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David Heffernan

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Posts posted by David Heffernan

  1. 10 hours ago, msi1393 said:

    I did this but it didn't work

    We still don't know anything about your dll. When I said that nobody can give you any step by step guides without knowledge of what the dll is, I stand by that. I mean, we could write you lots of hypotheticals. You've got one above. But how about you put some effort in and find out what this dll offers. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, JonRobertson said:

    Different languages have different rules and syntax. Is that really an issue?


    I see the "issue" as developers using the incorrect syntax for the language they are currently using.


    If I toured Italy, I imagine my trip would be more enjoyable if I spoke Italian. Which I don't. :classic_ohmy:

    I mean I broadly agree. I was just trying to explain to Thomas what the post he was responding to actually said.


    For me it's crazy that dynamic arrays are zero based but strings are one based. Obviously I can see how we got here.

  3. 1 hour ago, JonRobertson said:

    Should that matter? I started learning Pascal 35 years ago and C the following year. Not once have I written

    c := (a < b) ? a : b;


    if (a == b) { doSomething(); }

    while writing Pascal code.

    This is a strange post. The issue with multiple languages is the mix of zero based and one based indexing. 

  4. 1 hour ago, dummzeuch said:

    Since Delphi is kind of a legacy programming language nowadays, backwards compatibility is very important. You don't want to throw away millions lines of proven code because they don't work any more, or even worse, because they are now buggy. So trying to change strings to be zero based was a bad idea, even if it was "just for mobile platforms".

    I don't disagree with that point. My point is that it was a bad idea in the first place to make strings 1 based.

  5. for var item in arr do

    This is generally to be preferred, but sometimes you want the index as well as the item. In Python we write

    for index, item in enumerate(arr):
    	print(f"arr[{index}] = {item}")

    The absence of such a feature, which also relies on tuple unpacking, makes such loops in Delphi less convenient. This is pretty much the only reason for still using classic for loops.

  6. 8 hours ago, Nigel Thomas said:

    Using Delphi D2007.


    I'm trying to do the following:


      FileSig = record
        Offset: Integer;
        arrSig: array of byte;
      sig1: FileSig =
        (Offset: 10;
         arrSig: array [0..2] of byte = ($00,$01,$02);

    But I can't: E2029 ')' expected but ',' found


    In D10+ I can do:

      sig1: FileSig =
        (Offset: 10;
         arrSig: [$00,$01,$02];

    Is there a way I can do similar in D2007?

    No, this is not possible in Delphi 2007. You can declare typed constants for fixed length arrays, but not dynamic arrays.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 27 minutes ago, A.M. Hoornweg said:

    And many of these methods call each other, which complicates matters further because setfpcr/restorefpcr would have to support nesting.

    That's easy to fix. You just make sure that they call internal methods only.


    27 minutes ago, A.M. Hoornweg said:

    And multi-threading would make matters even more complicated.

    Not really. You can store the FPCR to a local variable in the exported method. 



    The thing is, the change in Delphi 12 isn't actually causing any new issues. These issues always existed. It's just a consequence of the "design" of DLLs not making FPCR part of the ABI.

    • Like 3

  8. 7 hours ago, msohn said:

    Now to get back to some real code, I'd love to hear your opinion on the following fragment (sorry, insert code popup again didn't work):


    function MyFloatingPointAPI: Double; cdecl;
        Result:= ComplexCalculation;
        on E: EInvalidOp do
          Result:= NAN;
        on E: EZeroDivide do
          Result:= INF;
        on E: Exception do
          ...log, handle, whatever


    If you properly document that NAN and INF are possible results of your API, this should work fine both with and without FP exceptions without introducing much of a performance hit, right?

    One very obvious problem is that you need to write code like this everywhere. Not just at the top level. I stand by my advice before. Either:


    1. Make FPCR part of the contract, or

    2. Take control on entry, and restore on exit.

  9. 6 hours ago, msohn said:

    In the end, you should make your code work both ways and check floating point calculation results with IsNAN and IsInfinity, e.g.

      F:= <some floating point calculation>
      on E: EInvalidOp do
        F:= NAN;
      on E: EZeroDivide do
        F:= INF;
    if IsNAN(F) then
      <handle InvalidOp>
    if IsInfinity(F) then
      <handle zero divide>

    This is the worst advice I've seen in quite some time!! 
