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Edwin Yip

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Everything posted by Edwin Yip

  1. Edwin Yip

    Thread programming without sleep or WaitFor events

    There is iocp-delphi if you go for IOCP.
  2. Edwin Yip

    JSON woes

    mORMot's TDocVariant supports back to D7 so I think it should work well with D2007 all the way to the newest Delphi.
  3. @Darian Miller, Thanks for sharing, but your code will pollute existing thread names such as "main thread" and "thread-created-by-madExcept". I'm not sure if there is a way to check if the thread's named already before changing its name?
  4. Edwin Yip

    Connection string encryption

    I think you nailed it, the others think either bullet-prove encryption or do nothing. And here is a ROT13 algorithm by Andreas Rejbrand: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6800389/133516
  5. Edwin Yip

    Minifing HTML

    As for as I know, I don't think there is a ready-made one for Delphi. Maybe find a C library and wrap it for Delphi?
  6. Agreed. Check TSynDictionary from SynCommons.pas of the mORMot framework. SynCommons.pas is self-contained without any dependency.
  7. Sorry, no idea at all, I'm not using it ATM.
  8. As a serious software developer you have to constantly refactor and improve your code.
  9. Auto-trim input string in the "Goto Line Number" box
  10. Edwin Yip

    Devart SecureBridge Now Supports Android 64-bit

    Hello Jordan, Is it possible to build a full featured terminal like putty with SecureBridge?
  11. Edwin Yip

    How to close Messages window automatically

    I'm using https://github.com/DGH2112/Message-View-Helper by David
  12. Perfectly, like the attached screenshot of the "Follow Link" feature of visual Studio code (provided by Warreñ Postma on Facebook) Thanks.
  13. Edwin Yip

    New Third Party section - DelphiHTMLComponents

    Agreed, public support and discussion here will encourage knowledge sharing and help popularize the product. Please consider, @Alexander Sviridenkov
  14. I'm already doing it here, right? :) They posted the suggestion on the Delphi facebook group already, and I thought GExperts might be able to do it, so my report here. I don't want to upgrade Delphi always, so I'm not very enthusiastic to do that :)
  15. Suggestion === Allow start a new GREP search session with a new window. A use case === Assuming I'm in the middle of reviewing/checking/changing references to a specific function where the amount is not small, and now I need to do another global search for another identifier. A current workaround === Combine the using of the IDE's Find In Files menu. PS, Sorry, I came up with this workaround after finishing writing the above, but FWIW, I still post this suggestion.
  16. Edwin Yip

    SFTP client

    And what's the result, did it work :)
  17. Edwin Yip

    wtf is TForm.Action for?

    The same quick question once occurred to me, I concluded I don't have a use for it, and I just ignore it :)
  18. Edwin Yip

    SFTP client

    I heard about it before, but I didn't know it has any relationship with SFTP or SSH...
  19. Edwin Yip

    SFTP client

    Really? I know nothing about that, but Devart needed to create a whole set of classes for implementing ssh and sftp
  20. Edwin Yip

    GExperts 1.3.14 released

    Thanks! F5 to refresh in Grep Results window still doesn't work in my Xe4, not sure why.
  21. Edwin Yip

    With's the deal with "With"?

    @Gary, after so many years of using MMX I didn't know there is a 'Convert With Statement'!
  22. Edwin Yip

    Payment - Monetization - Good international PSP

    FastSpring's Classic e-commerce platform (not their new contextual e-commerce platform), very customizable
  23. The compiler somehow always compile a strange icon into my EXE no matter what I do. This issue's driving me crazy (really, after spent a day fixing another resource-related issue and this come out...). Any one can help me? The stackoverflow question is here so I won't repeat the details: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57538331/delphi-icon-of-compiled-exe-is-wrong-and-cannot-be-changed Thanks in advance!