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Everything posted by dummzeuch

  1. Was there ever a Delphi version which wrote a project version of 17.3 into the .dproj files? <Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"> <PropertyGroup> [...] <ProjectVersion>17.3</ProjectVersion> </PropertyGroup> As far as I know there was no such version. 17.2 was Delphi XE8 and 18 was Delphi 10.0 Seattle. Apparently Project JEDI generates .dproj files with project version 17.3 for all Delphi versions >XE8,
  2. AppMethod ? Possible, according to Jeroen's list it existed until Delphi 10, so it might have used ProjectVersion 17.3. But I found that JEDI uses that version in the packages for all Delphi versions >XE8, so even if I assume AppMethod, it would still be wrong. (Background: See my blog post on dzBdsLauncher)
  3. dummzeuch

    10.4 Beta with Update Subscription

    So, we conclude: They limit the number of testers => Don't want them to find bugs? On the other hand: Many bug reports are that bad that they are not worth the time you spend reading them. (But in my experience the majority of bug reports are good.)
  4. The latest version of dzBdsLauncher can now also handle some .dproj files with invalid ProjectVersion entries (e.g. those generated by project JEDI which apparently uses ProjectVersion 17.3 for all Delphi versions >XE8). It does this by evaluating the DllSuffix entry, if one exists. This can also help solving conflicts if the ProjectVersion is not unique. In addition the tool can now also open .grouproj files. read on in the blog post.
  5. Today I released version 1.0.2 of dzPackageInst. Its a command line tool that allows installing and uninstalling design time packages into the Delphi 6 to 1.3 IDEs. read more in the blog post
  6. dummzeuch

    Why upgrade?

    Actually it's much easier to get money from management for an update whenever it is being released than skipping a few versions and then argue that a particular release is so important that you must buy it. It's even easier with a subscription because then you don't have to argue at all, once you got the subscription. This gets worse with company size. Of course that particular reason might not be valid for you or your company.
  7. dummzeuch

    Error on Replace Components

    Which version of GExperts and which version of Delphi are we talking about? (Did you create a bug report?)
  8. dummzeuch

    Why upgrade?

    I agree, mostly, at least when it comes to upgrading from 10.2 to 10.3. The disadvantages of the unstable IDE offset the advantages of new language and IDE features by far. But I would have upgraded from 2007 to any XE version (up to 10.2) if it weren't for the subtle bugs the Unicode transition is likely to bring to code that isn't prepared for it (we still have code that uses strings as buffers for binary data, even though I have cleaned it up a lot). There are of course no unit tests for this legacy code, and on top of that they are difficult to write, because they usually rely on some hardware to communicate with. And just to add more fun, this code must run on Windows XP, which is no longer officially supported by the RTL and even less by the IDE (did anybody try to install recent Delphi versions on XP? I would be interested in your findings). That is a major stumbling block(?) right now.
  9. dummzeuch

    Debug visualizers

    It's a hack (there is no OTA access to the debugger in Delphi 2005 to 2007): The plugin reads the output memo from the dialog and then tries to convert it. It then directly writes the result to the memo. That has some drawbacks of course: long text is truncated so the conversion won't be complete. Float strings do not have the full precision, so converting them to TDateTime is also restricted in the precision, mostly on the time part. Yes, I decided that apparently nobody is interested, so I simply kept it to myself. If anybody wants it, I'll make the source code available (if I can still find it).
  10. dummzeuch

    Debug visualizers

    Just in case somebody needs TStringList and TDateTime visualizers for Delphi 2005, 2006 or 2007: here you go
  11. dummzeuch

    Why upgrade?

    Actually when I did some performance comparisons between Delphi 2007 and 10.2 with the same code and the same compiler settings, I got some noticeable improvements (yes I did timings). That's one particular program though and it is doing heavy graphics manipulation with mostly integer arithmetics, but still, it's evidence that the compiler was indeed improved since 2007. I can't say anything about improvements over the last few releases though. And the IDE is definitely eating more CPU in every new release.
  12. Good point, I added the manual test later to make THashedStringList work with the same code as a sorted TStringList. It shouldn't hurt performance though since the expensive search code is executed anyway to find the place for inserting the new string. btw: I appreciate your feedback on the testing code, even if it might not have sounded like I did.
  13. Obviously, as you pointed out yourself, I am adding duplicates, which the string list should ignore. (That actually is based on my "real world" usage of the list which I want to replace.) I know of no way to achieve that otherwise, or is there one that I don't know about?
  14. You are right about that this is not a good test. My goal was not to create a real performance test for it, just something easy to write that gives me an idea which possible solution to investigate further. But yes, inserting strings in ascending order is definitely going to create some bias. Where am I sorting the string list? It's set to be sorted in the beginning and not changed. Actually I didn't post the code for the string list at all, just for the hash and the dictionary. (OK, i did)
  15. Hey, I just noted that my dzlib is missing from that list. 😉 Thanks for the hints.
  16. Hm, I must be doing something wrong. I can't see any improvement of a TStringHash over a sorted TStringList. Adding the same entries to a TStringHash took 3.12 seconds while it took 3.07 for a sorted TStringList. The same took 0.32 seconds for a TDictionary. Looking them up with ValueOf took approximately the same amount of time for TStringHash and sorted TStringList, while for TDictionary it took 0.32 seconds. I tried sizes of 1024 and 10240. This is the timing code: procedure TForm1.DoTiming(sl: TStringHash); const CYCLES = 100; var IdxCycles: Integer; Idx1: Integer; Idx2: Integer; Idx3: Integer; sw: TStopwatch; s: string; Idx: Integer; begin sw := TStopwatch.StartNew; for IdxCycles := 1 to CYCLES do begin for Idx1 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin for Idx2 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin for Idx3 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin s := chr(Idx1) + chr(Idx2) + chr(Idx3); if sl.ValueOf(s) = -1 then sl.Add(s, Idx1 * 10000 + Idx2 * 100 + Idx3); end; end; end; end; sw.Stop; m_Output.Lines.Add('Add: ' + sw.Elapsed.ToString); sw.Reset; sw.Start; for IdxCycles := 1 to CYCLES do begin for Idx1 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin for Idx2 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin for Idx3 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin s := chr(Idx1) + chr(Idx2) + chr(Idx3); Idx := sl.ValueOf(s); Assert(Idx = Idx1 * 10000 + Idx2 * 100 + Idx3); end; end; end; end; m_Output.Lines.Add('IndexOf: ' + sw.Elapsed.ToString); end; The code for TStringList is very similar. It uses AddObject instead of Add and IndexOf instead of ValueOf. procedure Tf_HashedStringListTest.DoTiming(sl: TStringList); const CYCLES = 100; var IdxCycles: Integer; Idx1: Integer; Idx2: Integer; Idx3: Integer; sw: TStopwatch; s: string; Idx: Integer; begin sl.Sorted := True; sl.CaseSensitive := True; sl.Duplicates := dupError; sw := TStopwatch.StartNew; sl.BeginUpdate; for IdxCycles := 1 to CYCLES do begin for Idx1 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin for Idx2 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin for Idx3 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin s := chr(Idx1) + chr(Idx2) + chr(Idx3); if sl.IndexOf(s) = -1 then sl.AddObject(s, Pointer(Idx1 * 10000 + Idx2 * 100 + Idx3)); end; end; end; end; sl.EndUpdate; sw.Stop; m_Output.Lines.Add(sl.Count.ToString + ': Add: ' + sw.Elapsed.ToString); sw.Reset; sw.Start; for IdxCycles := 1 to CYCLES do begin for Idx1 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin for Idx2 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin for Idx3 := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do begin s := chr(Idx1) + chr(Idx2) + chr(Idx3); sl.IndexOf(s); end; end; end; end; m_Output.Lines.Add(sl.Count.ToString + ': IndexOf: ' + sw.Elapsed.ToString); And the one for the TDictionary just calls TryGetValue instead of IndexOf and Add instead of AddObject. I guess it has something to do with the limited length of the strings. Or I am overlooking something else entirely (it has been a long day and I'm not going to test the other solutions right now).
  17. Would you please be so kind and send it to me via private message? (Unless of course you prefer to attach it publicly to this thread.)
  18. Both look interesting, thanks. Now, I just need to find the time to run timing tests. 😉
  19. If I remember correctly (I bought Tomes of Delphi years ago), the source is not freely available. But it's a good idea, I'll have to check.
  20. Yes: I thought of improving it too, but it probably would be more work than writing my own. Just the fact that it's based on TStrings adds overhead that I would like to avoid. (I guess you meant THashedStringlist, because if I remember correctly, TStringHash isn't even exported.)
  21. What's the license of this code?
  22. Even if that was as easy as it sounds, I doubt that this meets the definition of "free implementation". Yes, this is what many people tell me. I might even drop some of them, but since I do most of my professional work with Delphi 2007 (the last pre Unicode version), dropping support for it in GExperts would not really be smart.
  23. You must keep in mind that Embarcadero only occasionally syncs the public jira with their internal one. Usually just before a new release lots of entries get closed. Unfortunately that does not always mean that they have been fixed.
  24. Everybody seems to be blogging about Delphi having been around for 25 years, so I won’t stay back and tell some of my story. When I finished university and started a job, Delphi was just about being “born” and I was working with Turbo Pascal and later Visual Basic. VB was great in some aspects because it allowed to easily design user interfaces and write code only where you needed it. It wasn’t after several years later that I was introduced to Delphi when I took a job at fPrint UK Ltd. (Yes, that’s what web pages looked in 1997) and moved from Germany to the UK. The time I worked there was among the best of my life. I had some great coworkers there who were expert software developers ... read on in the blog post.
  25. Which web page are you talking about? Mine? fPrint's? If it's the latter: I think it originally had a background color matching the GIFs' background, so it didn't look quite as bad as in the archived version.