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Everything posted by Json

  1. Trying to load a website with TWebBrowser, the site have self signed certificates which will be flagged as not safe. I am ending up with a blank page. TWebBrowser.OnDidFailLoadWithError never trigger. The blank page occur on IOS and Android. On Windows there is a warning page, (NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID) What is the best way of catching the certificate errors or even better ignore them so the page can load? The application is only talking with its own web servers so the security isn't a problem here.
  2. Yes I agree with you all. The problem is customer tends to use that sort of solutions in their test environments. So at least catch the errors is needed. More code to look after but will be replacing TWebBrowser with my own TcatchSSLErrorWebBrowser.
  3. Another day in the apple deploy lottery 😞 I needed to restart the mac for it to work