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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano

    Update an application automatically

    OT: Hm, I tried https://www.deepl.com/translator and I got a much better translation than in Google translator Thank you!
  2. Stano

    Need a "Delphi programming guideline"

    If I remember correctly, he did not write about the program. But about the only functionality. There was already a problem with the data structure. Everything else followed from that. Plus work, thinking of a programmer.
  3. I don't know Postgre. Well, it wouldn't help in (...)
  4. Stano

    Error in module rtl200.bpl

    It's not weird. It's quite a common thing. Now it happens less often. But the number of occurrences of the error probably depends on the weather.
  5. Stano

    Move objects to a second Data Module

    I would try another way. To gradually create individual objects dynamically if necessary. One of the possibilities is to find out where a specific object is used everywhere. Then decide accordingly. If it is used only in one place, then there is nothing to think about. But it is a very laborious procedure. It is estimated that there are around 500 objects It is not normal!
  6. Stano

    Need a "Delphi programming guideline"

    Yes, it's a (very) lot. The basic rule is that the CV should not be longer than 1 page. Unfortunately, people work like this: I open a resume. I longer than 1 page. I WILL NOT READ THAT. That's why I recommend writing it on 1 page and adding an attachment to it. If you address the reader, he will read the attachment.
  7. I want Delphi too Sure, it's a typo 11.2
  8. Stano

    Summary row at the end of select

    That's exactly what I meant. I use it regularly. I did not see it in the author of the question. Formatting it makes it hard to read for me.
  9. I find that suggestion very confusing. I don't know anything about the background so I can't comment. Always keep the user in mind. will he understand it? isn't it too complicated? can't it be done differently? why don't you use DB components there? At least in the beginning, until you learn to work with it
  10. Stano

    Summary row at the end of select

    Unfortunately, I don't understand what you want from the description. Especially how the tables are connected to each other! The above should be done with one SQL that will contain a subquery. By the way. If some DataSets are connected using UNION, they must have the same data structure. You don't live up to it! I'm curious what you're running the mentioned SQL in. My DB manager would reject it immediately. Also with a message of some error. Also tell us what DB you use!!!
  11. Why don't you set this property when creating the form? What is your reason for this?
  12. Stano

    Summary row at the end of select

    First, you should study the basics of SQL syntax. In the second query, after UNION, you must have GROUP BY. Doesn't DB slap you?
  13. Stano

    Need a "Delphi programming guideline"

    Um, it wouldn't help if you had him read some discussion on the subject. There is also something on this forum. And good. You won't pay anything for trying. That boss change was a joke. See smiley.
  14. Stano

    Need a "Delphi programming guideline"

    The boss needs to be changed The book mentioned above is required reading in good companies. Try to convince your boss that you can at least write the mandatory outline during working hours.
  15. Stano

    Need a "Delphi programming guideline"

    One of the few I have. It is excellent.
  16. Stano

    D11.2 + FireDAC + MySQL 64 bit not working

    If I take my glasses off, I see shit
  17. Stano

    D11.2 + FireDAC + MySQL 64 bit not working

    Those possibilities are justified. They should be used with caution. When I see those huge and bold texts with parrot colors, I don't feel comfortable.
  18. Stano

    Delphi not recognizing that a field exists

    And what why? We can't see your computer. It seems to me that you have flipped the tables with Conadded.
  19. Stano

    Delphi not recognizing that a field exists

    Hm, I see that he did not find LN. Not FN.
  20. The first point says something else.
  21. I'm trying my luck. I am looking for someone who is bored. I have my own component. It is functional. I beat him as best I could. It's (DB)Navigator. They are used there: TMS VCL UI pack components DevArt IBC VirtualStringTree I would appreciate it if someone could give me a review, comments, suggestions... I mean the source code: used solutions the correctness of the proposal etc. I will send the source codes if someone signs up. Even with a simple description. Well thank you.
  22. I am aware of that. That's why I listed them. Personally, I think that it is enough to look at the units outside the Delphi IDE for assessment. It's not that convenient, but it can be done.
  23. Stano


    So it's a DB table. Just copy and edit the original query. You will have two queries.
  24. Stano


    Is it a DB table? If so, use the correct SELECT. Help: Distinct, Min, Max
  25. Here is a link to the unofficial LSP fix files from Embarcadero. I am currently testing and everything seems to be OK so far. The article is here: https://www.ideasawakened.com/post/unofficial-delphi-lsp-fix-for-11-2-is-now-available Links to download the fix: https://etsfftp01.embarcadero.com/?u=kXCp&p=cMga&path=/DelphiLSP.zip https://etsfftp01.embarcadero.com/?u=zBEX&p=BHyZ&path=/dcc64280.zip PS: From Delphi.cz