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Dave Nottage

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Posts posted by Dave Nottage

  1. 6 hours ago, Hans♫ said:

    Now it links with the FBSDK 4.36 without problems, and after a few hours of work to adapt my code to the new API version, everything works!

    Excellent! There's someone in another post here asking about whether there are updated imports for the FB SDK. Perhaps you can help them, or at least give them an idea as to whether everything still works anyway. (using 4.36)

  2. 1 hour ago, Turan Can said:


    If there's a class called that, it's undocumented.


    If you're after a unique id for the device, you're probably better off using something like this:

      Androidapi.JNI.Provider, Androidapi.Helpers;
    // **** NOTE: Use this value with care, as it is reset if the device is rooted, or wiped
    function GetUniqueDeviceID: string;
      LName: JString;
      LName := TJSettings_Secure.JavaClass.ANDROID_ID;
      Result := JStringToString(TJSettings_Secure.JavaClass.getString(TAndroidHelper.ContentResolver, LName));


  3. 2 hours ago, Vandrovnik said:

    (But I would not see Idxxx.dcu even in projects where I do use Indy, because there I am using the Indy which came with Delphi, so it is not recompiled with the project.)

    You would if you included the Indy source path. If the callstack says it's being used, you're using it.


    Does your app use any tethering functionality? That ultimately includes Indy units.

    • Thanks 1

  4. 1 hour ago, Kryvich said:

    Have you obtain an Android phone with HDD? )

    I'm assuming he means any file-based media that it can access.

    9 hours ago, Turan Can said:

    Is there an example for Android?

    This may be of use to you:

      Androidapi.JNI.JavaTypes, Androidapi.JNIBridge, Androidapi.JNI.Os, Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText, Androidapi.Helpers;
      JStorageManager = interface;
      JStorageVolume = interface;
      JStorageManagerClass = interface(JObjectClass)
        function _GetACTION_MANAGE_STORAGE: JString; cdecl;
        function _GetEXTRA_REQUESTED_BYTES: JString; cdecl;
        function _GetEXTRA_UUID: JString; cdecl;
        function _GetUUID_DEFAULT: JUUID; cdecl;
        property EXTRA_UUID: JString read _GetEXTRA_UUID;
        property UUID_DEFAULT: JUUID read _GetUUID_DEFAULT;
      JStorageManager = interface(JObject)
        function getAllocatableBytes(storageUuid: JUUID): Int64; cdecl;
        function getCacheQuotaBytes(storageUuid: JUUID): Int64; cdecl;
        function getCacheSizeBytes(storageUuid: JUUID): Int64; cdecl;
        function getMountedObbPath(rawPath: JString): JString; cdecl;
        function getPrimaryStorageVolume: JStorageVolume; cdecl;
        function getStorageVolume(&file: JFile): JStorageVolume; cdecl;
        function getStorageVolumes: JList; cdecl;
        function getUuidForPath(path: JFile): JUUID; cdecl;
        function isAllocationSupported(fd: JFileDescriptor): boolean; cdecl;
        function isCacheBehaviorGroup(path: JFile): boolean; cdecl;
        function isCacheBehaviorTombstone(path: JFile): boolean; cdecl;
        function isEncrypted(&file: JFile): boolean; cdecl;
        function isObbMounted(rawPath: JString): boolean; cdecl;
        function mountObb(rawPath: JString; key: JString; listener: JOnObbStateChangeListener): boolean; cdecl;
        // function openProxyFileDescriptor(mode : Integer; callback : JProxyFileDescriptorCallback; handler : JHandler) : JParcelFileDescriptor; cdecl;
        function unmountObb(rawPath: JString; force: boolean; listener: JOnObbStateChangeListener): boolean; cdecl;
        procedure allocateBytes(fd: JFileDescriptor; bytes: Int64); cdecl; overload;
        procedure allocateBytes(storageUuid: JUUID; bytes: Int64); cdecl; overload;
        procedure setCacheBehaviorGroup(path: JFile; group: boolean); cdecl;
        procedure setCacheBehaviorTombstone(path: JFile; tombstone: boolean); cdecl;
      TJStorageManager = class(TJavaGenericImport<JStorageManagerClass, JStorageManager>)
      JStorageVolumeClass = interface(JObjectClass)
        function _GetCREATOR: JParcelable_Creator; cdecl;
        function _GetEXTRA_STORAGE_VOLUME: JString; cdecl;
        property CREATOR: JParcelable_Creator read _GetCREATOR;
      JStorageVolume = interface(JObject)
        function createAccessIntent(directoryName: JString): JIntent; cdecl;
        function describeContents: Integer; cdecl;
        function equals(obj: JObject): boolean; cdecl;
        function getDescription(context: JContext): JString; cdecl;
        function getState: JString; cdecl;
        function getUuid: JString; cdecl;
        function hashCode: Integer; cdecl;
        function isEmulated: boolean; cdecl;
        function isPrimary: boolean; cdecl;
        function isRemovable: boolean; cdecl;
        function toString: JString; cdecl;
        procedure writeToParcel(parcel: JParcel; flags: Integer); cdecl;
      TJStorageVolume = class(TJavaGenericImport<JStorageVolumeClass, JStorageVolume>)
    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
      LService: JObject;
      LStorageManager: JStorageManager;
      LVolumes: JList;
      LVolume: JStorageVolume;
      I: Integer;
      LService := TAndroidHelper.Activity.getSystemService(TJContext.JavaClass.STORAGE_SERVICE);
      LStorageManager := TJStorageManager.Wrap(TAndroidHelper.JObjectToID(LService));
      LVolumes := LStorageManager.getStorageVolumes;
      for I := 0 to LVolumes.size - 1 do
        LVolume := TJStorageVolume.Wrap(LVolumes.get(I));
        Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%s (%s)', [JStringToString(LVolume.getDescription(TAndroidHelper.Context)), JStringToString(LVolume.getUuid)]));


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  5. 15 hours ago, microtronx said:

    will that tLocation use a lot of energy/battery or will it only be active each x minutes as defined in this line:

    That's just the timer. Battery life will be affected by the settings used with the actual location services, as determined by MonitoringDistance and MonitoringInterval. There's some information here about the best strategies to use:





    • Thanks 1

  6. There's an image here with EXIF data: http://orchids.enwphotos.com/2013-1/310.html


    Which includes the camera make etc. I use a Chrome plugin to view the data: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/exif-viewer/mmbhfeiddhndihdjeganjggkmjapkffm

    20 hours ago, Hans-Wolfgang said:

    Since my Leica Typ240 equipment is not in this list, I'm assuming that is the cause of the errors I'm encountering when trying to open one of these files

    I doubt it, since the camera make and model is in text form, not an index to different models

    20 hours ago, Hans-Wolfgang said:

    Wondering, however, if a descendent of one of the methods within CCR.Exif [or a simple, new one] can easily be written [and at what cost] to extract just the description and title [nothing more at present]

    Are you referring to Delphi code? Also, description and title are not known tags - perhaps you're referring to ImageDescription? There's a list here: https://www.exiv2.org/tags.html. Note that not all images will have anything in this tag.


    There's an answer on SO that suggests a simpler method of extracting EXIF at least in relation to JPEGs: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18624442/3164070


    There's also a couple of alternatives to CCR-EXIF, here: https://torry.net/pages.php?id=104
