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Posts posted by dummzeuch

  1. 10 hours ago, JonRobertson said:

    But I do not care for the Delphi IDE integration. I use the Explorer integration and have TortoiseGit configured to use BC.

    I wrote my own IDE "integration" using the tools menu a few years ago. Scooter Software actually contacted me about it when they ware approached by Embarcadero to license BC for the IDE integration. I like to think that my simple work was what sparked the idea.

    Having said that I don't like the IDE integration either. Its complicated to use.

  2. 8 hours ago, JonRobertson said:

    I have Beyond Compare installed with Delphi IDE integration. Unfortunately I am not a fan of BC's Delphi integration. It has bit me more than once.

    Did you know that the limited Beyond Compare that comes with Delphi, can be used to show the differences of two arbitrary files? Just start it with parameters or even just start it and use drag and drop to diff the files. I have even configured it in TortoiseSVN as the diff viewer.

  3. I've moved this to a new topic because it is not much related to Delphi 12 being released.

    1 hour ago, Dalija Prasnikar said:


    2 hours ago, dummzeuch said:

    OK, so what are examples for editors that are not "stuck in the Stone Age"?


    Anything from JetBrains... 


    I am not saying that Delphi is stuck in the Stone Age... but it is lagging behind in some areas.

    OK, I bite: What's your favorite feature(s) in a JetBrains editor that Delphi does not offer? (Excluding things that Delphi offers but that don't work.)

  4. 1 hour ago, Miko330 said:
       var a := 2;

    becomes :

    var a:=2;

    I don't know if this is the right method:

    after adding 2 lines in 'GX_CodeFormatterFormatter.pas' at line 1633


                 end else if (FPrevToken.GetExpression(exp) and SameText(exp, 'for')) then begin
                   // for with inline var declaration
                 end else if (fStack.GetTopType = rtTry) then begin
                   // inline var declaration inside Try/finally block
                 end else begin


    everything becomes good with the right indentation inside Try/Finally.


    Just to confirm: Your first example is how you think it should be formatted?

  5. HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

    ProductName: REG_SZ


    On my Windows 10 pro it says "Windows 10 pro".

    There are several other entries that might be of interest, e.g. DisplayVersion="22H2".


    Of course this can easily be manipulated by an administratorl

  6. 49 minutes ago, FreeDelphiPascal said:

    some of them (like multi line strings or colored lines between begin/end) were already availalbe since 100 years ago via IDE plugins.

    Which plugin provided multiline strings? Or are you talking about the property editor for multipline strings?

  7. 3 hours ago, Attila Kovacs said:

    Each unit name belongs to a new line, with groups separated by an empty line.

    Actually, instead of an empty line, it could be a comment with the group, e.g.

      // Windows group
      // vcl group

    So it doesn't look like somebody forgot to remove an empty line.

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, Fr0sT.Brutal said:


    That is actually the name of a street in Schmedeswurth (never heard of it before, but I looked it up in Google Maps) so it's not a city. And Schmedeswurth is a very small municipality whith < 200 people living there, which I doubt qualifies for even a small town.

  9. 52 minutes ago, Lars Fosdal said:

    Ref, next major version of Delphi...

    Triskaidekaphobia IS to be trifled with 😛


    I do wish more companies would simply adopt a calendar centric version.  

    RAD Studio <year>.<release>.<patch>.<build>

    I also wish that the minor releases could be installed in parallel! 

    Unfortunately you won't get that past most marketing departments.

  10. I just played around with those tool windows, trying to dock and undock them in various ways.

    I found that having several tool windows docked together in a floating window doesn't work well in neither of the Delphi versions I have tested (10.2, 11 and 12). Part of that might be due to my special setup (monitors with different resolutions and scaling) though.


    I guess they don't do much testing with floating windows at Embarcadero or even in the beta. Or they just didn't assign high enough a priority to fix those oddities. I haven't checked for bug reports.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Dalija Prasnikar said:

    No, it is not the same functionality. Break and Continue will just make single unconditional jump to the finally, while goto would require two jumps, one of them conditional. It is far from being the same. 

    No. Both, break and continue make a jump to the finally block and then to the end or beginning of the loop. Not a big difference to what a goto must do. The only difference is that goto can jump to an arbitrary position in the code while break and continue only jump to the end or beginning of a loop.

    • Like 1

  12. 1 hour ago, balabuev said:

    This one is interesting:

      goto L1; // Compile error, but why?
      goto L2; // 

    Exit, Break and Continue work in the above case.

    What would you want this code to do?

    • directly jump to the label - or -
    • execute finally and then jump to the label ?

    Neither really makes sense to me.

    Exit, Break and Continue always execute finally.

  13. I have now moved building the .res files for icon.rc and the manifest to pre build scripts. Compiling from command line and the IDE and  works on my computer with freshly checked out sources even in a directory containing a space character ("GExperts Test") for both, Delphi 11 and 12.

    • Thanks 1