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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/24 in Posts

  1. Stefan Glienke

    updated Delphi64RTL intel ipp onetbb

    ippMove is not much faster than System.Move in Delphi 12. In fact, it performs noticeably worse on small sizes (below 1k) and for some reason completely falls off the cliff on sizes that are >20k running 2-4 times slower.
  2. JonRobertson

    how to recognize cards drawn from a deck?

    You may want to look at ImageEn. Although this is a commercial library, it has been developed for decades, currently maintained, and extremely well supported. It offers several ways to recognize objects in images. One is an integration with Google Vision, TIEGoogleVision. The others require the IEVision add-on: TIEVisionImage.matchTemplate TIEVisionObjectsFinder TIEVisionNNet.detectObjects TIEVisionBlobDetector TIEVisionFaceRecognizer TIEVisionBarCodeScanner I have no affiliation with ImageEn, aside from being a happy customer & user of ImageEn components. (I have no experience with the IEVision components referenced above.)
  3. Vincent Parrett

    updated Delphi64RTL intel ipp onetbb

    Certainly looks interesting, but you are asking people to trust the dll's for which no source is provided? How were these dll's compiled? It's one thing to provide binaries from a trusted source (for example intel) but to provide self compiled unsigned dll's - with todays supply chain attacks etc - not going to fly.