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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/23 in Posts

  1. Renate Schaaf

    Parallel Resampling of (VCL-) Bitmaps

    @johnnydp Sorry for the late reply, I took a break from delphi. I now created a repository on GITHub which contains the latest version of the resampler plus 2 demos. https://github.com/rmesch/Repository-R.Schaaf See you, Renate
  2. Brian Evans

    RegEx: Finding ##0-0## word

    Outside a set $ matches a position not a character and within a set it matches the character $. One option is to use a capture group with |. So this pattern: \d+-\d+(\s|$)
  3. KodeZwerg

    SetPropValue by Name

    Maybe this helps you as it helped me. That method looks if property is available and set it. uses TypInfo, Rtti; function SetProperty(const AControl: TControl; const AProperty: string; const AValue: TValue): Boolean; var LControl: TControl; LRttiContext: TRttiContext; LRttiProperty: TRttiProperty; begin Result := False; try LControl := AControl; LRttiProperty := LRttiContext.GetType(LControl.ClassType).GetProperty(AProperty); if ((LRttiProperty <> nil) and (LRttiProperty.Visibility in [mvPrivate, mvProtected, mvPublic, mvPublished])) then begin LRttiProperty.SetValue(LControl, AValue); Result := True; end; except end; end; and it can be used like: SetProperty(AControl, 'Caption', AValue);