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Patrick PREMARTIN last won the day on March 14

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112 Excellent

About Patrick PREMARTIN

  • Birthday January 12

Technical Information

  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. Patrick PREMARTIN

    How to sign .msix packages

    Great you found a solution, but strange you needed it.
  2. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi 12.3 Android deploy - ERROR styleAppTheme.Base not found

    Hi I don't know what is come from, but don't you have a file style/apptheme.base in the Project/Deployment wizard for your Android platform ?
  3. When you publish a game in this challenge or in general, don't forget to add "delphi-game" topic to be listed in https://github.com/topics/delphi-game "delphi", "gamedev", "game-development" and "game-source" are welcome too for showing to the other game developers that Pascal and Delphi are available for game programming.
  4. Patrick PREMARTIN

    How to sign .msix packages

    Yes for Microsoft Store : we don't have to sign the six files generated by Delphi if we choose the store deployment. But MSIX is a container like was APPX and Delphi generate one in RELEASE if we choose the "store" distribution and "adhoc" in the project options. Delphi try to sign by itself. I'm not sure the six file generated by this way is still valid. In the past I haven't any problem with Certum certificates for MSIX files but I haven't tried since I have a token and use my DProj 2 Win Setup which uses Inno Setup and Exe Bulk Signing programs to generate a signed installer from Delphi deployment wizard. In your command add the time stamping operation ("https://time.certum.pl" for Certum). It's better to have long term signatures on files even after your certificate expire.
  5. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Suggestions for new vendor of a delphi app?

    Hi @Paul Dardeau Strange Ian didn't answered. You're email or his answer has perhaps been filtered by an anti spam somewhere. If your software target specifically Delphi/C++Builder developers you can submit it on GetIt (as a trail version if you want). The submit form is on https://getitnow.embarcadero.com website. If you target SQLite users you enter in the search engines arena... and being seen is hard. You need a website for the software or you as editor and promote it like any website. Check forums and link sharing sites around development and databases. In some cases Product Hunt (and clones) site can help to have some users : https://www.producthunt.com Of course it's better if you fix the name of the software before sharing it or writing about it. To start selling (or distributing) you can use websites like Gumroad, LemonSqueezy and many others merchants of records ("MoR"). They sell (and bill the clients) for us. For the price, it depends a lot on what you want to get out of it, the potential customers and the interest the software can generate. It's pure marketing. The advantage is that you can give a bogus price right from the start and run a launch promotion at a test price that you can change whenever you like. Making source code available can be of interest to some users, and reassure others that the software will continue to operate in the event of a mishap at the publisher's premises. The disadvantage is that some users may prefer to compile it from the code repository, sometimes even appropriating it and reselling it under their own name. In the event of piracy or abuse, you need to be able to offer additional services (such as ebooks, video courses, technical support).
  6. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi 12.3 is available

    You are a developer, can you give us your magic method to fix unreproducible bugs ?
  7. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi 12.3 is available

    Thanks, I open an issue about the installer. It should not check by default something not installed and of course must allow to install it.
  8. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi 12.3 is available

    When you opened the Tools / Manage Feature dialog (before reinstalling) it was checked but you unchecked it when you installed ?
  9. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi 12.3 is available

    Strange. Are you in a Professional or Enterprise edition ? You only have "html" part under "language" option ? Do you have the refactoring options in contextual menu in the code editor ? Can you uninstall the modeling option and reinstall it ?
  10. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi 12.3 is available

    Check the installer ("Tools / Manage features" in the IDE). The code formatter and other .Net dependencies are in the "modeling" option.
  11. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Build time affected with an updated component...

    Hi Ian Very strange. Does this components include a design package or IDE wizards ? Does it needs external DLL ? Does it affects builds and constructs in DEBUG and RELEASE configurations ? Is it for Windows or an other platform ?
  12. (hope it will still work tomorrow)
  13. Patrick PREMARTIN

    iOS problem since switching from Delphi 12.1 to 12.2

    I didn't say that (neither thought it). 😉 The errors are not clear and understanding the toolchains for Android and iOS is not easy, even when we use them often.
  14. Patrick PREMARTIN

    iOS problem since switching from Delphi 12.1 to 12.2

    If you don't target iOS 15, why do you change the minimal iOS SDK version number ? Do you have any error except the one from original subject of this topic ? What does your app ? Anything needing a specific framework ?