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Posts posted by Sherlock

  1. 3 hours ago, Der schöne Günther said:

    But what if the DFM is not in text, but binary form?

    Binary DFM are devils work and must be burnt at the stake whilst vigorously waving pitchforks and shouting obscenities. :classic_cheerleader:

    • Version control systems handle them poorly (not that text DFMs are far better in this regard, but, you can manage, once you move any pictures to a datamodule). Actually they are just binary blobs most of the time and will consume unnecessary storage
    • Everything else, the other guys said


    • Like 3

  2. @Angus Robertson

    1 hour ago, Martyn Spencer said:

    I found "Mida Converter" and purchased a license but the developer has been pretty much non-responsive. The software has a registration system that uses non-HTTP/HTTPS ports to handle the process and rather than just shipping a registration code, the process seems to be harder than required. He has not set up the account correctly, so I am unable to complete the activation. So, a refund is now in progress. Long story short, I have not been able to see if it would handle the job. 

    He has been there...

  3. With so many computers lying around, why is there no room for one with a correctly setup iptables and transparent squid(guard) with updating black lists? Better yet, IPCop + Squid?

    Windows is simply not safe to be directly connected to the Internet, no matter how much you fiddle around with its security settings. Seriously!

  4. OMG...I just saw, I copied the wrong declarations to the interface. My bad! Corrected here:

      TForm1 = class(TForm)
        Edit1: TEdit;
        Label1: TLabel;
        Label2: TLabel;
        Button1: TButton;
        MemoLog: TMemo;
        procedure BtnClick(Sender: TObject);
        procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 
        procedure OnServiceConnectionChange(Sender: TObject; PushChanges: TPushService.TChanges);
        procedure OnReceiveNotificationEvent(Sender: TObject; const ServiceNotification: TPushServiceNotification);

    But good on you, that you spotted the problem and solved it!

  5. Ummm, no. those methods are intended to be part of the class TForm1. So add those declarations to the class declaration:

      TForm1 = class(TForm)
        Edit1: TEdit;
        Label1: TLabel;
        Label2: TLabel;
        Button1: TButton;
        MemoLog: TMemo;
        procedure BtnClick(Sender: TObject);
        procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 
        procedure BtnClick(Sender: TObject);
        procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

    Like this...

  6. Just now, Clément said:

    Don't worry I have precedence :classic_rolleyes: ... I founded DHS when I was still in high school,Turbo Pascal and Turbo C++ ruled the world ( a long time ago , in a galaxy far away... )  ...

    And I bet they hate you for it :classic_biggrin:
