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Lars Fosdal

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Everything posted by Lars Fosdal

  1. Lars Fosdal

    Access violation in library code

    That FFFFFFF9 address looks like a nil reference negative offset. Does TBSDictionary.SetElements check the validity of the references?
  2. Lars Fosdal

    SBOM tool for Delphi

    I would have said that this is a manual task, as components or libaries might not be easily identifiable. In theory, you could write something that scanned the source files and picked out copyright messages, but the list would probably be ripe with duplicates, and have many missing entries. On the other hand - if the scanning could be done out-of-project and connect units to a vendor once and for all and allow for manual tidying, then it would basically be about scanning the map file post build, and create and link a resource text (or JSON or XML) with the SBOM info. Sounds like a development opportunity for a creative person with time to spare.
  3. @Bart Verbakel Is it a file used only by your application(s) - i.e. are you in control of production and consumption of the file? In that case, you have the alternative to modernize the file structure to f.x. JSON to support unicode and additional/optional fields. If you stay on your Record format, you need to do explicit conversions between your shortstrings and other strings in the system. MessageDlg( String( F1Pool.Deelnemer[High(F1Pool.Deelnemer)].Teamnaam ) + ' succesfully added!', mtInformation, [mbOk], 0); // Should silence the W1057
  4. @Bart Verbakel Does the output file have a specific format, or is it just a text file with multiple lines?
  5. Lars Fosdal

    Stringgrid cell color

    You could perhaps do a grdDetails.Canvas.FillRect(Rect) before calling TextRect?
  6. I participated in an IT event this winter, where gender discrimination was one of many sub-topics, and there was many real-life examples by women who had experienced it. Gender discrimination still is a real issue - particularly for the young women starting their careers.
  7. Yet, women are fighter pilots, front line soldiers, astronauts, mountain climbers, race car drivers, plumbers, electricians, engineers, and what not. IMO, equality is about more than comparing physical traits. It is about mentality, attitude and equal opportunities. I think it is good for any industry to have a balanced work force, hence we need to find out why there are less female programmers, and not bury our heads in the sand, like SO did with their yearly polls.
  8. The health risks are the same for men and women in that environment. Even when pregnant. Apart from the ability to exert physical strength (not including my niece who is a strongwoman national champion), women are no less fit than men to work in difficult or demanding enviroments. I also have a machine-engineering niece, and another one that is currently doing her master on material techology. But, as always, we are drifting - no, racing - away from the core topic, and I am (as often) to blame.
  9. No idea. We don't really have that many mines these days. However, women can drive heavy machinery as good as or better than men. https://forskning.no/svalbard-partner-historie/kull-karer-og-kvinnfolk/1023284 informs
  10. Someone needs to make a ChatGPT SO front-end that helps you ask questions that are acceptable to the moderators of SO 😛 As for ChatGPT generated answers... I don't mind those as long as they are verified to be correct before publishing. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case.
  11. Quite low. Not many female developers using our ancient tool, it seems. We need more women in IT to end the boy's club attitudes that exist in many places.
  12. Yet, the 2022 survey statistics shows that less than 1 in 10 of the responding users are female.
  13. https://www.wired.com/story/stack-overflow-gender-problem/ and there is this... Can the moderation be a factor when women, minorities and non-native english speakers are put off by SO?
  14. I just did some deshittification and perma-deleted my Reddit account. It followed my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat accounts. I never was on TikTok. Enough with the corporate anti-social media. I'd rather be an anti-social among other anti-socials on a truly social platform like Mastodon.
  15. Lars Fosdal

    Program "hides" behind the others

    Personally, I would be fine with it being in the background while I wait for it to complete the update/restart. At that point - I'd prefer a notification panel that would allow me to refocus the new window manually. I really do not like apps that bring themselves to the foreground - for whatever reason. I am looking at you, configured to start-with-first-login Teams, Outlook, and Discord. If I didn't initiate the starting of the app MANUALLY, I don't want it to grab my focus and keyboard input.
  16. That is probably as good a justification as any other. 🙂
  17. Lars Fosdal

    Upgrading from 11.2 to 11.3

    I second that. I had a lot less issues after I started doing upgrades this way.
  18. It is more a defacto observation - since MDI window styling doesn't happen in Windows 10 and 11. Ref. https://github.com/dotnet/winforms/issues/3691 which has a series of interesting comments. So - given it has been like this for 10 years - is it likely to be fixed?
  19. @David Heffernan 20ish years ago, we replaced it with a toolbar-like main window and floating windows with "magnetic" edges. But - the floating approach became less sexy when you no longer could control the window size/position of other apps. Today, it would probably have been based on larger windows, with multi layer panels/grids. It depends a lot on your use case. The current apps - which are WMS related - use a navigator sidebar/menu and "virtual tabs". The drawback of MDI was a lot of space went to borders and title bars. You could work around that, but why do that when you can just as well do panels/grids/splitters? Also - what if MS decides to yank out MDI completely? It is, after all, deprecated.
  20. Especially when you consider that MS has abanoned it themselves, not updating the styling for MDI. I wrote a successful MDI app back thirty years ago. I would not have chosen MDI for that app today.
  21. Why not go ASP.NET Core for microservices? Tons of tooling, scalability, containers, cross-platform, etc.
  22. Do you use LiveBindings? I don't.
  23. I stopped asking or answering questions on SO years ago due to the moderation. Life is too short to bother with the aggravation.