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Everything posted by Sherlock

  1. @AlekXL Please consider reading your posts while taking your opponents point of view. Then please consider them to be human beings. Then alter your text, defusing the disses, then take a deep breath, read it again, insert some final niceties and finally post it. Moderators have been lenient thus far, but patience is growing short.
  2. I know that, but how many successful pull requests have you gotten into RTL/VCL/FMX so far?
  3. Sherlock

    Any advice when to use FileExists?

    Well...if you know your other methods do the file check, then don't do it outside of them. But only then.
  4. Very insightful and concise @Dalija Prasnikar. I would even go so far as to say: The compiler is not the issue, it's the libs (RTL/VCL/FMX) as you said, but also the IDE that might profit of opening up, and still there would have to be a team of code reviewers that would do nothing but prevent crap faulty/low quality code from getting into the base. Not sure if Embarcadero would want to make that investment.
  5. Sherlock

    Advice Needed: PDF Graphics Rendering Suite??

    OMG, that website is a total turnoff. Sorry 4 the OT.
  6. Sherlock

    Strange messages at run-time

    So, just to be clear. These are messages in the "Event Log"? They do not come from the compiler. They are messages triggered by your application and the DLLs it uses. Either you dive in deeper using the process monitor from SysInternals or check out how you access those files (standard API, some old legacy code, some new self made code, some alien technology and so forth) in your code. Where are those files? In the MS cloud aka OneDrive?
  7. Decorating almost always is. That is one of the most awesome features of Python, simple use of decorators.
  8. Sherlock

    Rio 10.3.1 IDE Compiler Error

    Aw, come on guys...back to trying to solve the issue please.
  9. Hah! Forgot about that caveat. Thanks, toms!
  10. And here's a link for that fine product: https://www.delphipraxis.net/attachments/50391d1544033172-wuppdiwp-neue-welcome-page-fuer-delphi-pkgwuppdiwp_dx103r_1-2-2.zip
  11. Sherlock

    Creating a "pull request" for jvcl

    Forget about it. The concept of pull requests eludes me as well. And I consider myself a regular git user.
  12. The secret here is in the platform dependent units System.iOS.Sensors and System.Android.Sensors. System.Sensors is mainly a placeholder or rather a unit containing virtual classes that are fleshed out depending on the platform. For example lets look at iOS as a target: Using System.Sensors.TGeocoder will result in System.iOS.Sensors.TGeocoder getting used. This implements a TiOSGeocoder described in iOSapi.CoreLocation. It is mapped to iOSs built in Geocoder aka CLGeocoder which has the method reverseGeocodeLocation and will return all the data. It's an iOS API call in essence. I'm very sure the same goes for Android. That's it.
  13. Works here with 10.3.1 on a Win10-64 VM. Must say however that on a Win7-32 VM only the connection seems to work. Server and client state a connection has been made, but after that no messages are received on either side. No hanging though!
  14. Sherlock


    Just post it right here, that's fine. Not every single AddOn/Component/Framework needs its own subforum.
  15. Sherlock

    Changes in Delphi from version to version?

    There is no definitive guide to this. Consult this thread as a starting point
  16. Sherlock

    Possible bug in debugger for Delphi 10.3.1

    Thank you all for the clarifications. I'll let the girls and boys at Embarcadero decide what to do with this. It is baffling however, how you are able to dismiss blatant reduction of usability with "the code was changed". I wish I could do this to my customers.
  17. Sherlock

    Possible bug in debugger for Delphi 10.3.1

    OK, wait a minute, please. I am just a dumb user and not an IDE developer. Since the introduction of generics this way of inspecting the contents of an object worked just fine. Now it does not anymore. I actually don't care what "they" did and why. I have not read anything in the release notes stating any changes in the debugger (apart from debugging optimized builds), for better or worse. So from my point of view it's unintentionally broken. Plain and simple. I really hope Rudy will see this btw. in reference to the discussion about breaking changes 😄 Guessing from your arguments my call might get closed soon, but here it is anyway: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-24041
  18. Sherlock

    Unused local variables

    Thank you! I thought I was the only one with "small" applications. My main application only has 18.000 LOC client side and roughly 5000 LOC server side. And its a medical device developed for cross platform use...
  19. Sherlock

    Possible bug in debugger for Delphi 10.3.1

    So it's a bug. Please don't tell me it's a feature. This has been a very nice and comfortable tool for debugging. I'll open a call.
  20. Sherlock

    Linker errors when including Facebook SDK on iOS12

    Sorry, never have, never will.
  21. Sherlock

    Unused local variables

    Please, don't waste energy on reinventing the wheel. The hint H2164 is there and even if I rebuild 3rd party every time I still see hints and warnings coming from my code.
  22. Sherlock

    SVG Magic released

    As far as I can tell, yes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SVG_animation
  23. Sherlock

    Check for override

    "Sometimes" is a word I can relate to. So please consider this post a "consoled face" 😉 This is the essence: Don't we all have the feeling that Emborcagear is not really dogfooding? This gets obvious when the (FMX) example projects wont compile...something an automated script should pick up in the pre beta phase. The needed changes there could easily be expanded to a "How to cope with our latest breaking changes". And if that is not possible something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
  24. Sherlock

    Check for override

    FMX comes to mind. The first few versions rarely had anything in common other than the base language. But then...that was work in progress.
  25. Sherlock

    Rapid generics

    Ok ok ok...just try to get back to the topic at hand... which is...um... "Rapid generics"