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sh17 last won the day on November 15 2020

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26 Excellent

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.4 Sydney

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  1. sh17

    Why Aren't You Using SQLite?

    i use only sqlite in my server application. All user access it over a REST-Api. So 30 Users are no problem.
  2. sh17

    XML: Parsing UBL 2.1 in Delphi

    The problem will be that there are many different versions of this format. There is no one correct scheme. And I think he will receive more of these invoices in the future
  3. sh17

    XML: Parsing UBL 2.1 in Delphi

    This is a ZUGFeRD-UBL-Invoice My Repo LandrixSoftware/XRechnung-for-Delphi: XRechnung Implementation for Delphi (github.com) reads currently XRechnung in UBL and CII Format If you can wait a little longer, UBL support for all other ZUGFeRD formats will be available in September LandrixSoftware/ZUGFeRD-for-Delphi: ZUGFeRD / Factur-X Implementation for Delphi (github.com)
  4. sh17

    FMX in VCL app - working natively ?

    I set up the project again and incorporated all pull requests. landrix/Delphi-Firemonkey-Container (github.com)
  5. I'm interested in it too. Or does anyone know an implementation in C# or Java?
  6. No activity in the repository. Open pull requests. Is there an alternative? What is currently the best choice for cryptography under Delphi?
  7. sh17

    Firebase Push Notification for IOS

    I've found this Delphi 11 – Firebase Cloud Messaging ( FCM ) – iOS app Push Notification - Synaptica srl
  8. new reporte issue on this [RSP-33962] F2084 Interner Fehler: AV0D803420(0D7E0000)-R54626454-0 - Embarcadero Technologies
  9. sh17

    swagger help needed

    I'm in the same situation right now. There's no Delphi client generator for Swagger? Damn it.
  10. https://github.com/DelphiPraxis/DDevExtensions/releases/tag/v2.87 compiled pre-release, not fully tested yet
  11. @jbg do you manage pull requests? Otherwise we can centralize development here. https://github.com/DelphiPraxis/DDevExtensions
  12. sh17

    LibPhonenumber Delphi-wrapper

    the according Visual Studio project will come shortly I still have to prepare it, it looks a bit wild. technical it uses https://github.com/3F/DllExport
  13. In case someone wants to use the LibPhonenumber library from Google in Delphi. I've written a wrapper for the C # port of this library. Support for 32 bit and 64 bit. https://github.com/landrix/LibPhonenumber-for-Delphi
  14. sh17

    Sending email and compose via Outlook

    Yes, definitely in Office 365.
  15. sh17

    Sending email and compose via Outlook

    Not very different TMailOutlook = class(TObject) private const olMailItem = $00000000; private class function HaveActiveOleObject(const ClassName: string): boolean; public class procedure Execute(const _To,_ToCC,_ToBCC,_Subject,_Body,_Attachment : String); end; { TMailOutlook } class procedure TMailOutlook.Execute(const _To, _ToCC, _ToBCC, _Subject, _Body,_Attachment: String); var Outlook: OleVariant; MailV: Variant; begin if not HaveActiveOleObject('Outlook.Application') then Outlook := CreateOleObject('Outlook.Application') else Outlook:= GetActiveOleObject('Outlook.Application'); MailV := Outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem); if (_To <> '') then MailV.To := _To; if (_ToBCC <> '') then MailV.BCC:= _ToBCC; if (_ToCC <> '') then MailV.CC:= _ToCC; MailV.Subject := _Subject; MailV.Body := _Body; if _Attachment <> '' then if FileExists(_Attachment) then MailV.Attachments.Add(_Attachment); MailV.Display; end; //// Want to Bypass exception so we check this without using the activex unit class function TMailOutlook.HaveActiveOleObject( const ClassName: string): boolean; var ClassID: TCLSID; Unknown: IUnknown; oleresult: HResult; begin ClassID := ProgIDToClassID(ClassName); oleResult:= GetActiveObject(ClassID, nil, Unknown); result:= Succeeded(oleResult); end;