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Lars Fosdal

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Everything posted by Lars Fosdal

  1. Lars Fosdal

    General DB access question -- paging query results

    See previous my comments in this thread. SQL Server 2008 does not have built in support for pagination, while 2012 and newer does.
  2. Crosses heart, spits over left shoulder, throws salt over the right one, all while repeating "Thou shall not goto".
  3. My advice: keep your permissioning as simple as possible. Flexible permissioning is a rich source of challenges 😛
  4. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-23024 MCVE attatched to report.
  5. That is a good point. I ended up calling a class method that do the init code in the unit init section. It still is a strange warning, though.
  6. Reported a doc error: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-23024 Doh! Wrong issue!
  7. Gotta love the level of detail in the help for the interceptors 😞 http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Rio/en/REST.Json.Interceptors Nudging @David Millington...
  8. Or, a lack of established conventions - or - as for xml, an endless series of abuse 😛
  9. @Kryvich Do you know of any good examples of custom reverters? I am only going to consume these structures, not produce them - so that simplifies it a bit. Basically, I'd love to be able to transform the inner array elements to a single object, as there is only a limited number of permutations.
  10. Indeed. This structure was probably designed by someone that is not loading objects, but who just walks the structures with a weakly typed language.
  11. So - what happens to { "switch": true } in an array of array of variant?
  12. Is there a way access TCustomAttribute values on individual enumerated values? type TLevel = ( [Tx('First')] one, [Tx('Second')] two, [Tx('Third')] three );
  13. It does allow the syntax, though - so perhaps someone had it planned, once upon a time.
  14. Is there a way to use RTTI for records to allow walking public consts and types to extract names and values? Asking for a friend 😛 - kidding ... I'm try to produce documentation of certain structures at run time, and would like to do something like TDocBuilder.WalkRecordType<html>. type html = record type TRow = TArray<string>; public const LineBreak = '<BR />'; nbsp = ' '; lt = '<'; gt = '>'; DivEnd = '</div>'; public type divStyleDefault = record public const info = 'info'; book = 'book'; chapter = 'chapter'; section = 'section'; detail = 'detail'; example = 'example'; jsoncode = 'jsoncode'; end; divStyleDebug = record public const info = 'debuginfo'; book = 'debugbook'; chapter = 'debugchapter'; section = 'debugsection'; detail = 'debugdetail'; example = 'debugexample'; jsoncode = 'debugjsoncode'; end; {$ifdef debug} divStyle = divStyleDebug; {$else} divStyle = divStyleDefault; {$endif} end;
  15. Lars Fosdal

    RTTI and record consts?

    It's too complex for that, as the variations are many and loosely coupled. It means I will have to handcraft more info manually.
  16. Consider type TSomeType = (One, Two Three); TSomeTypeHelper = record helper for TSomeType class function Values: TArray<string>; end; Can I use RTTI to find the record helper type for TSomeType and the Values function? Reason: I'd like to call Values - which would be a naming convention (since record helpers can't be inherited or generic) - for any type that has a record helper with a class function named Values.
  17. Lars Fosdal

    What does TDataSet.CopyFields do?

    Intuitively (i.e. also guessing 😛), I would tend to believe that DestDs tries to look up fields that exists in it's own structure , by name from SrcDs, and copy the value of such fields?
  18. Lars Fosdal

    GetIt: missing all the TurboPower component

    The Fastreport VCL compos installed, but my project doesn't find the files in Rio. Haven't had time to delve into why.
  19. Lars Fosdal

    Unresponsive IDE and massive memory leaks with RIO

    FWIW: I had Berlin 10.1.3 and Tokyo 10.2.2 installed, before installing Rio - all installed with their respective Web installers. I did have betas for Berlin and Tokyo, but not for Rio (never had time to spare). I have the same registry settings that Uwe shows for 24, 25 and 26 - with 26 being the "current". 64-bit Windows. PS C:\> Get-ComputerInfo | select WindowsProductName, WindowsVersion, OsHardwareAbstractionLayer WindowsProductName WindowsVersion OsHardwareAbstractionLayer ------------------ -------------- -------------------------- Windows 10 Enterprise 1709 10.0.16299.371
  20. Lars Fosdal

    Unresponsive IDE and massive memory leaks with RIO

    I disabled theming, and the UI became quite a bit more responsive.
  21. Lars Fosdal

    Unresponsive IDE and massive memory leaks with RIO

    My first impression is that the Rio IDE is sluggish. Resizing the frame of the IDE from left border is jumpy as heck (Single 4K display).
  22. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi 10.3

    @Daniel - u fix?
  23. I wonder, would it be nice to channel posts on QP issues to a specific sub-forum? f.x. "Delphi Bugs & Issues" Sub-titled "Reported to QualityPortal" We do get a certain amount of these, particularly around new releases.