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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano

    ImageLists. One or Multiple??

    Becose: TVirtualimagelist renders images according to HDPI. It is a duty - see help This technology gives visibly better results If you look in dfm, you will find TVirtualimagelist only stores links to images You only add the necessary images to TVirtualimagelist I tried this: TAdvGlowButton has three types of images "Normal", Disable and Hot. I set the size 16/18, 24/26 and 32/36 for Hot. This achieved the "pop-up" effect of the button when aiming. Rendered it's perfect. With old technology, this is impossible in my opinion.
  2. Stano

    RAD Studio 11.1 Patch 1

    RAD Studio 11.1 Patch 1 This patch is about 400MB to download. Quality Portal issues addresses by this patch RSP-37880 Can't debug iOS RSP-37760 Using ImageList causes IDE to crash RSP-37733 IDE Access Violation when Inheriting from a Form with a TListView in DynamicAppearance. RSP-37690 GridPanelLayout on form memory leaks on end app -- same if not used at all RSP-37667 Cannot fit requested classes in a single dex file (# methods: 71471 > 65536) RSP-37665 Code Insight broken for classic compiler RSP-37662 Segmentation Fault(11) in SysUtils.Pop on Android64 RSP-37609 PAServer ships with Python 2.7 dependencies - which are no longer available in macOS 12.3 RSP-37408 Delayed flag break Exe's ASLR function RSP-37378 Memory leak RSP-35040 64bit packets in c++ containing delphi code do not run We have also addressed an issue with MongoDB transactions, a FireMonkey memory with the TGPUObjectsPool class var instance (associated with RSP-37690), and a Delphi compiler issue (on some platforms) related to AtomicCmpExchange128.
  3. Stano

    ImageLists. One or Multiple??

    I passed TImagaCollecton + TVirtaulImageList. I recommend it. Now to the topic. I'm behind only one central image container. And refer to him. Reasons: The application does not inflate unnecessarily Especially if I need a change, I'll make it in one place. It is automatically reflected in all places of use
  4. Stano

    Getting PID of winword.exe based on filename

    Can anyone else open Word there? Because if so, you have a problem.
  5. Stano

    Set focus on dialog box button

    an error message: "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" clearly states what this is about. You need to make sure that the window where you want to target a component is visible and accessible. You don't have one of them (or both). Only debugging (with Break point) will help here.
  6. Stano

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Too bad my secret dreams aren't coming true.
  7. Stano

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    What would happen if they released a version with only 96 DPI support. I think that would be enough for many developers.
  8. Stano

    Set focus on dialog box button

    I learned something new again. Well thank you.
  9. Stano

    Set focus on dialog box button

    Not very confusing. But it provides many options. Luxury is paid for. Check the Arrange - by Category option in the Object Inspector. So it's clearer. All events begin with the prefix On. So BitBtn1.OnClick.
  10. Stano

    Fix DBGrid Scrollbar Problem

    I don't know if it will be interesting for you. To avoid similar and different problems with DBGrid, I switched to TVirtualStringTree very quickly. About a week. And I was a beginner. I have no problems with TVirtualStringTree. For the same reasons, I left the DB components. Then I bought TMS components and after a while I went back to DB components. But TMS.
  11. It is OK. Unfortunately, this has always been the case.
  12. I always create all Actions only once. They live during the life of the instance. I define an OnExecute event in the component and, if necessary, at design time in the instance I want this behavior on the runtime: if the event is only in the component, it will not always exist, so it will be triggered if the event is only in the instance, it will fire if the event is in the component as well as in the instance, then the event in the instance is triggered first and the event in the component is called with inherited Classic behavior About component TjstVstDBNavigator = class(TCustomActionToolBar) strict private FAcnMan: TAcTionManager; Current status In the component, I assign an Action OnExecute to each. As a result Logically, only the event in the component always fires Event in the instance will never run
  13. Stano

    Custom component TAction (s) - OnExecute overide

    If he overrides it, will it work for me normally? That would make me very happy.
  14. Stano

    Custom component TAction (s) - OnExecute overide

    Premature joy. I forgot that OnExecute is a property!
  15. Stano

    Custom component TAction (s) - OnExecute overide

    I think I've found a solution TjstVstDBNavigator = class(TCustomActionToolBar) type Ta = class(TAction) private bb: TjstVstDBNavigator; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; constructor TjstVstDBNavigator.Ta.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; bb := TjstVstDBNavigator(Owner); bb.AcnMan; // It knows AcnMan end; This is a principle. Now I can override the event. I believe it will work.
  16. Stano

    Custom component TAction (s) - OnExecute overide

    In component - code written hard during component design. E.g. DataSource.Post itself In the instance - a component on the form and it is necessary to extend the event. E.g. for DataSource.Post do the data check first
  17. Stano

    Custom component TAction (s) - OnExecute overide

    I found out it could also be a Button.OnClick. Which is easier.
  18. Stano

    Custom component TAction (s) - OnExecute overide

    I did not write that events must have access to component fields. Otherwise they are worthless.
  19. Stano

    FB-3,09 Getting Avg Percent of an Invoice

    No, no and no. Don't read the instructions! I don't know if you want to know: If you do not divide by not an integer, then you have to retype. E.g. CAST (1/3 AS DOUBLEPRECISSION) AS RESULT Otherwise, the result will be Integer.
  20. I spent half a day on it. He keeps telling me that "Resource PRINTFORM not found". I tried all the options. Even without rc. The error did not disappear. I'm already desperate package JasotComponents; {$R *.res *.rc} {$R JasotComponents.res JasotComponentsResource.rc} {$R JasotComponents.res JasotComponents.rc} ...
  21. Stano

    Custom component Resource PRINTFORM not found

    You haven't read it carefully or the translation is bad. I always used only one line. I'm not that crazy. I did not check the translation. Sorry. When I started reading about manually compiling resources and runtime packages, wrapped me up deadly sweat. I solved this using TVirtualImageList. It's not clean. But simple and it can be used. It's closed to me.
  22. Stano

    Custom component Resource PRINTFORM not found

    Yes. So I tested it. Only one case at a time! I haven't come across anything like this anywhere. I can try. Images are displayed on the palette.
  23. Stano

    Loading data from dfm

    Custom component FCaptions: TStrings; // or FCaptionsAdded: TStringList; I'm trying property as published. I am not entering this process Writer and Reader TStream The entry is OK I won't even get into the reading method. I have these errors: published - Error reading Nav.CaptionsAdded.Strings: invalid property path (???) other - Error creating form in MainForm.dfm: Error reading jstnav2.CaptionAdded: Access violation at address 4E352E4F in module 'JasotComponents.bpl'. Read of address 00000000 As a layman. I don't understand why this is happening at all.