Windows version up to and including Windows 10. Changing the PixelFormat to pf16bit fixes the problem on Windows 11. Thank you to all who contributed to this thread.