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Dave Nottage

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Everything posted by Dave Nottage

  1. They haven't: there is critical code missing that allows them to work in the background: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-21460
  2. Dave Nottage

    Install Android SDK manually?

  3. Dave Nottage

    DelphiTwain on 64-bit

    I've finally managed to put together a test case, which is here: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/MiscStuff/blob/master/Test/RDSTwainTestCase.zip
  4. If it's other than in the project folder, you need to set the Source path in the Debugger section of the Project Options:
  5. Works OK here. My steps: 1. Create a blank FMX app, change platform to OSX 64-bit 2. Add a button and memo 3. Add the code you described 4. Save the project 5. Open FMX.Memo.pas from the source, and save it in the same folder as the project 6. Put a breakpoint in TCustomMemo.GetText 7. Close the file in the editor 8. Run the app with debugging 9. Click the button. IDE opens the local copy, as expected, and stops at the expected breakpoint
  6. Dave Nottage

    [bug] Camera + Effects

    A stack trace would be more helpful. It should appear after you click "Break". If not, click View > Debug Windows > Call Stack or just use Ctrl-Alt-S
  7. Those paths look suspiciously like mine in Kastri Free. What exactly are you compiling? I suggest checking whether you have a unit that references the DLL without having a conditional define, or that the path to it is included for macOS when it should not be
  8. Dave Nottage

    Android, how to call a TJIntent

    If you are using Delphi 10.3, for this situation you do not need to modify AndroidManifest.template.xml yourself. Unless you have other customizations to it, please delete it (or remove your <provider> changes). Go to the Project Options, select Application > Entitlement List and check the Secure File Sharing checkbox.
  9. Dave Nottage

    Android 8.0 Permissions errors using Delphi Rio 10.3

    Right; that would be because, as I said earlier, it is "shown only when permissions are not granted by the user"
  10. Dave Nottage

    Android 8.0 Permissions errors using Delphi Rio 10.3

    You need to trace through the TAndroidPermissionsService.InternalRequestPermissions method in the System.Android.Permissions unit. Note that the rationale is shown only when permissions are not granted by the user.
  11. I found out from Dmitry Arefiev. It really should have been included in the release notes.
  12. libcgsqlite3.dylib is now a "featured" file. Go to Deployment Manager and use the Add Featured Files to add it.
  13. Dave Nottage

    Refer to Form Control without using the Form unit?

    FindComponent returns nil if you misspell the name, so just check for nil?
  14. Dave Nottage

    DelphiTwain on 64-bit

    The difference is it is loaded by RDS. I could put together code that just replicates the problem, if you're able to help with it
  15. Dave Nottage

    DelphiTwain on 64-bit

    Tested this again today. Using TransferMode := ttmMemory, ScanTest.bmp is the result using the "standalone" DLL, and ScanTestA.bmp is the result using the "RDS" DLL. ScanTest.bmp ScanTestA.bmp
  16. Dave Nottage

    DelphiTwain on 64-bit

    Yes, with a different failure; can't recall exactly. I'll check again tomorrow.
  17. Dave Nottage

    DelphiTwain on 64-bit

    You're right, it should be, and I changed it to THandle (same as used by GlobalLock) for hNative in the TransferImages method, and the Handle parameter in the ReadNative method, but to no avail - same problem. The handle numbers are larger, e.g: In the "standalone" DLL: 57278728 (36A0108) In the "RDS" DLL: 2333671976 (8B190228) and 1541866024 (5BE70228)
  18. Dave Nottage


    That's pretty much what I've needed to do, i.e. remove all that are not in the correct order, then insert in the correct order
  19. Dave Nottage

    TEdit with a background color

    Instead of using Edit Custom Style for every component that we want a background color on, I came up with some code similar to this: type TEditEx = class(TEdit) private FColor: TAlphaColor; function GetBackgroundRectangle: TRectangle; procedure InternalSetColor(const Value: TAlphaColor); procedure SetColor(const Value: TAlphaColor); protected procedure ApplyStyle; override; published property Color: TAlphaColor read FColor write SetColor; end; procedure TEditEx.ApplyStyle; begin inherited; InternalSetColor(FColor); end; function TEditEx.GetBackgroundRectangle: TRectangle; var LStyleObject: TFmxObject; I: Integer; begin Result := nil; LStyleObject := FindStyleResource('rect'); if LStyleObject = nil then begin LStyleObject := FindStyleResource('background'); if LStyleObject <> nil then begin Result := TRectangle.Create(LStyleObject); Result.StyleName := 'rect'; Result.Align := TAlignLayout.Contents; Result.HitTest := False; Result.Stroke.Kind := TBrushKind.None; Result.Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Null; Result.Parent := LStyleObject; end; end else Result := TRectangle(LStyleObject); end; procedure TEditEx.InternalSetColor(const Value: TAlphaColor); var LRectangle: TRectangle; begin LRectangle := GetBackgroundRectangle; if LRectangle <> nil then begin FColor := Value; LRectangle.Fill.Color := FColor; end; end; procedure TEditEx.SetColor(const Value: TAlphaColor); begin NeedStyleLookup; ApplyStyleLookup; InternalSetColor(Value); end; A side-effect of this code is that the inner parts of the edit control can be selected in the Object Inspector, like this: Any ideas of what I've done wrong, and how to remedy it?
  20. Dave Nottage

    TEdit with a background color

    We have a winner! Thanks
  21. Dave Nottage

    GExperts Crashes RAD Studio 10.3.2 on Shutdown doesn't crash on exit for me. I guess I'm behind the times? 😉
  22. Dave Nottage

    DelphiTwain on 64-bit

    I'll have to check mstsc and RDP-session after the weekend, but the others are 64-bit. Regardless, the DLL succeeds in enumerating the sources, the scanning progress dialog shows, and it completes the scan; it is only when it reaches the ReadNative method and calls GlobalLock that there's an issue - why would all that comes before it succeed? Yes, it's non-zero.
  23. Dave Nottage

    DelphiTwain on 64-bit

    Not on the remote machine no, since it does not have the scanner connected; the local machine does, where the RDS DLL resides. In this call, rc can be one of TWRC_XFERDONE, TWRC_CANCEL, or one of the error values. In this case, it is returning TWRC_XFERDONE (which is why it proceeds to the ReadNative call, where the error occurs, as per one of my earlier messages) so one would hope that it is returning a valid value for hNative. As far as GlobalLock is concerned, it apparently is not.
  24. Dave Nottage

    Open folder in Explorer/Finder

    The TOSDevice record in this unit: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/KastriFree/blob/master/Core/DW.OSDevice.pas Has a ShowFilesInFolder method, which "re-routes" to the respective platforms, namely macOS and Windows. For macOS: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/KastriFree/blob/master/Core/DW.OSDevice.Mac.pas For Windows: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/KastriFree/blob/master/Core/DW.OSDevice.Win.pas