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Lars Fosdal

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Everything posted by Lars Fosdal

  1. Lars Fosdal

    Cross platform HTTP client with proxy support?

    @softtouch- ref. THttpClient on Mac - Access Violation - did you register an issue on the Quality portal?
  2. Lars Fosdal

    A book about Object Pascal Style Guide

    But... so much shit to clean up, and no time allocated to doing it... I'd go nuts.
  3. Find out where that attribute is declared and include the file? or... is this relevant: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Workaround_for_C%2B%2B11_Attributes_(Clang-enhanced_C%2B%2B_Compilers)
  4. Lars Fosdal

    A book about Object Pascal Style Guide

    I'd be looking for a new job with a competent manager. This sounds like an ulcer-inducing task.
  5. Lars Fosdal

    Convert Png To ico fmx delphi

    The iOS sizes are weird, and needs manual rescaling - so I get the sarcasm from @Anders Melander There was a thread with another Delphi tool that made icons, but I can't recall which post.
  6. Lars Fosdal

    FileOpen dialog not showing all files

    Wow, that IS weird.
  7. Lars Fosdal

    400 Bad Request ,nginx/1.14.0

    I recently bought https://www.charlesproxy.com/ for debugging some https header issues. Easy to use and invaluable insights. It has a somewhat annoying trial version that may help you spot the difference between the Firefox and Delphi headers.
  8. Lars Fosdal

    FileOpen dialog not showing all files

    Are there any special attributes on the files not listed?
  9. Lars Fosdal

    Convert Png To ico fmx delphi

    That depends somewhat on the platform you want your FMX to run on. The newer IcoFX versions has explicit support for Mac recommended sizes at least. I haven't checked if it has native icns support, but you can use another tool to convert the format. Delphi wants .png files in the various sizes for Android and iOS, so that is something that can be exported - but appear to accept both .ico and .icns for MacOS and Linux.
  10. Lars Fosdal

    Convert Png To ico fmx delphi

    IcoFX is my goto tool for Icons. But, I have to admit I use the last free version: 1.6.4
  11. Lars Fosdal

    A book about Object Pascal Style Guide

    I am at a loss for words... How old is this codebase?
  12. Having an AI that can point out bugs or suggest improvements in MY code, is far more interesting than having purely AI generated code, IMO. On the other hand, I use the ISO8601 methods in System.DateUtils 😛
  13. Lars Fosdal

    Need a "Delphi programming guideline"

    Another good read is https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/framework-design-guidelines/9780135896457/ It is not Delphi specific, but the advice is sound and actively applied to C#/.NET code by Microsoft. Also - the book I wish I had read during my education days. https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/code-complete-2nd/0735619670/
  14. Lars Fosdal

    Fatal Error F2039 - Could not create output file

    Have you excluded the output folder from AntiVirus software? Also, have a look at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer which can reveal what process that is holding the file.
  15. I stumbled on this: https://www.parallels.com/blogs/hyper-v-mac/ It doesn't say anything about TPMs, though, but https://kb.parallels.com/123975 mentions being able to run VMWare under Parallells - yet still no word on TPMs. Is that an approach you have explored?
  16. Lars Fosdal

    Fatal Error F2039 - Could not create output file

    Have you checked if an instance of the output app is still running? Does the problem persist if you restart the IDE?
  17. I assume you've already read: https://kb.parallels.com/en/122702 on TPMs? Duh, yes you had ><
  18. Lars Fosdal


    Or, you invest in EurekaLog or MADExcept.
  19. I recently moved my Hyper-V Windows 11 VM from my old laptop to my new laptop. After using the Hyper-V manager Export / Import features, there was one extra step to make the TPM for the old VM work on the new machine. That step was essentially migrating a couple of certificates from the old machine to the new machine. https://robinhobo.com/how-to-move-or-restore-a-windows-11-vm-in-hyper-v-with-tpm-enabled-shielded-vms/ (Also read the comments in the article for helpful tips) I also have Windows 11 for ARM running with TPM enabled under Parallells on a MBP M1 Pro, but since I only have one Mac, I have not researched migration there. I abandoned VMWare for Hyper-V some years ago.
  20. Lars Fosdal

    Free installation error

    @WhitePortal Either your firewall, your router, DNS / hosts file, or your internet service provider, or something on the Embarcadero side of things is not letting your traffic through.
  21. Lars Fosdal

    swagger help needed

    Is that built on TMS Biz?
  22. Lars Fosdal

    swagger help needed

    That looks very promising, @Wagner Landgraf! I already have the code I need for pulling live specs and accessing the APIs. How deeply tied are the TMS Biz classes? Is the loaded Swagger/OpenAPI document class suitable for "plugging in" a custom class generator? I already have a set of framework classes that I want to create code for.
  23. Lars Fosdal

    Better way to maintain a list in a database table??

    Today, if you are in the enterprise, splunk logging is all the rage.
  24. Lars Fosdal

    Better way to maintain a list in a database table??

    The format was made before JSON was a thing, but I should have had a tab as the separator after the header. The logs were meant to be human readable and referenceable text for RegEx searching.
  25. Lars Fosdal

    Better way to maintain a list in a database table??

    Local text logs are very handy and low cost. Just to give you some ideas... Since I have servers in many places, I ended up with a scheme that named the logfile something like this AppName.MachineName.LogContext.yyyymmdd-day-hhmm.pid-nnnn.log where the timestamp is when the logfile was created. That gives me a unique log name, across apps, servers and instances, and I can filter on the timestamp part of the name when I want to delete logs that is older than my limit. In memory, I write log entries to a circular buffer, and I have a background thread that "burst" write the log every second to avoid having the logging thread lagging on file operations. The logfile contains a "header" for each line which is applied when the log entry is added to the buffer. line number {hh:mm:ss,nnn (threadid) memoryload} log text Also, ensure that you don't write secrets to the log file. This particular logfile grows to about 250MB per day and rolls over to a new file at midnight. So, make sure that you have a mechanism that ensure your logs don't grow to infinity and that you delete the old ones, or your storage will suddenly be depleted. Database logs are great if accessing the machine where your process runs is cumbersome security-wise. But: If the database is unreachable, you have a problem - also, writing to a database is far more costly than writing to a local file.