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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/23 in Posts

  1. Since December Stack Overflow and other sites in the network have been spammed with AI generated answers which are usually incorrect while sounding plausible. To handle this problem moderators working with other users and Stack Overflow staff enacted the policy that bans all AI generated posts. Such posts are deleted and users can be suspended (usually for a week) for posting them. To get the better picture about the impact, we are talking about thousands of users and even more posts. See: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/421831/temporary-policy-chatgpt-is-banned However, last week the company enacted another policy which still allows moderators to moderate AI generated content, but effectively does not allow them to to use any means necessary for detecting such posts. In other words they can remove posts mostly if user admits post is AI generated. Allowing AI posts on sites will effectively kill the sites and elected moderators have decided to take an action and go on strike, along with other users of Stack Overflow and other sites in the stack Exchange network. Strike is scheduled to start tomorrow on Monday, Jun, 5th. Unofficial announcement of strike on Stack Overflow (there will be another announcement on the main Meta tomorrow) https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/424979/what-has-happened-to-lead-moderators-to-consider-striking If you have Stack Overflow or other Stack Exchange account please support the strike and sign the strike letter at https://openletter.mousetail.nl/ Signing is made by automatic authentication with Stack Exchange network account through browser if you decide to sign. You will have to enter display name you want to be displayed on the letter as some people have different display names on different sites. Thanks!
  2. Be careful what you wish for, as you may actually get it.
  3. programmerdelphi2k

    How can I enlarge the font of a Combobox in Delphi FMX?

    Sarina Dupont has a video about Style Designer Bitmap Style Designer with Sarina DuPont - CodeRageXI Ray Konopka Customizing Controls with FMX Styles, with Ray Konopka https://youtu.be/j9XxM7W94p4
  4. programmerdelphi2k

    How can I enlarge the font of a Combobox in Delphi FMX?

    @MikeZ87 normally, you can do it using "Edit Custom Style" (right button on component), but in ComboBox, in fact, the items is a "ListBoxItems", and there is not a property to change it in StyleBook... that way, you can just right-click on ComboBox, and select each item and change the property on Object Inspector, or by code like this: for var i: integer := 0 to (ComboBox1.Count - 1) do begin ComboBox1.ListItems[i].StyledSettings := []; // remove parent styles... ComboBox1.ListItems[i].Font.Size := 28; // changing the properties... end; exists a "delay" before show new setting...
  5. programmerdelphi2k

    Error Message after Update to 11.2

    @houssam1984 the Embarcadero create some folders in "C:\Users\<<windows user>>\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\<< version nn.n >>" - this folder is used to initialize some default/changed settings! you can try backup "C:\Users\WIn10H22\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero" full, and delete it to try a new recreation! (first, close any IDE opened) another way, more easy to test is: you can run the IDE as a new user, like MSWindows user: on CMD (Prompt command line) type: c:\<<dir where your RAD is installed>>\Bin\BDS.exe -r NewUserName <--- any name not used yet! ex. c:\myRADroot\bin\bds.exe -r UserTest <<ENTER>> then, in your Registry "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\......." will be created a new key with new user settings! a new IDE will be loaded with all default values, including in ...\Roaming\Embarcadero\.... folder after tests, you can simply "delete" the key in your Registry or simple "dont use it anymore" if desire use it, just create a shortcut in your desktop like any other to run your IDE!
  6. programmerdelphi2k

    How to clear the cache in TEdgeBrowser

    @Andrew Spencer I haven't done this test yet, but what I do know is that Edge's sub-directories are created on its first run. This way, it unpacks all DLL files to generate a new repository for use, a kind of on-demand! Then, you could try deleting the directory you want to see the result, i.e. if there will be any exceptions thrown or if Edge will recreate the new sub-directory! On the other hand, I think there is a proper function to clear Edge cache. You tried to "re-create" the browser again to see the result?
  7. Bob Baudewyns

    Looking for outsourcing FMX development

    Hi Patrick, Yes but I would prefer a standalone implementation not relying on another library Not sure I understand your point here. I'm asking for a proposal meaning that I'm, of course, ready to pay for that. Sorry if this was unclear in my message. I just need an invoice. Are you interested ?
  8. PeterBelow

    Windows Service + kbmMW

    You can only put code in the OnStart event handler that executes fast and does not block the thread, otherwise it will prevent the service from starting because the service manager runs into a timeout waiting for the event handler to return. Better just create a secondary thread in OnStart and do all other work in/from its Execute method.