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About psycodad

  • Birthday 07/08/1968

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

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  1. It was the Sophos virus scanner. I could have figured it out earlier....
  2. Getit struggles to install the new patch 1. I installed Delphi with Webinstaller. When i run tGetit, the log says: [2024-02-08 14:23:25] [DEBUG] Installing Deferred Library "RAD Studio 12 Patch 1"... [2024-02-08 14:23:31] [DEBUG] Downloading Deferred Library "RAD Studio 12 Patch 1"... [2024-02-08 14:24:00] [DEBUG] Extracting Deferred Library "RAD Studio 12 Patch 1" to "C:\Users\jeanmarck.DEHACO\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\CatalogRepository\12Patch-Patch1\". This could take a while... [2024-02-08 14:24:00] [ERROR] Problem beim Extrahieren der komprimierten Datei: [EAbZipInvalid] Ungültige Datei - keine PKZip-Datei [2024-02-08 14:24:00] [DEBUG] Extraction of "RAD Studio 12 Patch 1" completed with success. [2024-02-08 14:24:00] [DEBUG] UpdateStatus: [-105] Problem when extracting compressed file. [2024-02-08 14:24:00] [ERROR] Cannot load data from the server: Problem when extracting compressed file. [2024-02-08 14:24:00] [ERROR] Error when installing "RAD Studio 12 Patch 1". Any idea what the problem could be?
  3. psycodad

    Microsoft Translator Text API v3.0

    Here a small working demo project how to get translations.. translation api.zip
  4. psycodad

    Microsoft Translator Text API v3.0

    Found the solution: - Empty TRestRequest.Ressource property - Remove all parameters except the Header with the subscription key - Use following BaseURL instead: https://api-eur.cognitive.microsofttranslator.com/translate?api-version=3.0&from=en&to=de Now all works like expected. But i even do not know why i should not use the TRestRequest.Params and the Ressource property instead of the URL parameters...
  5. psycodad

    Microsoft Translator Text API v3.0

    I use https://api-eur.cognitive.microsofttranslator.com/translate?api-version=3.0@&from=en&to=de That works well with the c# project with microsoft visual studio. The only difference between your and my URL is that i use the european located server "api-eur." instead of the us "api.". I think i do something wrong in the RestDebuggers "user defined content". Calling the "languages" ressources works well. There i do not need a request json content body parameter (see pics).
  6. Hello, I have to migrate to new microsoft translation api. I try to translate the text with the new RestDebugger. It seems to be easy reading the https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/translator/reference/v3-0-translate?tabs=curl I set all the RestDebugger properties i need but all i get is a "400:BadRequest", "One of the request inputs is not valid". In the pics attached you can see how i configure the RestDebugger. I downloaded a c# demo project from https://github.com/MicrosoftTranslator/Text-Translation-API-V3-C-Sharp-Tutorial After setting the COGNITIVE_SERVICES_KEY to my key, change the url to TEXT_TRANSLATION_API_ENDPOINT = "https://api-eur.cognitive.microsofttranslator.com/{0}?api-version=3.0", and comment out the two header entries //request.Headers.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region", "westus"); //request.Headers.Add("X-ClientTraceId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); all works well. I assume the problem is in the content body. Can someone point me to the right direction?
  7. psycodad

    Web dashboard application

    We made good expericences with unigui.