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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. dummzeuch

    Mustangpeak UltraExplorer

    Which functions / classes are missing if you remove that unit?
  2. dummzeuch

    Mustangpeak UltraExplorer

    Google translates this to: FW123-The website may have filing problems or sensitive information. Please check the filing status or website content. Not sure what it means.
  3. I can't say anything about Windows 10, but with Windows 8 Remote Desktop's dual monitor support is available with pro and works quite well. (It's probably multi monitor support, but I've got only two.)
  4. Have you tried Remote Desktop yet?
  5. One option to consider: Instead of using the monitor/mouse/keyboard emulation of the VM, try connecting to the VM through Remote Desktop. In my experience that makes a lot of a difference.
  6. dummzeuch

    Flow Diagram as a ProcedureList option

    That depends on the license of that DLL, I guess. This sounds as if you have got a particular DLL in mind. Which one?
  7. dummzeuch

    Flow Diagram as a ProcedureList option

    So, when can I expect a patch, that implements this functionality?
  8. So far I have only seen a single spam post here. Not sure whether the reason is that there aren't that many or that people and admins are fast in reporting and removing it.
  9. dummzeuch

    Generic Command Line Parser for Delphi 10.3.x

    Yet another one. 😉 I guess sooner or later everybody ends up writing his own, because the built in one is/was not up to par and none of the publicly available ones was popular enough. (When I wrote mine in 2006 I searched for an existing solution that fit my needs and found none.) Here is mine: https://osdn.net/projects/dzlib-tools/scm/svn/blobs/head/dzlib/trunk/src/u_dzCmdLineParser.pas It allows to register options with and without parameters as well as parameters and can generate help for them. The latter was the feature I was missing with any existing solutions I found.
  10. dummzeuch

    looking for design ideas for an easily editable list

    I second VirtualTreeview, but be prepared for a steep learning curve. (Every time I use it in a new project I have to look up how to use it.)
  11. Try do temporarily disable your virus scanner and see whether the problem goes away. (That's the only idea I came up with, everything else is so obvious that I think you probably already tried it.)
  12. dummzeuch

    GExperts and Delphi 10.3.2

    Everybody and his brother – ahem – sister is blogging about the latest Update for Delphi 10.3 which has been announced two days ago. As always, Embarcadero’s servers are overloaded and have been down for hours. I have now started downloading the ISO and my browser is telling me it should be finished in 90 minutes. I’m not convinced yet… The first feedback has been that GExperts seems to work with the new version but there is an access violation when exiting the IDE. I’ll give it a try once the download has finished and if I can actually install the new version. Everybody else of course is welcome to get the GExperts sources and compile their own DLL to test. I’m interested in feedback about self compiled DLLs more than about the last release. If somebody can track down the AV and maybe even propose a fix that would be great. (that's actually the full blog post from here: https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2019/07/20/gexperts-and-delphi-10-3-2/ )
  13. dummzeuch

    GExperts and Delphi 10.3.2

    The assertion in SynTextDrawer usually only happens after another exception on exit, that probably prevented DeactivateFontInfos from being called. I have yet to find the cause. The Assertion is new, introduced by my recent update of SynEdit to the current version from GitHub. I have just played a bit with the "disable all editor enhancements" option, no crash at all. 10.3.2 seems to be usable now. I'll try to do some work in it and see if I can reproduce the problem.
  14. There are a few things that every single one of our internal programs should do: Every dialog should be sizeable if it makes any sense at all. Delphi makes that easy with the Align and Anchor properties. Ask yourself the following questions. If you answer any of them with Yes, ... https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2019/04/03/things-that-every-desktop-program-should-do/
  15. Given some of the available color schemes that might be a feature. 😉
  16. Since I have never used GetIt for anything: Does installing those components that are free (not just demos) and those that you can buy via GetIt (is that actually possible?) also install the source code? In that case I would not bother backing up the components or any installer files but would move the source code to my own SCM. Whenever an update from GetIt is available, I would then update that SCM. Updating from GetIt would only be done on one particular installation, every other installation would use files from the SCM. In particular I would expect a company that uses Delphi to have a policy of never directly using GetIt and never use binary only components. Any company that does not have such a policy I consider likely to go belly up in the near future. It has become more likely that a component vendor goes out of business than ever before. (OTOH, I am not sure whether a company that uses Delphi nowdays isn't doomed anyway. But hey, I am working or one. 😉 )
  17. Stored window sizes and positions (in whatever) should not roam, unless one can be sure that the user always has the same hardware. That's why I switched to the registry from a centrally stored ini file (the latter could also be questioned, but in this particular case it makes sense to have a common configuration for all users).
  18. dummzeuch

    Gexpert PE Infomation

    Intersting. The other menus seem to be fine, only the PE Information has this behaviour. I'd bet that the problem would go away if I removed the icons. (But I haven't tried it yet.) Theming is 💩
  19. I haven't used it really, but isn't code folding meant for exactly that use case? There is code that you don't want to see, so fold it away. Of course automating that would be really nice, which brings us back to the parsing requirement.
  20. dummzeuch

    Passing back a string from an external program

    Thanks for the suggestion, but that sounds like quite some overkill for my purpose.
  21. dummzeuch

    Refer to Form Control without using the Form unit?

    So you want the compiler to check all the references for you without giving it the references to check? Not possible. You could put all the form variables into a global unit, typed as TForm and only use that unit. Unit AllMyForms; Interface Uses Forms; Var TheMainForm: TForm; ASecondaryForm: TForm; Implementation End. Unit TheMainFormUnit; Interface Type TTheMainForm = class (TForm) // stuff here end; // remove the variable declaration here // Var // TheMainForm : TTheMainForm; I'm not sure this would work. It might wreak havoc with the IDE. (Sorry for the source code mess. I'm on mobile and for whatever reason there is no insert source code button.)
  22. Surprisingly difficult to find any Delphi implementation at all. Googling "5F3759DF" "delphi" finally turned up something: http://www.sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=190407&msg=20745512 function FastInvSqrt(const Value: Single): Single; inline; var IntCst: Cardinal absolute result; begin result := Value; IntCst := ($BE6EB50C - IntCst) shr 1; result := 0.5 * result * (3 - Value * sqr(result)); end; and function FastInvSqrt(x: Single): Single; var xhalf: Single; i: Integer; begin xhalf := 0.5 * x; i := $5F3759DF - (PInteger(@x)^ shr 1); x := PSingle(@i)^; result := x * (1.5 - (xhalf * x * x)); end; These are using different constants. (And some more in that thread, unfortunately I don't read Russian, so I don't know what the result of the tests were.) Nothing useful turned up for "5F375A86" "delphi" which is supposedly the optimal constant when using Newtons iteration. And "fastinvsqrt" "delphi" found some more: https://github.com/itchyny/fastinvsqrt/issues/1 (In Chinese, no idea what they are talking about, it is not part of the official list in that project.) https://sourceforge.net/p/graphics32/mailman/graphics32-commits/?viewmonth=201109&page=0
  23. dummzeuch

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    You're probably not allowed to publish such a comparison.
  24. dummzeuch

    EmptyString constant

    Does a constant called EmptyString with the value '' make any sense to you? I think it is just confusing. I mean, when I see it used somewhere I assume that it has some special value that is *not* '', otherwise the programmer would have used a literal '', wouldn't he?
  25. dummzeuch

    GExperts and Delphi 10.3.2

    After I managed to update the license on elc today (thanks again to Matthias Eissing), I was able to compile and use GExperts in Delphi 10.3.2. So far without problems, but that does not mean much because I started and exited the IDE a few times and didn't do much more. I'm busy with other stuff (using Delphi 2007).