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Everything posted by Sherlock

  1. Sherlock

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    Where you? 😉 Seriously though, a down time of three days is unbecoming of a tech company.
  2. Sherlock

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    Yes, we might have to consider changing the header of this thread to (un)available. 😄 The import part getit.embarcadero.com is still denying access and that is where all the fun is stored.
  3. Sherlock

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    Yeah, got that too. Just rolled back my VM and will try again Monday or Tuesday.
  4. Sherlock

    Restart the same App?

    @Dalija Prasnikar I would always add Delphi to the search query. But other than that, Ian should now be good to go.
  5. Sherlock

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    Are there direct links to the web installers? CC is really slow...
  6. Sherlock

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    They are not down...they are just bent by the overwhelming demand.
  7. Sherlock

    10.3.2 as next or waiting for 10.4?

    Oh, goody! Can't pinpoint the exact problems, but I'm guessing soon I might get a project for iOS running again.
  8. Sherlock

    What options do I have to control custom releases?

    Sure you can. Give them the bare essentials, until a license is purchased. Or give them the maximum for 10 days, or whatever.
  9. This is more of a style thing, but please consider human readability and write while not Terminated do
  10. Sherlock

    RIO: Start Debug Session changes source

    Now that is something one should avoid anyway. Special builds for special customers create special problems. One version for all leads to the same problematic source for all - and generally speaking, source code is always problematic, as soon as it consists of more than "Hello World".
  11. Sherlock

    RIO: Start Debug Session changes source

    Compilation date is rarely useful, only when you don't use "source version" control, you need that information. Your customers surely don't need it.
  12. I would consider this to be a Stone Soup. So with minor contributions from everyone, this could really be a great thing. It could of course also go the way quite a few open source projects have gone straight towards oblivion, but I tend to look at things positive. I would be happy to contribute "human readable" content such as installation instructions (something lacking in most other OS projects) and so forth.
  13. To quote the Carpenters We've only just begun
  14. Sherlock

    How do you organize units, forms?

    Amen! Anyway, sorting is just something that pleases the eyes. I only keep the methods sorted within their classes. Anything else I find via Ctrl+f or Shift+Alt+s.
  15. Sherlock

    Funny Code in System.Types

    Would you prefer an exception?
  16. Sherlock

    Random app crashes on MacOS

    It aint always Delphis fault... good to know
  17. Sherlock

    CDATA CSV Component

    But I do hope it's either free, or very inexpensive. Importing CSV is far from being magic. It's more like splitting a String into a TStringlist and trying some StrToInt or StrToFloat... Otherwise, try looking into these threads from the mother ship https://www.delphipraxis.net/51457-csv-editor.html https://www.delphipraxis.net/158355-csvviewer-zum-betrachten-von-csv-dateien.html
  18. Sherlock

    New Inline variables mess up IDE

    @Mark Williams I'm genuinely surprised that Error Insight is working for you apart from inline variables. Apart from small (very small) projects this has never been the case for me since they introduced it, back in the day. So I guess...lucky you. I have to disable it every time I install Delphi. *sigh*
  19. Sherlock

    SVG Magic released

    This would actually be a great FMX enhancement...
  20. Sherlock

    SVG Magic released

    @PeterPanettone? Please! Words like slander are way out of line. I know it's hot, but please keep your cool.
  21. Marco Cantu announced FmxLinux is available for all developers using the Enterprise or Architect versions of Delphi or RADStudio. So go "GetIt"! Read more about it here: https://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/announcing-fmx-linux-bundling-with-delphi-and-rad-studio Discuss it right in this thread.
  22. I only smell "magic numbers" there. Rest looks fine.
  23. Sherlock


    Nope, dates are still "M D Y" including ordinal indicators for the day (June 24th 2019).
  24. Sherlock


    Well then get to it. The US have switched to the metric system as of June 2013, when the imperial measurements were rebased to depend on their corresponding metric units. Source: Wikipedia
  25. Just noticed this possible issue with the debugger: I have a simple generic list. Up until 10.2 when debugging I was able to see the items in that list - drill down into them if I wished. But in 10.3.1 the debugger stops at "items", I only see the addresses, but can't view the items anymore, this is a serious break in behavior. Am I missing something? Is there some setting I now have to apply to get the old behavior? Or is this a bug? TIA for any insights. Rio-debugging.mov Tokyo debugging.mov