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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/24 in Posts

  1. Dalija Prasnikar

    FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable

    I don't think they or anyone needs advice from AI.
  2. I have created a unit, that is similar to String Interpolation. Of course real Interpolation would be a compiler feature. TStr('Hello, {0}! Today is {1:ddd}, it's {1:HH:mm} now.').Params(name, date); // Hello, Mark! Today is Wednesday, it's 19:40 now. Variables where automaticly detected and converted (automatic type inferrence via Generics), so no need for IntToStr, FloatToStrF... Here a short Description of the Format. It is similar to the Format Specifier of .Net. The Date Format is almost the same like in Delphi, but the other Specifier are different. but i think its a way better than the sprintf Convention that Delphi uses: Integer and Float where automaticly converted and formatted as needed: C for Currency (Number for Decimal Places) D for Integer (Number for prefixed Zeros) F for Double (Number for Decimal Places) Date can formatted with: dd = Day, MM=Month, yyyy=Year HH=Hour, mm=Minute, ss=Seconds there are further possibilities in the readme Readme: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/blob/master/readme.md Code: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/ Download: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/releases Website in German with descriptive Content about the Code: https://www.cloud-9.de/entwicklung/delphi-besserer-format-befehl
  3. Then we would go back to the days of BBS on dialup 🙂
  4. Kas Ob.

    Delphi 12: Invalid class typecast

    The line number is there, in the stack call. What needed is try.except to minimize the overhead in such places where errors/exceptions reported, while in the according exception handler a small RTTI piece of code to extract and report the offending class, the one that most likely shouldn't be there or simply lost one Interface from its definition because it is so rare to that had being missing such declaration, getting its type info should be trivial, (i think)
  5. Kas Ob.

    Delphi 12: Invalid class typecast

    My thoughts here : 1) Evidently from the stack, the exception raised by using the "as" operator. 2) This could be captured or even prevented but in all cases it can be logged and reported in better detailed report (or error message) than leaving it to the IDE to handle the exception.
  6. Kas Ob.

    App Builder & Blazor

    FreePascal capable of producing WASM files. https://wiki.freepascal.org/WebAssembly https://www.freepascal.org/~michael/pas2js-demos/wasienv/canvas/ https://www.freepascal.org/~michael/pas2js-demos/wasienv/canvas/canvasdraw.lpr
  7. That is the basic jist of it, yes. Though, detecting a viable handshake is slightly more complex than just testing the first 2 bytes. I did write some code for this a long time ago, I'll have to look for it.
  8. Anders Melander

    Quality Portal going to be moved

    I guess from their perspective the internal ones are the most important, and I guess, rationally, from the customer perspective too. Unless they are going to replicate the existing system of having two different Jira projects (one for the internal issues and one for the publicly visible ones), which I definitely would not recommend (that's how Atlassian does it and it obviously sucks for everybody), I can see how it will be a problem getting everything migrated into one project. I do not envy them this task. However, the optics of dumping years of public issues will be catastrophic to their already strained relationship with the community. I really hope that they get this sorted out somehow.
  9. I don't buy it, I don't think this is just hardware failure. My conspiracy theory is that it started with hardware failure and then they realized that the backup didn't backup for 20 years. No matter what hardware failure you have, it doesn't take two weeks to get it back up and running.
  10. Remy Lebeau

    Which Indy version in Delphi 12

    I've recently updated Indy's GitHub repo to now tag the commits that have been bundled in the past few RAD Studio releases (including 12.0) since Indy switched from SVN to GitHub.