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Posts posted by Sherlock

  1. It does, I connect to medical devices, whose output the users want to see on my client software. They may install as many copies as they like, but have to pay for each signalprocessor :classic_biggrin:. Which is why I actually make money with a Python project...not with Delphi  :classic_ninja:

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  2. All hail monocultures and monopolies. That said, have you waited the estimated two weeks for your reconsideration review to be approved or denied? If so, what was their answer? If not, all you can do is wait.


    And no, this is not the start of Googles war on desktop software. It's what you get, when one provider of a common product gets an overwhelming share of the market - they become cocky.

  3. Firstly for the nomenclature: That is called the notification area. It used to be known as the system tray. When icons are added they land in the overflow section of the notification area automatically.

    Now, what is it you want to do? Do you as a user want to tell your windows to keep all icons in the notification area visible at all times? Or do you as a developer want to keep your own apps icon visible?

    For the former there is a solution I'm actually missing in your settings screenshot. There should be a switch to always display all icons in the notification area. Please see my screenshot for that...german, sorry, but you should get the gist of it.

    If it's the latter, I believe that to be impossible unless you write a Microsoft application... See the Shell Developers Guide for details: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/notification-area#add-a-notification-icon

    Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-17 um 14.49.02.png

  4. I don't think they are badly done. The are just stuck in time...

    Back in the day - you know, when COM was invented - interfaces where the go-to thing to get COM up and running in a Delphi project. Together with reference counting and GUIDs and stuff. Plus they allow for multiple inheritance. So, all ended there. Interfaces are feature complete... at least from a 90s POV.

    In comes a person used to a 00s language such as C# and there you have it: "I need this", "I don't know why I have to do that" etc. :classic_biggrin: Programmer millenials...

  5. You mean a mockup. Best way of achieving a "he's not done yet" feeling is to present a mockup in a drawing program such as the "queen" Balsamiq and keep the Delphi implementation hidden from sight. Why are the users snooping around your workplace in the first place? And shouldn't one be addressing the GUI in the final stages of development?

    But I know where you're coming from. I'm there too. So the second best thing would be to create a shitty looking GUI. I do that through gross misplacement of components, horrid colors and a big fat "MOCKUP" label.


    But for the more professional approach: https://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/prototyping-from-vision-to-ux-design



  6. Finally my 2cts: Using methods like Predecessor (or Successor) to access an index based on the amount of items in a container would just hurt my brain to much. I also would always think that -1 or +1 is faster than calling some method, but then I'm the kind of developer that doe not inspect Delphis libs, I just use them and rely on documentation...a dying breed I know. But know this, all you Delphi RTL and VCL know-it-alls give Embarcadero an excuse to not maintain the online help.:classic_ninja:





    Please consider this comment tongue-in-cheek.

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  7. As to the issue at hand, I feel your data is not correct. Every city and every country should have a unique ID. In your example, Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro have the same ID. As well as California (not a city, btw) and New York (maybe not a city) who both have the same ID. Furthermore you at least need a country_ID in your city table. Better yet, a junction table that references both IDs*. What follows then is quite simple: create a query to select cities for a variable country_ID. Set this variable according to the country_ID selected in the country combo and update the query. Then the city LookupCombo should display the desired result.


    *: This might seem a little over the top at first glance, but there is a Santa Cruz in at least 15 different countries...

  8. @Isaac Badru: Welcome to our little english Delphi forum. :classic_cheerleader:

    I know it is tough to post in English, especially technical stuff. There are people from all over the world here, and for everyone to profit from all that knowledge we use the common language of Delphi...and English to explain what we try to achieve and what we don't understand or know. Please try sticking to English as there might be a fellow programmer who can't speak Portuguese but is either the absolute expert for the question you are asking or has the same issue and desperately needs help. Google translate or Deepl are adequate tools to help you create your posts in a way anybody can understand, and more importantly can search for using the engine of their choice. You will find that searching for the solution of a programming problem will yield more useful results when the search is done with English key words anyway (or Chinese, but that is a different story), so try to get used to it, and enjoy learning English on the way.


    I translated above text with https://translate.google.com and with https://www.deepl.com. Which one is better? 


    Google says: Bem-vindo ao nosso pequeno fórum Delphi em inglês. Eu sei que é difícil postar em inglês, especialmente coisas técnicas. Existem pessoas de todo o mundo aqui e, para que todos possam lucrar com todo esse conhecimento, usamos a linguagem comum do Delphi ... e o inglês para explicar o que tentamos alcançar e o que não entendemos ou sabemos. Tente aderir ao inglês, pois pode haver um colega programador que não sabe falar português, mas é o especialista absoluto na pergunta que você está fazendo ou tem o mesmo problema e precisa desesperadamente de ajuda. O Google translate ou Deepl são ferramentas adequadas para ajudá-lo a criar suas postagens de uma maneira que qualquer pessoa possa entender e, mais importante, pode pesquisar usando o mecanismo de sua escolha. Você descobrirá que procurar a solução de um problema de programação produzirá resultados mais úteis quando a pesquisa for feita com palavras-chave em inglês (ou chinês, mas essa é uma história diferente), então tente se acostumar e aproveite o aprendizado Inglês a caminho.


    Deepl says: Bem-vindo ao nosso pequeno fórum inglês Delphi. Eu sei que é difícil postar em inglês, especialmente coisas técnicas. Há pessoas de todo o mundo aqui, e para que todos beneficiem de todo esse conhecimento usamos a língua comum da Delphi... e o inglês para explicar o que tentamos alcançar e o que não entendemos ou não sabemos. Por favor, tente manter-se fiel ao inglês, pois pode haver um colega programador que não sabe falar português, mas ou é o especialista absoluto para a pergunta que está a fazer ou tem o mesmo problema e precisa desesperadamente de ajuda. Google translate ou Deepl são ferramentas adequadas para o ajudar a criar as suas mensagens de uma forma que qualquer pessoa possa compreender e, mais importante ainda, pode procurar usar o motor da sua escolha. Você vai descobrir que pesquisar pela solução de um problema de programação irá produzir resultados mais úteis quando a pesquisa é feita com palavras-chave em inglês (ou chinês, mas isso é uma história diferente), por isso tente se acostumar, e aproveite para aprender inglês no caminho.



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  9. 39 minutes ago, bazzer747 said:

    As always, a silly mistake on my part, sorry to have bothered you before I did more thorough checking.

    That is what happens to me half the time as well, the other half I'm chiding myself to be more careful next time. Then I forget...

  10. Load them in a thread, but don't expect speedup unless every single texture is stored on its own hard drive.  You should also generate an AnimationBitmap object for each loaded image, and once the thread is done, or it once it needs to be used be used, synchronized assign it to the main thread BitmapListAnimation.
