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Patrick PREMARTIN last won the day on January 18

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93 Excellent

About Patrick PREMARTIN

  • Birthday January 12

Technical Information

  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Mars TemplateServerDaemon

    Hi What branch or release of Mars do you use ?
  2. Patrick PREMARTIN

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    I vote for a nocode quantum IDE. Why limiting to a number of bits ? It's so MS Dos !
  3. Patrick PREMARTIN

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    Not sure we have an access to previous opened projects in the Open Tools API , but you can create an extension for the Welcome page if you want. You have a sample in the RAD Studio samples folder.
  4. Patrick PREMARTIN

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    Don't be afraid of IDE changes if anything happen in 12.3. Marco spoiled a little at the end of the birthday webinar. Just read between lines and don't forgot that no roadmap is public. Nothing is sure until an official announce. You can simply wait for Mars 13th webinar.
  5. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi Community Edition

    The problem is perhaps linked to the license activation and a conflict with the Berlin license (even if it should not). Check in the LicenseManager what is registered and remove all unnecessary licenses (including the CE license). Uninstall the CE version, reboot and try a new installation.
  6. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi TOIOBE index lifted in May 2022?

    Don't forget TIOBE is based on "search for answers". Python is the top because programming in Python is a nightmare when you start having library dependencies problems (and in IA you will have problems). PHP is a simple language. It doesn't evolve a lot and the users look for frameworks, not the langage itself. For Delphi the reason is perhaps the number of newcomers and the regular updates which awake "old" programmers. And of course the activity of the community in general.
  7. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi TOIOBE index lifted in May 2022?

    Can we say "happy birthday Delphi" 4 days before the D day ?
  8. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Does anyone know a delphi component that can play videos from a stream

    Hi You can use FFmpeg (perhaps with http://www.delphiffmpeg.com/) or VLC (check https://github.com/HemulGM repositories) if you want. Boian Mitov has a video stream player in his components packs (https://mitov.com/products/videolab).
  9. Right, I use the camera stream. This page explains what Android expect (for the gallery): https://developer.android.com/about/versions/14/changes/partial-photo-video-access And this one for the TakePhotoFromCamera API : https://developpeur-pascal.fr/utiliser-l-action-standard-takephotofromcamera-pour-les-applications-android-9-et-plus.html where I use the same permissions, but you also need the "secured file sharing" right from Project / Options / Rights / Android32&64
  10. procedure TfrmMain.GoToPhotoScreen(AskPermission: boolean); begin if AskPermission then TPermissionsService.DefaultService.RequestPermissions (['android.permission.CAMERA'], procedure(const APermissions: TClassicStringDynArray; const AGrantResults: TClassicPermissionStatusDynArray) var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to length(AGrantResults) - 1 do if (AGrantResults[i] = TPermissionStatus.Denied) then raise exception.create ('Permission nécessaire pour prendre une photo.'); GoToPhotoScreen(false); end, procedure(const APermissions: TClassicStringDynArray; const APostRationaleProc: TProc) begin TDialogService.showmessage ('Il est nécessaire d''avoir cette autorisation pour prendre une photo.', procedure(Const AModalResult: TModalResult) begin if assigned(APostRationaleProc) then APostRationaleProc; end); end) else begin MaskPath.data.data := FCurrentProject.MaskPath.data.data; ActiveLaCamera(tconfig.CameraType); CurrentScreen := rPhotoScreen; end; end; You need something like this code from https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/Fie-Frapic/blob/main/src/fMain.pas and the good permissions for your manifest. The TakePhoto call is in "ActiveLaCamera() but you can put it in the ELSE part of this code.
  11. Hi Do you ask for Android permissions to take a photo in your projects options and in your code ? The standard actions only call the APIs, they don't ask for the permissions for us.
  12. Patrick PREMARTIN

    How to create Windows Store APPX in Delphi with USB token?

    Hi If you want to publish your APPX or MSIX file to Microsoft Store, you don't need to sign it. For Ad-Hoc deployment it's an other problem. At this time RAD Studio can only sign programs and create signed MSIX/APPX files only with a PFX file. Embarcadero has not integrated the tokens or cloud certificates but some issues are opened on the quality portal. You have a few solutions if you want to distribute programs by yourself with or without creating an APPX/MSIX. To solve this problem for me I've created Exe Bulk Signing (available from GetIt) and DProj 2 Windows Setup projects (available in shareware or open sourced from GitHub). The first one manage the signing. The second one use Inno Setup and Exe Bulk Signing to package and sign a 32 bits and a 64 bits installer from the deployment wizard options in your project. Of course you can use many other packaging solutions to create a setup.exe program or an APPX/MSIX depending on the software used.
  13. This "Delphi Programming for Beginners" could also help you how Delphi and Pascal language work : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kh9qih54jgfbohejfmmww/Delphi-Programming-for-beginners-Yuriy-Kalmykov.pdf?rlkey=nv258b6gu7eufb674itnl4h39&dl=1
  14. Ok, let's check this two guides redacted for new Delphi&Pascal developers : - Programming with Delphi : https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Programming_with_Delphi_Index - Developing Database Applications : https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Developing_Database_Applications_Index They are old, but still up to date except for the database part where you are invited to use FireDAC, but if your project is old, you should have this deprecated knowledge in mind. (if you look on the Internet you should find the PDF release of them from Delphi 7 of after)
  15. You can also read the "Delphi Language Guide" from https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Delphi_Language_Guide_Index