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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/24 in Posts

  1. Remy Lebeau

    mciSendCommand and MCI_WAIT...

    Perhaps the MCI_BREAK command can help you? CTRL+Break is the default for aborting am MCI wait operation, but you can specify a different key, or even disable breaking.
  2. What about a class procedure? type tTest = class(tObject) public class procedure MyFormShow(Sender: TObject); end; ... self.OnShow:=tTest.MyFormShow;
  3. A FMX (or VCL) application is not a Web application. The best way, if you need to have a full Delphi Web dev project, is to use a framework like TMS Web Core : https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmswebcore.asp or UniGui : https://www.unigui.com/ both creating web applications in Delphi.