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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Me too. I wrote it in OffTopic
  2. Stano

    Firebird 4.0 UDF

    Here is a link directly to FB support. These questions belong there: https://groups.google.com/g/firebird-support?pli=1
  3. Stano

    Windows 11 checkbox and radio button color

    This is a matter of OS and the great innovation of W11. As you can see, this can only be changed using themes.
  4. Stano

    TPanel and AutoSize problem (Delphi 11)

    This is what TAdvPanel does
  5. Stano

    TPanel and AutoSize problem (Delphi 11)

    It also depends on where you placed the panel. And what neighbors I have. With what settings.
  6. Stano

    FDTable filter problem

    Professional Delphi does not have FireDAC resources !!!
  7. Stano

    Firebird Admin Tool

    My layman's view and experience: I, as a non-programmer, am behind DBWorkbench. The main reason for me is Visual Query Builder. It's incredibly sophisticated. You need to get used to it, but working with it is very pleasant. In addition to the Editors! There they limp a little. (But so do the others.) If you have a parenthesis, you don't know where the cursor is. The high award is for their support. I had a few problems (they actually had them) and some suggestions. They reacted quickly and almost everything was reflected in the product I had IBExpert - I messed up the OS and they didn't renew my license. It kind of didn't fit me I have EMS SQL Manager - it has a few good things, but overall it's not comfortable. Text selection, etc. I tried Red Manager (?) - That was at the beginning of its development. It's free. I don't know what condition he is in now. I think the start-up was good. They are also developing RedDB. Just for interest. The Arabs invest in it and the Russians make it. So they have enough money. I write it directly
  8. Stano

    Pos, SplitString

    What happens if you add over time WITH XX AS (... ?
  9. Stano

    Patch for Delphi 11 Alexandria available

    Exactly. I'm all the happier
  10. Stano

    Patch for Delphi 11 Alexandria available

    We need to look at what has been fixed. The vast majority are HDPI. Nothing for me. From my experience: forms open faster the Welcome window closes faster That is probably all
  11. Stano

    Strategies for minimizing app start time

    Probably like point 2.
  12. Stano

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Reasons, not reasons I'm like one-armed
  13. Stano

    What is part of your contiuos integration?

    I as a non-programmer: FixInsight - I use it continuously. Depending on the situation. You can check the whole project or just the current unit (that's instant) EurekaLog - without it (or other similar products) it is out of the question Tests - I can't do them. That's why I test everything manually. It's tiring. I don't like it at all. I have to force myself into it GIT - I only use it as an archive. I don't do any branches or test versions Your whole process skeleton looks logical and good
  14. Stano

    LSP - Alexandria

    Ctrl + click also doesn't work for me sometimes. I just have such a mini project But the "Find Declaration" popup menu works
  15. Stano

    SQL date problem

    Correct should be ... WHERE MyDateTime = CAST (: MyDate AS DATE) ... Avoid using "StrToDate" functions. You will avoid the problem. Use functions from the EncodeDate family I was inattentive again.
  16. Stano


    As far as I know, that is the basic role of transactions. It is about covering data integrity.
  17. Stano

    KSVC gone missing.

    Does not exist
  18. Stano

    Installer (Innosetup) - welcome page yes or no?

    A matter of taste. In the vast majority of cases, I turn it off. It's usually on the last page.
  19. Stano

    KSVC gone missing.

    I do not need this. But I also don't have it on offer.
  20. I don't think he's interested in D11. One reason: their tool has already been partially implemented in D11.
  21. I was very surprised by the data on SQLite