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  1. Ian Barker

    Call for Delphi 12 Support in OpenSource projects.

    I think it could have been better worded - it's not that there are different levels of beta testers as such. It's more that the betas are released to a progressively wider audience. Early betas are generally released to a hand-picked cadre of users who either have a very specific situation which has a significant bearing on elements of the beta or are long-term 'advanced' users such as MVPs along with key tech partners. As the betas become more stable that audience is widened to more people who can receive value from a beta which while useful might still have potential instabilities which some could find challenging. This iterates with a wider and widening group until we begin to roll out to a broader general audience such as key accounts and known large projects, culminating in a general beta which goes out to people who have a maintenance subscription. There are different types of forums where the level of engagement is tempered to suit the type of beta customer. For example, MVPs often discuss things of a very esoteric technical nature with a more profoundly explicit type of conversation which, while entirely professional, might be more akin to a collection of colleagues and friends discussing a SNAFU in a particularly blunt way. These kinds of conversations don't sit so well among conversations with, perhaps, a 'regular' customer who is merely trying to see if the new beta solves an issue they have had with their project. I want to emphasize that this is not to bring about a kind of elitism and I try *really* hard for Embarcadero to be approachable by anyone - and I do get emails from all sorts of people, so I think that message is starting to be understood. I am here, I am listening. We are listening. The differentiation is more to ensure the level of interaction is appropriate for the expectations of the persons participating. MVPs are chosen for a multitude of reasons. Tech Partners are also the same - and some MVPs work for Tech Partners, but many Tech Partners do not have that kind of relationship with us. The same is true of customers who are neither MVPs or TPs and are trying out the beta thanks to their maintenance subscription. Administering the betas such as managing the beta keys and validating the requests to join the beta can be an intensely onerous experience which can place demands on internal staff at a time when they are already working close to capacity preparing for the eventual full release. Because of that, and in recognition that a valid premium or maintenance subscription should bring additional benefits such as access to betas, our current preference is not to simply push out a beta to one and all. We are also constrained by legalities such as getting sign-off on sub-licensed materials, EULAs, ensuring any OSS is properly credited and made available. That's not even an exhaustive list of what has to be done. We obviously want to ensure that as many people as practical can participate in the beta because the more that try it the more likely we are to shake out bugs or other issues before we release to GA - but we also do not have unlimited resources and we simply cannot currently let everyone on the planet join the beta. I know not everyone agrees. We are trying to listen more and more to your feedback, good or bad - we want to know the whole truth - because that's the best way to give you what you want and to make RAD Studio a product you love, and which genuinely adds value to your work. I promise you that everyone I work with is remarkably passionate about creating and sustaining a quality product that you will keep on choosing to create applications that help you achieve your goals and successes too. Ian.