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David Heffernan

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Posts posted by David Heffernan

  1. 24 minutes ago, Kas Ob. said:

    In C/C++ it way easier to convert a simple bufferflow into security hole, let you take over the system in full if not only the application, parameters passed in registers and memory allocated buffer along with the way stack in Delphi preserve itself with the locals, makes it way harder to run code passed by a parameter, unlike C and many other languages there is many ways to do it, and it is easier and and even when you are expert programmer, the candidate code to be abused code can easily escape your eyes and mind, the stack is the cause in 90% of those security holes you see in an application/OS written in C/C++. while the stack is sacred and better protected against simple and complex abuse in Delphi, i am not saying it is impossible to do an abuse, but it is near impossible to predict the abuse outcome, mostly it will end up in AV at random address, defusing the greater lost by running hand crafted malicious code.

    This is just not true.

    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, Kas Ob. said:

    See, pascal/Delphi is more secure than C++ and C#, less than Rust

    Security is not a property of the language. It's a property of the code. And the code is written by programmers. They determine how secure a piece of code is, not the choice of language.


    1 hour ago, Kas Ob. said:

    it is secure for many reason but mostly due the declaration of variables before using them when entering procedure

    Hard to see how that brings security. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Mike Torrettinni said:

    Interesting stuff: asm, registries, aligning... it's like a black-box to me. Reading how little insignificant changes (order of functions calls) affect the performance, is kind of scary.


    But it shows how real performance optimization is based on case by case. It's hard (or impossible) to make 1 super performant algorithm for all cases. Just from this thread we can see the differences on optimization for short vs long strings, or like @aehimself pointed out if we need to consider nested brackets, escaped chars, quoted chars...


    Here I am thinking if increasing char pointer is faster than using integer iterator, while you guys are discussing condition branching and using stack and full set of registries 🙂

    Do you have a performance bottleneck with this code?

  4. 14 hours ago, River_Forest said:

    Is there an easy way to add scrollbars to the main window of my project? (I hope this is the right place to post this question. Also, as a user of the Community Edition, it appears that I don't have access to "Help," so I can't find the answer there.) I thought something might be listed in "Properties," but I'm not seeing it there.

    You can get help in the community version I believe. But in any case it's all online. 

  5. 40 minutes ago, Sherlock said:

    I didn't read the book, but I'm guessing that only applies when you add those programmers to the same problem. Luckily Delphi has a ton of problems, that could each feed a programmer for at least a month :classic_biggrin:

    The problem with that is the the problems tend to interact with each other.

    • Like 2

  6. 50 minutes ago, Anders Melander said:

    Sure, but how is that relevant?

    Are you saying that they have enough resources or that more resources will lead to more problems?

    I'm sure that they have plenty of problems besides resources but surely their ability to solve them isn't improved by this shortage?

    The point of the book is that adding programmers won't necessarily result in a better output.

    • Like 1

  7. 1 hour ago, Günther Schoch said:

    I am sure that Marco and the team is clever enough to solve a lot more problems and enhance the product if they get more money

    It's far from that simple. I take it that everybody has read this:



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  8. 9 hours ago, Mahdi Safsafi said:

    Not always a bad code ! sometime you need to make a lock/release. So you must call the inherited in between and finally free the Lock object. Sometime you need to perform a notification, ... Just take a look at the RTL/VCL, there're many destructor that call inherited in between.


    9 hours ago, Mahdi Safsafi said:

    I didnt say its a good practice. All what I said there are some situations where its implemented

    I can't reconcile these two statements. 

  9. 8 hours ago, PeterPanettone said:

    However, your employer has to pay for the time you need to write overloaded code. (Though I assume you're a fast writer).

    In the OP you also write an implementation for each different type. So where is the saving? 

    • Like 4

  10. 1 minute ago, dummzeuch said:


    I would absolutely not want syntax like that. If that's the way you want to go you can do it today with generics.


    In an ideal world I'd like to see the generality offered by C++ templates though. That would allow algorithmic programming that is just too painful with generics. 



  11. 2 hours ago, Arnaud Bouchez said:

    Fair enough.



    But FPC doesn't suffer from this race condition AFAIK:

        procedure Set8087CW(cw:word);
               fldcw cw


    That's a different race though. At least when you call Set8087CW then you know what happens in your thread. But you can still end up modifying things in other threads I guess.
