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Everything posted by Rollo62

  1. Rollo62

    CryptoLib4Pascal in Delphi 10.4

    Maybe this is interesting too https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium
  2. Personally I see advantage in using them as simple "SmartPointers", already now in uncritical situations, avoiding any further complexity like Default(T). That should be fair enough, although I still hesitate to use them, until perhaps more positive feedback occurs. It is a pity that such a basic and useful feature cannot be used out-of-the-box, without a bad feeling. Unfortunately, it may take 2-3 update versions until the hard corners and edges have been sanded down a little.
  3. Hi there, related to my previous post, I'm trying to add more features to the minimal app, checking its behaviour. My system is Delphi D12.1, Android 14, App in DEBUG mode, MinimalApp with TLayout, TLabel and TMemo - not using any other hardware or library yet. Start the app debugging, just wait some time to let all modules startup, suddenly an exception 10 might occur. What I've noted, when adding CAMERA support in the manifest, wich never used or linked any camaera code in the app itelf, it might crash. 1.) Especially, this is throwing an exception: Just saying, that nothing is required. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> <!-- Features(s) CAMERA: definitions --> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.any" android:required="false" /> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" android:required="false" /> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" android:required="false" /> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.flash" android:required="false" /> 2.) While this proposal seemms to run fine in DEBUG mode: <!-- Proposal for change --> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" android:required="true" /> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" android:required="false" /> Strange is, that 1.) telling Android not requiring any CAMERA stuff crashes, while 2.) telling Android that CAMERA shall be there seems to run fine. What the heck, ... is there any deeper explanation to it? Does the camera setting make changes or preparations to the SurvaceView maybe, that might cause such different behaviour?
  4. Nope, but I was also working on different stuff in the meantime. I have to get back to this soon.
  5. Rollo62

    Cannot create directories on iOS

    Even though this is within the app sandbox, certain directories might still have restrictions. For example, there could be permissions issues with creating directories at that specific path, especially if the app has some sort of managed or limited access to certain subdirectories. I use the TPath.GetDocumentsPath mostly, as it felt like the least problematic one. This path is designed to store user-generated content, documents, and files that should be backed up by iTunes and other backup solutions. Not sure if all characters are valid there, especially the underscore, I would say yes, but better check with simpler path (e.g., without underscore, parentheses or spaces).
  6. Nice component, are there plans to support FMX too?
  7. Rollo62

    Receiving an 'Unsafe app blocked' message

    https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/5763-android-project-deployment-messed-up/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62536901/problem-installing-delphi-10-4-android-sdk https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/E4103_Unable_to_create_process:_'message' Can you access device via adb (e.g. by list connected devices: adb devices -l)? Remove old app from devioce before new install? Enough memory on device to install?
  8. Rollo62

    Does FMX designer support frame inheritance?

    I would recommend not to use frames visually in the IDE, but only insert them at runtime. That will prevent a lot of issues in the IDE designer. Of course you can edit the frame itself, like with any other form. But using this frame in the designer on another form requires the designer to handle everything properly, which is still quite fragile during development. Using in runtime only doesn't affect the designer and the IDE will stay much more stable.
  9. After some more thoughts on this, I think the culprit is perhaps the Samsung One-UI. Samsung is most interesting for me, because I think its still the most sold phone in the market. There were a lot of issues listed after S23 updates, and I came late to the party with my update recently (for a good reason maybe). https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/apps-not-launching-with-one-ui-6-0-samsung-android-14.157493/ https://www.androidpolice.com/samsung-confirms-fix-another-annoying-one-ui-61-bug/ https://www.sammobile.com/news/galaxy-s23-touchscreen-issues-after-one-ui-6-1/ https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/galaxy-s23-series/s23-one-ui-6-1-update-error/m-p/9542177#M30182 Also my comment posted here was perhaps caused by such One-UI issue. I just made another S23 Update and tried again, suddenly the exception is gone, even with a more crowded manifest permission template: ... <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="23" android:targetSdkVersion="34" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.any" android:required="false" /> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" android:required="false" /> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" android:required="false" /> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.flash" android:required="false" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" android:maxSdkVersion="30" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" android:maxSdkVersion="30" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" android:maxSdkVersion="30" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" android:maxSdkVersion="30" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" android:usesPermissionFlags="neverForLocation" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" /> <uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true" /> ... The log file for S23 looks as before, but no exception now. This is what I have seen before, sudden, sporadic exceptions, after simple, unsuspicious changes. That makes daily work a lot harder. Maybe there are more insights from these findings, please show me the light in the tunnel.
  10. Well, my reference is always the ChatGPT 4o, while all my experiments with M$ Copilot or Bing or whatever from Microsoft was never working acceptable for me. Ok, I admit you can have bad AI and better AI. CGPT, Sonnet are quite acceptable in their latest incarnations, perhaps others too. At least from my practical experience, the ChatGPT 4o output is very reliable for all sorts of tasks, of course I try to help AI as best as I can by producing reasonable prompts. In re-formatting it's much better than 20% failure rate, I would guess by gut feeling, I would say 2-5% failure in my workflows.
  11. I have tried to compare Samsung S23 Ultra against Pixel 5, both on Android 14 latest. While S23 shows above described crash, the Pixel 5 doesn't. I've tried to compare all loading modules logs, and find a huge amount of differences. I expect a few differences, but not that much, so this looks like a completely different app. See all the logs and comparison enclosed. Just to view that, the start-sequences look like this, is there any chance to debug sporadic exceptions? What struggled me most, was the different line here: Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.common-V3-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: [ADDRESS]. Process T506_AndTest.apk ([NUMBER]) vs. Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: [ADDRESS]. Process T506_AndTest.apk ([NUMBER]) How can the 1:1 same app be so different, running on S23 or Pixel 5, under the "same" Android 14? Perhaps this makes reasonable debugging and failure searching impossible 😞 Sanitized_LogGalaxyS23U.txt Sanitized_LogPixel5.txt Text Compare.htm
  12. If you provide GPT with the correct results and all necessary information bits it needs, it can produce a very good explanation in a very precise natural language, even if the original explanations were spelled too lazy or informal. Especially in this category of natural language it works very well, to produce very precise desciptions of known facts and sources. You are right, that you still need to check this output well, but that is always the case with todays AI. The chance of AI hallucination is quite low, if you give it an already predefined, correct text pattern, that just needs to be summarized, re-formatted and completed. In fact I have never seen any hallucination from at least ChatGPT 4, when it comes to these tasks and proper input prompt.
  13. The test with the minimal app, without anything, except the automatic added permission INTERNET, starts, shows as usual and doesnt throw exception. Another test, with the minimal app, nothing changed, except the added permission in the manifest <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> This starts, shows as usual and throw exception 10 after a few seconds. Yes, I see the issues in DEBUG mode only, but that hinders me debugging my apps and is a huge showstopper, I've added the test project enclosed. What makes me suspicious are the various CAMERA modules at starting the app, although nothing camera related is used at all in the is empty app: Module Load: libcamera2ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5B45000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) ... Module Load: android.hardware.camera.common@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB060C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) ... Module Load: libcamera_metadata.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B79B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) ... Module Load: android.hardware.camera.device@3.2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DCA3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) ... See the complete log of the output further below. That brings me to the thought, that the plurality of the many standard libraries might be the root cause of problems too. There is a huge list of linked JARS, that were currently never used, touched or even mentioned in the bare app project at all. For example the list of definitive unused features, at least from the point of view of the app: billing-6.0.1.dex.jar biometric-1.1.0.dex.jar browser-1.4.0.dex.jar ??? used internally cloud-messaging.dex.jar ??? used internally exifinterface-1.3.6.dex.jar firebase-annotations-16.2.0.dex.jar ??? used internally firebase-common-20.3.1.dex.jar firebase-components-17.1.0.dex.jar firebase-datatransport-18.1.7.dex.jar firebase-encoders-17.0.0.dex.jar firebase-encoders-json-18.0.0.dex.jar firebase-encoders-proto-16.0.0.dex.jar firebase-iid-interop-17.1.0.dex.jar firebase-installations-17.1.3.dex.jar firebase-installations-interop-17.1.0.dex.jar firebase-measurement-connector-19.0.0.dex.jar firebase-messaging-23.1.2.dex.jar play-services-ads-22.2.0.dex.jar ??? used internally play-services-ads-base-22.2.0.dex.jar play-services-ads-identifier-18.0.0.dex.jar play-services-ads-lite-22.2.0.dex.jar play-services-cloud-messaging-17.0.1.dex.jar ??? used internally play-services-location-21.0.1.dex.jar play-services-maps-18.1.0.dex.jar print-1.0.0.dex.jar sqlite-2.1.0.dex.jar ??? used internally sqlite-framework-2.1.0.dex.jar Its absolutely unclear, what circular dependencies they might introduce and if they were called at any time in the code. The Delphi Linker is working great, but of course Non-Pascal libraries, it cannot handle well. Here is the complete list of JAR libraries, and I could try to remove them to a bare minimum, but the risk of other side-effects is very high. activity-1.7.2.dex.jar annotation-experimental-1.3.0.dex.jar annotation-jvm-1.6.0.dex.jar annotations-13.0.dex.jar appcompat-1.2.0.dex.jar appcompat-resources-1.2.0.dex.jar billing-6.0.1.dex.jar biometric-1.1.0.dex.jar browser-1.4.0.dex.jar cloud-messaging.dex.jar collection-1.1.0.dex.jar concurrent-futures-1.1.0.dex.jar core-1.10.1.dex.jar core-common-2.2.0.dex.jar core-ktx-1.10.1.dex.jar core-runtime-2.2.0.dex.jar cursoradapter-1.0.0.dex.jar customview-1.0.0.dex.jar documentfile-1.0.0.dex.jar drawerlayout-1.0.0.dex.jar error_prone_annotations-2.9.0.dex.jar exifinterface-1.3.6.dex.jar firebase-annotations-16.2.0.dex.jar firebase-common-20.3.1.dex.jar firebase-components-17.1.0.dex.jar firebase-datatransport-18.1.7.dex.jar firebase-encoders-17.0.0.dex.jar firebase-encoders-json-18.0.0.dex.jar firebase-encoders-proto-16.0.0.dex.jar firebase-iid-interop-17.1.0.dex.jar firebase-installations-17.1.3.dex.jar firebase-installations-interop-17.1.0.dex.jar firebase-measurement-connector-19.0.0.dex.jar firebase-messaging-23.1.2.dex.jar fmx.dex.jar fragment-1.2.5.dex.jar google-play-licensing.dex.jar interpolator-1.0.0.dex.jar javax.inject-1.dex.jar kotlin-stdlib-1.8.22.dex.jar kotlin-stdlib-common-1.8.22.dex.jar kotlin-stdlib-jdk7-1.8.22.dex.jar kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.8.22.dex.jar kotlinx-coroutines-android-1.6.4.dex.jar kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm-1.6.4.dex.jar legacy-support-core-utils-1.0.0.dex.jar lifecycle-common-2.6.1.dex.jar lifecycle-livedata-2.6.1.dex.jar lifecycle-livedata-core-2.6.1.dex.jar lifecycle-runtime-2.6.1.dex.jar lifecycle-service-2.6.1.dex.jar lifecycle-viewmodel-2.6.1.dex.jar lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate-2.6.1.dex.jar listenablefuture-1.0.dex.jar loader-1.0.0.dex.jar localbroadcastmanager-1.0.0.dex.jar okio-jvm-3.4.0.dex.jar play-services-ads-22.2.0.dex.jar play-services-ads-base-22.2.0.dex.jar play-services-ads-identifier-18.0.0.dex.jar play-services-ads-lite-22.2.0.dex.jar play-services-appset-16.0.1.dex.jar play-services-base-18.1.0.dex.jar play-services-basement-18.1.0.dex.jar play-services-cloud-messaging-17.0.1.dex.jar play-services-location-21.0.1.dex.jar play-services-maps-18.1.0.dex.jar play-services-measurement-base-20.1.2.dex.jar play-services-measurement-sdk-api-20.1.2.dex.jar play-services-stats-17.0.2.dex.jar play-services-tasks-18.0.2.dex.jar print-1.0.0.dex.jar profileinstaller-1.3.0.dex.jar room-common-2.2.5.dex.jar room-runtime-2.2.5.dex.jar savedstate-1.2.1.dex.jar sqlite-2.1.0.dex.jar sqlite-framework-2.1.0.dex.jar startup-runtime-1.1.1.dex.jar tracing-1.0.0.dex.jar transport-api-3.0.0.dex.jar transport-backend-cct-3.1.8.dex.jar transport-runtime-3.1.8.dex.jar user-messaging-platform-2.0.0.dex.jar vectordrawable-1.1.0.dex.jar vectordrawable-animated-1.1.0.dex.jar versionedparcelable-1.1.1.dex.jar viewpager-1.0.0.dex.jar work-runtime-2.7.0.dex.jar I will try to make experiments with other phone too, not this was from a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, with latest updates. Of course other phone models will cause other behaviour and other problems too. Since my goal is to have a working app for ALL models, I'm a little bit stucked. I've added the test-project too, if you want to check this. So far, I see no reason why my simple app suddenly throw exception and sometimes not. Here is the complete output lot from launching the app. Platform: remote-android Connected: no Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Platform: remote-android Triple: aarch64-unknown-linux-android OS Version: 34 (5.15.123-android13-8-28577312-abS918BXXS6CXFE) Hostname: localhost Connected: yes WorkingDir: /data/user/0/com.embarcadero.T506_AndTest Kernel: #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jul 4 23:50:56 UTC 2024 Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Process 4088 stopped * thread #1, name = 'ro.T506_AndTest', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373c62c libc.so`__epoll_pwait + 12 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8940: -> 0x7fa373c62c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373c630 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373c634 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal 0x7fa373c638 <+20>: ret thread #2, name = 'Runtime worker ', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #3, name = 'Runtime worker ', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #4, name = 'Runtime worker ', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #5, name = 'Runtime worker ', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #6, name = 'Signal Catcher', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373c04c libc.so`__rt_sigtimedwait + 12 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8893: -> 0x7fa373c04c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373c050 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373c054 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal 0x7fa373c058 <+20>: ret thread #7, name = 'perfetto_hprof_', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373b348 libc.so`read + 8 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8789: -> 0x7fa373b348 <+4>: svc #0 0x7fa373b34c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373b350 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373b354 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #8, name = 'ADB-JDWP Connec', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373c728 libc.so`__ppoll + 8 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8948: -> 0x7fa373c728 <+4>: svc #0 0x7fa373c72c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373c730 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373c734 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #9, name = 'Jit thread pool', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373b56c libc.so`madvise + 12 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8806: -> 0x7fa373b56c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373b570 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373b574 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal 0x7fa373b578 <+20>: ret thread #10, name = 'HeapTaskDaemon', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #11, name = 'ReferenceQueueD', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #12, name = 'FinalizerDaemon', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #13, name = 'FinalizerWatchd', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #14, name = 'binder:4088_1', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373b66c libc.so`__ioctl + 12 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8814: -> 0x7fa373b66c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373b670 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373b674 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal 0x7fa373b678 <+20>: ret thread #15, name = 'binder:4088_2', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373b66c libc.so`__ioctl + 12 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8814: -> 0x7fa373b66c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373b670 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373b674 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal 0x7fa373b678 <+20>: ret thread #16, name = 'binder:4088_3', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373b66c libc.so`__ioctl + 12 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8814: -> 0x7fa373b66c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373b670 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373b674 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal 0x7fa373b678 <+20>: ret thread #17, name = 'Profile Saver', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #18, name = 'RenderThread', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373c62c libc.so`__epoll_pwait + 12 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8940: -> 0x7fa373c62c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373c630 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373c634 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal 0x7fa373c638 <+20>: ret thread #19, name = 'queued-work-loo', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #20, name = 'ro.T506_AndTest', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #21, name = 'VsyncReceiver', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373c62c libc.so`__epoll_pwait + 12 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8940: -> 0x7fa373c62c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373c630 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373c634 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal 0x7fa373c638 <+20>: ret thread #22, name = 'queued-work-loo', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373c62c libc.so`__epoll_pwait + 12 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8940: -> 0x7fa373c62c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373c630 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373c634 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal 0x7fa373c638 <+20>: ret thread #23, name = 'AsyncTask #1', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #24, name = 'AsyncTask #2', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #25, name = 'binder:4088_4', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373b66c libc.so`__ioctl + 12 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8814: -> 0x7fa373b66c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373b670 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373b674 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal 0x7fa373b678 <+20>: ret thread #26, name = 'ro.T506_AndTest', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #27, name = 'ro.T506_AndTest', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #28, name = 'ro.T506_AndTest', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #29, name = 'ro.T506_AndTest', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #30, name = 'ro.T506_AndTest', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #31, name = 'SurfaceSyncGrou', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa373c62c libc.so`__epoll_pwait + 12 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8940: -> 0x7fa373c62c <+8>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa373c630 <+12>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa373c634 <+16>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal 0x7fa373c638 <+20>: ret thread #32, name = 'hwuiTask0', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #33, name = 'hwuiTask1', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal thread #34, name = 'binder:4088_4', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x0000007fa36e41c0 libc.so`syscall + 32 libc.so`___lldb_unnamed_symbol8746: -> 0x7fa36e41c0 <+28>: svc #0 0x7fa36e41c4 <+32>: cmn x0, #0x1, lsl #12 ; =0x1000 0x7fa36e41c8 <+36>: cneg x0, x0, hi 0x7fa36e41cc <+40>: b.hi 0x7fa373ae28 ; __set_errno_internal Executable module set to "C:\\Users\\user_a\\.lldb\\module_cache\\remote-android\\.cache\\63C2631B-63B6-0857-9280-1DFF29427263\\app_process64". Architecture set to: aarch64-unknown-linux-android. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: app_process64. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000006519957000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libpenguin_impl.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EFADDB000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libpenguin.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EFAE30000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libT506_AndTest.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007E6009D000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: gralloc.default.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EFAF6B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libframework-connectivity-jni.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ECB0D6000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libframework-connectivity-tiramisu-jni.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ECB6AA000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libwebviewchromium_loader.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB45D3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB7B51000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB7B9E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.perf2-V1-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB4601000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.3.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB784B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB4B41000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libqti-perfd-client_system.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB4B9B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB4BE2000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libqti_performance.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB789E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcompiler_rt.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB7BD7000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.display.mapper@2.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA291000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: eglSubDriverAndroid.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA25E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libGLESv1_CM_adreno.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA2C0000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libllvm-glnext.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB5654000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libGLESv2_adreno.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB465C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libz.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA3A3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libgsl.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EB78D6000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libadreno_utils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA343000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libEGL_adreno.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA312000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libhardware.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBAAE4000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libion.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA5E3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libdmabufheap.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA4C7000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA564000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBAA59000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA51D000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA605000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA455000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA94E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBAAB3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA6DC000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.common-V3-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBABAC000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libgralloctypes.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA405000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libhidlbase.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA71C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libutils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA49D000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libc++.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA884000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libbase.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA9C2000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcutils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA80C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libvmmem.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBAB03000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libgralloc.qti.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA656000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.display.mapperextensions@1.3.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBAB48000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.display.mapperextensions@1.2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBABC8000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.display.mapperextensions@1.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA3D1000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.display.mapperextensions@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA850000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.display.mapper@4.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA68F000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.qti.hardware.display.mapper@3.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA58E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libgralloccore.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA98E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libgrallocutils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBAA0D000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0-impl-qti-display.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBA7CE000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: librs_jni.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBAF04000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_amrnb_common.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBAFAA000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: librtp_jni.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBAF40000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libaudioeffect_jni.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBAFC8000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsavsac.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBB080000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libvorbisidec.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBB002000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsoundextractor.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBB05C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsoundpool.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBB114000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libprotobuf-cpp-full.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBB160000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libasyncio.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBD072000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmediadrmmetrics_full.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EC1A56000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.tv.tuner-V2-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EC1103000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsonivox.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EC1064000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmtp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBD0DB000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmediadrmmetrics_consumer.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBD0A6000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmedia_jni.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EBD149000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libc++.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EC1AF8000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libssl.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED0862000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcrypto.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EC1442000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libjavacrypto.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EC1A88000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstats_jni.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED3C6A000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libart-compiler.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED0000000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libopenjdkjvm.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED3CAF000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libopenjdk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED3CC1000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libexpat.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED3D80000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcrypto.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EC1442000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libandroidio.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED3D3B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libjavacore.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED3D40000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libicu_jni.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5926000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libwebviewchromium_plat_support.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5948000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstdc++.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5983000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5A18000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libRS.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED59D7000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libOpenSLES.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5A86000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libOpenMAXAL.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5ACB000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libjnigraphics.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5B10000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcamera2ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5B45000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libamidi.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5BEA000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: aaudio-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5C4E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libaaudio_internal.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5C88000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libaaudio.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5C28000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.power-V4-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5FC5000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.power@1.3.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED7C4A000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.power@1.2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5D15000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.power@1.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5D60000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.power@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED7C86000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.power-V4-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EF864E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libpowermanager.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5DA5000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libxml2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED5E1E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libactivitymanager_aidl.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED7CC3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libandroid.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EF8687000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libperfetto_hprof.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007ED7D22000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libadbconnection_client.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EF86C5000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libadbconnection.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EF871E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: boot-framework-adservices.oat. No Debug Info. Base Address: $000000007273B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: boot.oat. No Debug Info. Base Address: $00000000710ED000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libtombstoned_client.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB632C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libartpalette-system.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB62E8000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: heapprofd_client_api.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB6688000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstatssocket.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB6409000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstatspull.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB6748000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libprofile.so. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB6855000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libdexfile.so. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB6640000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libartbase.so. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EFFB5B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libunwindstack.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB6506000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: liblzma.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB6488000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: liblz4.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB64CE000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libartpalette.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB63E5000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libart.so. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F02600000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libnativehelper.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB6948000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libandroidicu.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5D46000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libbase.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA9230000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libc++.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8C841000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libicui18n.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F91A4C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libicuuc.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F85207000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libicu.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9DA2E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsigchain.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1847000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libc++.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007EC1AF8000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libbase.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5FC0000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libnativebridge.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA3384000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libnativeloader.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA340C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcodec2_hidl_client@1.2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2BA3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcodec2_hidl_client@1.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8D55000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcodec2_hidl_client@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8E19000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.media.c2@1.2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DD40000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.media.c2@1.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F91DC5000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B6EB000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.cas@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAB9B5000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_xmlparser.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB3121000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_surface_utils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB066C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_omx.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA3522000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_bufferqueue_helper.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAA49B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcodec2_client.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA6306000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.media.c2@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F95076000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_aidl_bufferpool2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2F00000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_bufferpool@2.0.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DD88000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libion.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8BDF6000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libfmq.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8839C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libdmabufheap.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1CC4000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.media.bufferpool2-V1-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA634A000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.media.bufferpool@2.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA6240000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB31F0000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsextractorcmn.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9DB32000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsavscmn.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9C499000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: lib_SoundAlive_SRC384_ver320.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F883D8000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libapex_utils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB59A3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libshmemutil.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8CDE4000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsecaudiotestutils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA93EC000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libspeexresampler.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B8CA000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: liblzma.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F99147000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.configstore@1.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1A04000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.drm@1.4.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8D8C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.drm@1.3.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA198B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.drm@1.2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1E00000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.drm@1.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8CD60000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmediadrmmetrics_lite.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8BC94000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libwatermark.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB3264000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libskcodec.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FABA77000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA3588000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hidl.token@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2CCD000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B94E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libBufferStats.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB05A7000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libRuntimeProperty.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8B649000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.drm@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9D8C9000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.cas.native@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA195A000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hidl.allocator@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAB906000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libhidlallocatorutils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2BE5000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_omx_utils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8CA31000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_codecbase.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1816000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsfplugin_ccodec_utils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAB85D000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsfplugin_ccodec.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5C53000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmedia_omx_client.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA3287000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libomafldrm.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA6385000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcodec2_vndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2F44000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcodec2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA9384000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_framecapture_utils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2D80000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libautils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2D2C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcodecdatautils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1BD3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libimageconverter.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB6044000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libSEF.quram.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B998000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libfloatingfeature.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B84E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: lib_soundaliveresampler.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9BA29000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libvicom_conf.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA62F7000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcodecsolutionhelper.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DD2F000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vintf-codecsolution-V2-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9D853000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libdatasource_local_cache.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2E14000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libjpegdecoder.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2ADF000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libjpegencoder.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DC79000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libbpf_minimal.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8C996000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libbpf_bcc.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F991C7000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: vendor.samsung.hardware.hyper-V2-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB03CF000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libtinyxml2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8C815000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcgrouprc.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8835C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: packagemanager_aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5C0D000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libshmemcompat.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DE6E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libnblog.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB35C2000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmediautils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1B0F000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libaudioutils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8EF0B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libaudio_aidl_conversion_common_cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DDC1000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: capture_state_listener-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB050E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: audiopolicy-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5E23000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsecaudiocoreutils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9C5EC000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsecaudioinfo.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1D90000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: mediametricsservice-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8C9EF000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libSecRecorder.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DB82000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libedmnativehelper.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA9366000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsefinfoutils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8D17000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libpackagelistparser.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8EFD8000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libpcre2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F951A0000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.system.suspend-V1-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB3217000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libziparchive.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9D9C8000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libgfxgrab.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1A8E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libunwindstack.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8C44000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libSurfaceFlingerProp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAA4E6000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.configstore-utils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB02E3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.configstore@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA344D000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: lib-platform-compat-native-api.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB600E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.drm-V1-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8E44000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmediandk_utils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAA586000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmedia_jni_utils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9D966000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmedia_omx.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA6749000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmediadrm.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA32D7000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libandroid_runtime_lazy.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DE11000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libft2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB0426000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libprotobuf-cpp-lite.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1885000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libnativecfms.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9DA44000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libheif.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB0270000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libskpngchunkreader.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8B7D0000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libskandroidcodec.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9DC28000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libskstream.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAA44F000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libgraphics.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9DB45000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V2-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F88300000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libexpat.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA9315000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libpiex.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8EF9B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libdng_sdk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1EA4000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libpng.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA34C4000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libutilscallstack.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F882DE000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libknox_remotedesktopclient.knox.samsung.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB302D000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAA78C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.bufferqueue@2.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5601000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsync.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA3603000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libgralloctypes.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA92DF000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8B788000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2E9A000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1B8B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2E59000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1D00000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.allocator@4.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB055A000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.allocator@3.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAA5D4000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DB25000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB31A7000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB04C0000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.memtrack-V1-ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8BDA2000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.memtrack@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F99198000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.camera.common@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB060C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: shared-file-region-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FABA06000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: effect-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B749000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.media.omx@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB0693000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.media@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B654000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.bufferqueue@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B7C0000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1FD7000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hidl.token@1.0-utils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB05E4000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hidl.memory@1.0.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB0293000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libhidlmemory.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9BB81000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-aarch64-android.so. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB32E9000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_http_support.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B912000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright_foundation.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA3240000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libstagefright.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB568B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libdatasource.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DB54000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libaudiomanager.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9DAA4000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmedia_codeclist.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8EEE000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: framework-permission-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8EED9000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libvndksupport.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA6707000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: lib.engmodejni.samsung.so. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5DDB000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsecnativefeature.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8F34000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libperflog.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9BBCE000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libultrahdr.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB07C5000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libimage_io.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB59C1000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: server_configurable_flags.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB35A7000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libtimeinstate.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA34AC000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libhyperintf.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB591C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libdl_android.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1D73000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libnativewindow.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA67F2000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libnativedisplay.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F91D95000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libvintf.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DA43000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmemunreachable.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2DC4000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libnativeloader_lazy.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DBC1000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libnativebridge_lazy.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB3288000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libprocessgroup.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2A4B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libnetd_client.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2ECF000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libimg_utils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B692000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libpdfium.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8B80A000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libusbhost.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9D8A7000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libaudiopolicy.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA6297000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libaudiofoundation.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB0780000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libaudioclient_aidl_conversion.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DE94000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libaudioclient.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8CC15000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmeminfo.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8B725000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmediametrics.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA67A3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmedia_helper.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9C599000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmedia.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8BCC0000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libselinux_ext.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1A53000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libselinux.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B8A1000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libhardware_legacy.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA33CA000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libhardware.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B718000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libjpeg.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9DB85000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libETC1.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5D87000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libvulkan.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8B680000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libdataloader.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8F91000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libincfs.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2B04000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libGLESv3.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5FA1000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libGLESv2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8B6D4000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libGLESv1_CM.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAB947000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libEGL.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2C06000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsqlite3_expert.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAA7D8000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsqlite3_udr.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F99067000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsqlite.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8842C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libprocinfo.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB3149000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcamera_metadata.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B79B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcamera_client.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9BA5C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libinput.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAA62B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libsensor.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5946000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libPlatformProperties.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5E94000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libpermission.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DC2C000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmediandk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9D980000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libhwui.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8E000000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libgui.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA9081000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libgraphicsenv.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8F67000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libui.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F99084000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libbinder_ndk.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9B816000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libdebuggerd_client.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA35C2000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcrypto.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8D65F000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libappfuse.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1C0A000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libandroidfw.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB031E000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libmemtrack.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8B756000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libnetdutils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8EEA4000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libbattery.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1C86000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libandroid_net.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2D6F000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.hardware.camera.device@3.2.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DCA3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: av-types-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1C5A000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: spatializer-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2B4B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: audiopolicy-types-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA1DC8000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: audioflinger-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8C922000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: audioclient-types-aidl-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB5643000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: android.media.audio.common.types-V2-cpp.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9515F000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libremotedisplay.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9C451000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libz.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F91D63000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libminikin.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8E84000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libharfbuzz_ng.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8CB0B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libbase.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA9230000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libdl.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB2C87000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libm.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F9DAC1000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libc.so. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA3653000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libc++.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8C841000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libwilhelm.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FAA52F000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libutils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA39C3000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: liblog.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA19DE000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libhidlbase.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8CA4B000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libcutils.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA8FD5000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libbinder.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007F8DF2A000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: libandroid_runtime.so. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FA6432000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: [vdso]. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB7F18000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: linker64. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB7F19000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: [vdso]. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000007FB7F18000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) Module Load: app_process64. No Debug Info. Base Address: $0000006519957000. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) symbol file 'D:\\Projects\\Tests\\T506_AndTest\\Packages\\Rx1211\\Android64\\Debug\\T506_AndTest\\debug\\libT506_AndTest.so' has been added to 'C:\\Users\\user_a\\.lldb\\module_cache\\remote-android\\.cache\\AB6F30F2\\libT506_AndTest.so' Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) lldb version 15.0.7 Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) First chance exception at $0000007F0299FAD4. Exception class 10. Process T506_AndTest.apk (4088) T506_AndTest_002_Demo.zip
  14. Hi there, I'm doing some R&D with a minimal app, trying to get some insights on growing festure sets. My system is Delphi D12.1, Android 14, App in DEBUG mode, MinimalApp with TLayout, TLabel and TMemo - not using any other hardware or library yet. There I see sudden exception on startup, quite sporadic, just by changing the permissions and uses-features, and I wanted to find a deeper reason or explanation for this. What I found, even if I completely remove all permissions by hand from the *.dproj, from all "_Base" and sub positions ( = not any SUP_INTERNET ). There is no more AUP_... in the file, nor any checkbox in the Permissions Options, and no permission in the Android.Manifest.template.xml either. Meaning: <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Base)'!=''"> ... <AUP_INTERNET>true</AUP_INTERNET> //<== Removed even this line, and any other AUP: in this file ... </PropertyGroup> But still, the IDE generated an INTERNET permission in the manifest file <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="23" android:targetSdkVersion="34" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> So why is INTERNET always there, is this because of "Mobile" app is kindof "Internet", or what? Is this a BUG or a FEATURE?
  15. I've tried the same minimal app in RELEASE, and YES, the INTERNET permission is gone. Your answer can be a good explanation to what happens, so I would note to myself that android.permission.INTERNET => is required always, in DEBUG mode. This would make sense and that would be a good explanation, unless there is another hidden requirement lurking around the next corner.
  16. This was just for testing, not needing CAMERA right now, only in some apps. Yes, interestingly the exception occured when CAMERA is off (1.), and not when its ON (2.). I tried to enable it, from some proposals during my research, at least this helped to fix the exception. Since I see sporadic exceptions from time to time during debugging, after un-suspicious changes in code, for no specific permission-related reason, I assume that the ADB, gdb server and the whole debugging system has a lot to do with this shaky behaviour.
  17. Hi there, I was looking into @Uwe Raabe's CmonLib at Github and found here a global TUtilities record. type TUtilities = record private class var FAppName: string; FCompanyName: string; public ... class property AppName: string read FAppName write FAppName; class property CompanyName: string read FCompanyName write FCompanyName; end; I'm doing something similar, to provide the global CompanyName and AppName for various purposes, but best of all as early as possible in the process, for example for logging, or the like. Where doese CompanyName, AppName come from,. do you do this in code? What would be the best approach to provide such data for each project in a simple way, as early as possible from external data? - I would love to load such data from settings-file *.json, *ini, *yaml or whatever before compilation, unfortunately I think there is no option to do so. - Using ressources, deployment or the like to include such settings-file could work, but when analysing the content, its already much too late in the startup process. This might work only for certain cases, but not the most earliest. - Ok, I could use the IDE's global defines option manually, to add each of the desired data, but I really don't like to fumble in that nasty options dialog by hand. - Yes, I could use pre-build-events to manage that from a settings-file, but thats also only a half-cool solution. - And I could write my IDE expert doing this, perhaps there are already some available, but I like to have my IDE as clean from experts as possible. - I could use my own StartUpCopy.pas in the *.dpr, to define the earliest settings there, also a too clumsy solution. - Actually I simply added a local settings-include-file (*.inc) , with defining data as defines, and include this wherever needed, which is also not the best solution. Do you have similar needs and how do you do that, is there any cool solution I have not considered yet?
  18. @Uwe Raabe Very interesting, I will look into that. Its perhaps not needed to be before unit initializations, but yes, if that is possible, then its OK too. I have two main topics currently for that, "Logging" and "Setup file access". By the latter I mean, to load variable settings from files, not at compile time, but at runtime. For this I could see sometimes the need to access that as soon as possible, while the "FileNamesAndPaths" might not be setup yet. Of course I can hardcode the fractions or subfolders in the "FileNamesAndPaths", but exactly this I want to avoid. I usually avoid initialization sections and try to make such lazy app initializations only in the FormShow event, to stay as mobile friendly, as possible. But that doesn't always work. At least a handful of fixed constants would be good to be store outside the IDE project, to easy handle it. Regarding your proposal, my thought was to encapsule this in its own StartUp unit: uses My.StartUp, Vcl.Forms, Main.VclForm in 'Main.VclForm.pas' {MainForm}; {$R *.res} begin TMyStartUp.PreInitialize; Application.Initialize; ... But again, if needed earlier it might fail. @Kas Ob. I'm not getting your point 100%, but assume you mean an Pre-Build-Event calling an batch file. Yes, that would be possible, but again, I have to setup all this in the IDE before. Or do you mean there is the possibility in the Tools/Options or else, to set such event globally, one for all projects? Yes, maybe creating my own initial project in the repository is an option too, but this I would need to maintain too, with each IDE update.
  19. Hi there, I'm not sure whether this new project is already known throughout the community and whether it has already got enough attraction. @Remy Lebeauhas written about it in the Blog here and a separated reposity is available here. That is very good news that Indy OpenSSL seems to get a little more traction now, to solve such very basic network topics. I hope that this new project will be a big hit and will take Indy OpenSSL to the next level. From VCL to FMX across all platforms.
  20. Rollo62

    WebUI framework: Technical preview. Part 1.

    Ok, but still unclear if this can be used as internal "server" too, especially on mobile. As described above, the apps will act as a real embedded HTTP web server, right? This will make little sense for any mobile app, perhaps. But in any app on any platform, to have just a "local" server, that doesn't conflict with firewalls, permissions, etc., and which is just responsible for the UI part, that will make a lot of sense. This will enable an easy way to separate the UI from the business logic, IMHO. So can it be used that way, or is it even intended for that purpose?
  21. Rollo62

    WebUI framework: Technical preview. Part 1.

    I roughly get the point of this, by peeking through the docs. Opens a few questions: Does this work also locally, standalone, meaning that one App contains a kindof internal service, together with a TWebBrowser in the same app? So that there is no real server is used, only perhaps internal communications with the TWebBrowser component. Other question, if this could work as above on Android and iOS too? Perhaps the answer to 1.) and 2.) is "No", which would explain why 2.) is not available for mobile platforms yet. Is this part of the HtmlComponents package and already available for testing, by using the current download link again?
  22. Rollo62

    Android 15 and edge-to-edge enforcement

    <OT> Thanks for pointing to this. I did not stumble into this issue yet, buut .... maybe .... It could explain the nasty misbehaviour I had recently with the GoogleMaps App herself. The lower buttons didn't react and it was not possible to operae as it should. I had the verdict that an recent update of the Samsung S23 Ultra caused this issue, but perhaps somehow remotely related to above behaviour. At least no visual effect appears anyhow, as far I can say, only un-clickable in the footer row. </OT>
  23. Rollo62

    Android: Use a class from a .jar-File

    CrossPost https://www.delphipraxis.net/1539305-post6.html I thought this basic question was clarified already here 🤔
  24. This is of coarse a question of personal naming preferences. "Common" and "Implementation" sounds to me too much like implementation details. Thats why I personally like MyTask and all other related details are defined after, like MyTask.Types MyTask.Intf MyTask.Impl MyTask.Factory My goal is, that when using MyTask, I would never consider anything of the "details" above, in the best case. Thats also why its the shortest name and only talking about the task itself. And yes, there surely can be different naming variants too, like MyTask.Utils, wherever this makes sense to use them separately.