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  1. Anders Melander

    Problems with EurekaLog

    I might very well be wrong; I don't know enough about GDPR to say otherwise and I should probably keep my mouth shut about the topic. However, I do have some experience with GDPR having worked at medical device- and a pharmacy POS suppliers, with direct access to client/patient data. Only people who had been given permission to act as an agent of the user/customer were allowed to access user data. My point was not that the screenshot wasn't a GDPR violation but that it wasn't much different from the rest of the bug report. I agree; If the application just gathers data (screenshot or not) and sends it of without user consent to a third-party, which haven't been given permission to act as an agent of the user, then yes, there's definitely potential for a violation. But if the end-user is given opportunity to review the data then I believe it's their problem. With madExcept it's possible to have the user review the bug report data, and the screenshot if there is one, before it is sent. I can't remember if EurekaLog has a similar feature.
  2. DelphiUdIT

    Problems with EurekaLog

    Sorry, but you are not right. For example no one can ACQUIRE data about HEALT status without your explicity WRITTEN and PREVIOUS consent. Thw European law is not only about how you threat the data, but also about you acquire the data ... So if one send you a screen shoot with name, age a healt status behind the scenes, you will be in fault if you don't have the explicity consent. This happened to a client of mine (for whom I made a piece of management software). It is not uncommon to find difficulties in sending information, that is, sending it and having a response, due to the GDPR.
  3. Anders Melander

    Problems with EurekaLog

    I don't think they understand what GDPR is about. Sending the screenshot would not be any different from sending a call stack or whatever else is in the bugreport. How the receiver treats the data is where GDPR becomes relevant.
  4. Anders Melander

    Problems with EurekaLog

    Ah... Me neither 🙂
  5. Hello, is ready to download and test the wrapper around the Opencv version 4.6 C++ API . This is the more recent Opencv stable version. The old pure C API misses all the functions implemented only as C++ classes, starting from the Machine Language module (ML), that was present since the Opencv v 1.0 . Note: from v 2.4 onwards the old C API is always present, although no more officially supported. This version of Opencv, among many other things, has a Deep Neural Network (DNN) module, capable of load and use the most common neural net formats: Tensorflow, Torch, Caffe, Darknet, ONNX. The wrapper supports this, of course, and has many improvements compared to my precedent wrapper for Opencv v 2.4.31 . All suggestions are welcome. On Github: https://github.com/gidesa/ocvWrapper46 Thanks Giando
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    The Delphi Parser - FIBPlus, BDE, legacy Migration

    I didn't understood a thing