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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/24 in Posts

  1. Vincent Parrett

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    That site has form - they plagurised my blog about signing with USB tokens and when I called them on it they flat out refused to take it down. They have a ton of blog posts that to me look to be mined from the web and reworded - perhaps with AI - DO NOT USE THEM. PS. I did some research and their blog posts rank really high on google (#1 for my blog they stole, mine is #7 grrrr) - that suggests to me it's the work of an SEO team creating content purely for the purpose of getting their site ranking on google - I very much doubt there is any original content.
  2. Patrick PREMARTIN

    New Code Signing Certificate Recommendations

    nice ad for an affiliate website promoting "partners" programs
  3. May be you can use the ARP protocol ... finding MAC Add is its function: Uses WinApi.Winsock2, WinApi.IpHlpApi, WinApi.IpExport; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var DestIP, SrcIP: IPAddr; AddrLen: ULong; MacAddr: array[0..5] of byte; s: AnsiString; i: integer; begin SrcIp := 0; s := ''; //ROTATE IP DestIP := inet_addr(PAnsiChar(s)); AddrLen := SizeOf(MacAddr); SendARP(DestIP, SrcIP, @MacAddr[0], AddrLen); s := ' MacAddress : '; if AddrLen > 0 then for i := 0 to AddrLen-1 do begin s := s + IntToHex(MacAddr[i], 2) + '-'; end; SetLength(s, length(s)-1); ShowMessage(s); end;