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Lars Fosdal

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Everything posted by Lars Fosdal

  1. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi 11.0 has a different form Caption offset than Delphi 10.4

    It's a nightmare when you have 350+ frames and forms that may need a touch-up, and you still can't be sure they won't be f'd up if two people with different DPI settings edit them.
  2. Lars Fosdal

    CharInSet revisited (again)

    @pyscripter - A char in a Unicode string is a word, not a byte. The old set operator is useless for Scandinavian chars, as well as German umlauts, etc., unless you convert to ANSI - and that is not desirable.
  3. Lars Fosdal

    CharInSet revisited (again)

    That is what I meant, and you are right - how could it...
  4. Lars Fosdal

    CharInSet revisited (again)

    Does CharInSet support multi-byte Unicode characters?
  5. Lars Fosdal

    UAC request minimized instead of full-screen

    I see minimized / background UAC dialogs from time to time, and it is annoying as heck. I can't really see a pattern, though - and I can't say 100% for sure, but I don't think our own app that requires elevation have behaved like this for me. Mostly, it seems to be installers, or apps launched by installers?
  6. Lars Fosdal

    Rest in peace dear Danny Thorpe

    Danny Thorpe was one of the pillars that Delphi is founded on. A giant among giants. His legacy is solid and we will remember him with love and respect, and send our condolences to his family.
  7. Lars Fosdal

    What is part of your contiuos integration?

    We have multiple sites that are development sites, test/qa sites or production sites. Each site can have one of three build tracks: Development, Pilot or Live. Update model can be automatic or manual. The config is kept in a database. The Continua CI will push new builds automatically to the dev/test/qa sites that have been configured as automatic, only if the automated unit tests was a success, and uses the same PowerShell scripts that are used when pushing out a new version manually. This saves a lot of time during test/qa, when fixes are more frequent than for a live site. The manual part consists of using a UI to select which site(s) that will get which executable(s), and db schema updates from the relevant build track. Scripting based on a stored config minimizes the chance of pushing the wrong version to the wrong site.
  8. I just discovered a very weird bug. We have a build server running FinalBuilder og Continua CI, and the build process executes a DUnit test app. This week, two of the 600+ tests failed with the error: So, we thought- Developer error - perhaps we have a mismatch between the Delphi code stuffing parameters and the parameters of the stored procedure? Nope - that was not the reason. So we checked the source code, deleted all logs, deleted all .exe files, delete all 13k .dcu files that Continua had cached, and ran it again. Still the same error. Recompiled the DB stored proc. Rebooted the app server. Rebooted the DB server. Still the same error. I ran the app manually from a PowerShell prompt, and to my surprise, it did NOT report an error. The unit test used the DUnitX stage action in Continua - and invoked a .cmd file that just launched the test app with some command line params. So - I modified the action to be a .ps1 script and changed the action to run the .ps1 script instead of the .cmd script- and No Errors. I then modified the DUnitX action to directly invoke the exe and pass the params, and No Errors. So - why does the same 32-bit application apparently use different ODBC drivers when run from a cmd prompt, vs run from a powershell prompt?
  9. Ref . https://newbedev.com/is-there-any-difference-between-a-guid-and-a-uuid it seems that all UUIDs can be GUIDs, but not the opposite.
  10. I'd go for the second alternative, but I'd do it as a function returning a boolean for found/not found and an optional boolean flag on whether to raise an exception or not.
  11. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi and the new Apple M1 CPU

    I "need" one too. If it can't run Windows, I'd still be able to make music with it. But - it will run the Windows 11 for ARM preview... https://www.parallels.com/blogs/windows-11-tpm/
  12. Lars Fosdal

    I/O Error 103

    Does the program itself append to its own .exe ? Antivirus software may take offence.
  13. Lars Fosdal

    Where are the FD Enterprise Connectors hiding?

    Overpriced and underfeatured. Stay away.
  14. Lars Fosdal

    New Type ambiguity in Delphi 11?

    Considering TShiftState is declared in System.Classes in both 10.4.2 and 11, that is strange. Also, TMouseButton is declared in System.UITypes in both versions.
  15. Lars Fosdal

    LSP - Alexandria

    How much semi-circular unit references do you guys have?
  16. Servers down for maintenance or otherwise unreachable? Cleaning lady pulled the plug? Same old, same old...
  17. I don't think so. I still have the welcome page, but GetIt is not loading data for me either.
  18. One per Package you disabled.
  19. At your own risk - Under Rename $(BDS)\Bin\WelcomePageIDE280.bpl to f.x. XXX-$(BDS)\Bin\WelcomePageIDE280.bpl When you start Delphi 11, it will state that the package can't be found and asks if you want to try to load it again on next start. Voila - no welcome page. You can do the same with the other WelcomePage packages as well since they then no longer are used.
  20. Lars Fosdal

    LSP - Alexandria

    C++ or Delphi?
  21. Lars Fosdal

    read integer value from database, best practice ?

    @mvanrijnen - I don't use Interbase, so I can't say for sure, but in SQL Server they differ slightly.
  22. Lars Fosdal

    Where is Ctrl-F3 coming from?

    Ctrl+F3 seems to be "built in" as a synonym for Ctrl+Alt+S. Search Entire Scope seems to follow most recently used state. F6 - No idea. Would it be possible to grab the hotkey from elsewhere in the IDE?
  23. Lars Fosdal

    PC Specs for Delphi??

    Didn't support multi threading IIRC The closest it came, was non-preemptive multitasking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_multitasking But, DPMI allowed you do actual concurrent programming. I had true multitasking COM port threads in some of my Borland Pascal DOS apps.
  24. Lars Fosdal

    Maximum static memory

    No. FastMM has different heaps for small vs large allocations. FastMM can grab very large chunks of memory from Windows and suballocate according to what you need. https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Memory_Management#The_FastMM_Memory_Manager_.28Win32_and_Win64.29 The guesswork from the memory manager on how your allocations may be resized, will impact how much memory it allocates and can explain the "overuse" of memory. Also, how your data is represented decides how much data needs to be rearranged on sort. The larger the chunks are that need to be rearranged, the higher the time cost. To rephrase: Less moving of data = better performance. Again, without actual code, it is not possible to theorize on the bottlenecks of your bucket sort vs quick sort comparison.
  25. Lars Fosdal

    Menu captions with images are hard to read under Windows 11

    "Ouch! - that bit!" Eight bits = 1 byte here as well? /disappearing backwards into the hedge