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Achim Kalwa

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Posts posted by Achim Kalwa

  1. On 11/9/2021 at 9:44 AM, dummzeuch said:

    Hm, the minimum height for this form is set to 660 pixels. That might be a bit tight depending on the height of your task bar.

    On top of that there might be the general scaling problems in Delphi 11, but I actually doubt that this is the issue. 

    No, Delphi 11 is not guilty here 😉

    There is some code in GX_Configure.pas which looks like some debug leftover: In line 311...316 the dialog is inflated to a minimum of 1000 x 1000 pixel. Remove that code an the configuration dialog will become usable.

    • Thanks 1

  2. 7 hours ago, Lars Fosdal said:

    They could have made the "Patch available" a little more prominent, as well as putting it in the "New in GetIt" and "Promoted in GetIt" panes.

    Any the should remove that hint after installing the patch. I'm working with several VMs; and sometimes I forget which VM includes the patch and which one still needs the patch. Some information in the About-box would be helpful, too. Delphi 11 Patch 1 still shows <No Updates Installed>.

    • Like 2

  3. On 10/7/2021 at 3:14 PM, Tom Mueller said:

    Windows 11 menu without and with image (hard to read black text on dark-blue background)

    Can anyone reproduce this behavior?

    Yes. And I've reported this issue some weeks ago as RSP-35049. The black text is caused by a bug in Vcl.Menus.pas; procedure DoThemedDrawText(): The parameter "Selected" is completely ignored in that code, but should be used to select to correct theme element details. Feel free to vote for it 😉.


    But even if this will be (hopefully) fixed in some Delphi 11.1 update I'm still looking for a workaround without using a full copy of Vcl.Menus.pas. Something like patching Vcl.Menus at runtime (using Delphi Detours? Or code from Andreas Hausladen's VCLFixPack?) to replace DoThemedDrawText() with a fixed version (see RSP-35049 for the required changes). Any help appreciated.


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  4. 2 hours ago, FranzB said:

    I use this  code  below to read an integer value  from an database

    Which Database system do you use? Which connection components?


    my code is functional, if there is an integer value stored.  

    Reading an  " "  empty field I get an exception failure. 

    What is the  best coding style to  avoid  this error  in an application ?  

    If the field in the database is declared as "Integer", it should never contain a Space character. It could be NULL, which means it doesn't contain any value. Most database access components will translate NULL to the value 0, so an empty field should not raise an exception.


    Which value do you expect in case the field is NULL?


    To be save, you can test for empty fields yourself:

    var F : TField;
    F := Qry.FindField('IntegerField');
    if Assigned(F) and (not F.IsNull) then
      aObject.IntValue := F.AsInteger
      aObject.IntValue := -1; // or whatever value you choose in case of an empty field.


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  5. Maybe some of the scaling issues could be solved by setting Form.Scaled := True. I've added

    procedure TfmBaseForm.Loaded;
      Scaled := True;

    to TfmBaseForm (GX_BaseForm.pas) (to not edit every dfm by hand). But I am not sure if this works on all inherited forms. My first test with the "Goto" experts are looking good:




  6. Watch the grid's indicator column: The current (active) row is marked with a triangle, while selected rows are marked with a dot. If the current row is also a selected row, the indicator shows a dot and a arrow.


    You need to make the current row a selected row:

    if DBGrid1.SelectedRows.Count = 0 then
        DBGrid1.SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;


  7. I did a clean install of Delphi 10.4.2. One of the first steps is to compile and install GExperts. SVN revision 3449 compiled fine, but when running the "Register-GExperts-XX104.cmd" it fails with "Runtime error 217 at 50CDB390", followed by "Problem beim Starten von .\GExpertsRS104.dll. Eine DLL-Initialisierungsroutine ist fehlgeschlagen."


    To trace the error I compiled GExperts in Debug mode, using Debug-DCUs. Then I used Run->Parameters to set "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe" as "Host", and the full path to the compiled GExpertsRS104.dll and ",InstallGExperts" as parameter:


    Host application:




    Now I could debug the installation from within the Delphi IDE.

    The startup-code InitUnits (in System.pas) initializes all units and calls class constructors; and in Vcl.WinXCtrls.pas it calls a class constructor TSearchBox.Create. This code creates an internal TImageCollection and adds two default images, which finally leads to TWICImage.Create in Vcl.Graphics.pas (Line 10624 ff).


    The call to CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WICImagingFactory, ...) fails with error code $800401F0 = CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED =  'CoInitialize has not been called' and an exception is raised with message 'Cannot create instance of class CLSID_WICImagingFactory'.


    To solve this problem, I need to insert CoInitialize(nil) somewhere, and because I won't change VCL and RTL units I had to find another place. Finally I found that the initialization block in GX_GenericUtils.pas is called some steps before the exception is raised, and already uses unit ActiveX, so I placed a CoInitialize(nil) in GX_GenericUtils.pas initialization block.

      CoInitialize(nil);  // this line added

    And the error is gone!

    Finally I could install GExperts into Delphi 10.4.2 😉 [Yes, I know how to use RegEdit].

    @dummzeuch : Maybe there is a better place to insert that missing CoInitialize(nil). Also I don't know if that call has side effects on older Delphi versions and should be surrounded by some IFDEFs. Since it is only one line inserted, I did not create a patch.


    I'm going to report this new VCL bug to quality portal.


    Thanks for reading,


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  8. Hello Thomas,

    I would just like to notice that the "Grep" expert is no longer available due to some changes in SVN rev. 3383 ff. The defined hotkey does nothing, and the menu item is gone. The new Grep submenu has "show Grep results", but no "Grep search".

  9. On 10/29/2020 at 10:20 PM, Carlos Tré said:

    I already had an expert in place to change the editor's toggle insert / overwrite mode for I am a lousy typist and was going crazy hitting the insert key when home was intended.

    @Carlos TréVery interesting; I would like to use that expert, too. What's the name of that expert? Or did you write it yourself and are willing to share the code?

  10. In fact first attempt was to integrate this little patch into GExperts. There is already GX_VCLFixPack.pas, which is a slightly modified version of Andreas' VclFixPack.pas. It is currently not in use (disabled by $IFDEF) and needs some cleanup, e.g. remove unused and old Win95 code 🙂. But for a "complete" GX Expert it would be neccessary to have at least an on/off configuration switch in the IDE settings section; but I did not dig deep enough to implement such a thing. And some kind of documentation would be helpful, too.

    Maybe I'll find some spare time at the weekend for creating a patch to GExperts.


    • Thanks 1

  11. I know I am late to the party, but you might try the attached package for Delphi 10.4.1.

    It uses the hooking code from Andreas Hausladen's VclFixPack v1.4 to patch the TControl.DefineProperties method to a modified code, which does not write those Explicit* properties to the DFM file.

    Unpack the zip archive, open DControlsFix.dpk in Delphi 10.4.1, compile & install. There is nothing to customize. If this package is installed, the patch is active. If you like to get the default behaviour back, just uninstall the package.

    Use at your own risk 😉



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  12. 22 hours ago, Alberto Fornés said:

     Hello, which tool do you use to do this enumeration?, thanks. 

    It is something I created myself with Delphi 10.3.

    In the past I used a tool named MetaFileExplorer, but it always crashed on some of the files I need to handle. In a first step I tried to fix that bug in the C++ code, but finally decided to create my own EMF explorer using Delphi. It is not public available; and is far from complete (it only handles ~50% of all possible EMR commands; mainly what the VCL Graphics uses when painting on Canvas).

    • Thanks 1

  13. 41 minutes ago, Attila Kovacs said:

    try to save it to a file and look into it with a wmf viewer, maybe you find something)

    That was a good hint: Enumerating the emf file shows a EMR_BITBLT as the main graphics command. I was hoping that painting the SVG to a GDI canvas will result in a bunch of GDI commands/operations, but the SVG is rendered to a bitmap representation instead. That's OK for me.



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  14. Hello pyscripter,

    many thanks for this library. I've downloaded the example and enhanced it to draw the SVG onto a metafile canvas; but I get always a black background. When painting on the form's canvas or a paintbox canvas the drawing is transparent as I expected.

    Any idea how to remove the black background when painting to a metafile canvas?


    And btw:

    SVGInterfaces.pas: property "Heigth" is spelled wrong; should be "Height".



    SVG Drawing.png

  15. Hello Peter,


    yes, the downloaded update/patch needs to be installed manually. Close the IDE and doubleclick "patch2.bat". This will trigger the User Account Control (UAC) to give the patch app admin credentials. It will open a black console window, with quickly scrolling messages from the patch progress.


    I've installed that patch a few days ago; and I can confirm that

    - no information about the patch is in the About dialog.

    - the Access Violation in the LicenseManager.exe is fixed.


    You can verify if the patch was installed successfully by checking the timestamp of some files in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\bin" folder; it should be 2020-07-15 (using ISO date format):

    - LicenseManager.exe:

    - dcc32.exe

    - getit270.bpl


    If the files are still older (e.g. 2020-05-16), the patch has NOT been installed. Just try again 🙂


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