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Everything posted by Ruslan

  1. Look at OpenCV, it's not a component but a very good library. Didn't used it in Delphi, only in C/C++ and Python.
  2. Did you try to change the fbclient library? In you example I suppose you are using the v3.
  3. Ruslan

    Looking for License Plate Recognition library

    You could look at https://github.com/ria-com/nomeroff-net . Some time ago I've developed a number plate recognition module for a large project.
  4. Ruslan

    Make calls from app and get status

    Hi all and Happy Holidays! Can anyone guide me how to use Kastri or native FMX for making and receiving calls from application? Also I need a method to control the calling process, eg to terminate the call after some seconds, and to get statuses (logs) for those calls (answered, no answer, invalid number, or any type of calling results). I've started with PhoneDialer example that came with Delphi, and tried to use smth like following example but can't get statuses. procedure TPhoneDialerForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin {$IFDEF ANDROID} FCallPhonePermission := JStringToString(TJManifest_permission.JavaClass.CALL_PHONE); FReadPhoneStatePermission := JStringToString(TJManifest_permission.JavaClass.READ_PHONE_STATE); FReadCallLogPermission := JStringToString(TJManifest_permission.JavaClass.READ_CALL_LOG); FManageOwnCalls := JStringToString(TJManifest_permission.JavaClass.MANAGE_OWN_CALLS); FBindTelecomService := JStringToString(TJManifest_permission.JavaClass.BIND_TELECOM_CONNECTION_SERVICE); //FReadPrecisePhoneState := JStringToString(TJManifest_permission.JavaClass.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE); {$ENDIF} { test whether the PhoneDialer services are supported } TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXPhoneDialerService, FPhoneDialerService); PermissionsService.RequestPermissions([FCallPhonePermission,FReadPhoneStatePermission,FReadCallLogPermission,FManageOwnCalls,FBindTelecomService], procedure (const APermissions: TClassicStringDynArray; const AGrantResults: TClassicPermissionStatusDynArray) begin if (Length(AGrantResults) = 5) and (AGrantResults[0] = TPermissionStatus.Granted) and (AGrantResults[1] = TPermissionStatus.Granted) and (AGrantResults[2] = TPermissionStatus.Granted) and (AGrantResults[3] = TPermissionStatus.Granted) and (AGrantResults[4] = TPermissionStatus.Granted) then begin ShowMessage('Permissions Activated!'); end; end ); FPhoneDialerService.OnCallStateChanged := CallStateChanged; end; procedure TPhoneDialerForm.CallStateChanged(const ACallID: string; const AState: TCallState); var Calls: TCalls; Call: TCall; begin case AState of TCallState.None: begin lbCalls.Items.Add(Format('%-16s %s', [ACallID, CallStateAsString(AState)])); end; TCallState.Connected: begin lbCalls.Items.Add(Format('%-16s %s', [ACallID, CallStateAsString(AState)])); end; TCallState.Incoming: begin Calls := FPhoneDialerService.GetCurrentCalls; try for Call in Calls do begin if Call.GetCallID = ACallID then begin lbCalls.Items.Add(Format('%-16s %s', [ACallID, CallStateAsString(AState)])); Exit; end; end; finally for Call in Calls do Call.Free; end; end; TCallState.Dialing: begin lbCalls.Items.Add(Format('%-16s %s', [ACallID, CallStateAsString(AState)])); end; TCallState.Disconnected: begin lbCalls.Items.Add(Format('%-16s %s', [ACallID, CallStateAsString(AState)])); end; end; end; function TPhoneDialerForm.CallStateAsString(AState: TCallState): String; begin case AState of TCallState.None: Result := 'None'; TCallState.Connected: Result := 'Connected'; TCallState.Incoming: Result := 'Incoming'; TCallState.Dialing: Result := 'Dialing'; TCallState.Disconnected: Result := 'Disconnected'; else Result := '<unknown>'; end; end; For the calling method I used these // Default method from example procedure TPhoneDialerForm.btnMakeCallClick(Sender: TObject); begin { test whether the PhoneDialer services are supported } if FPhoneDialerService <> nil then begin { if the Telephone Number is entered in the edit box then make the call, else display an error message } if edtTelephoneNumber.Text <> '' then begin PermissionsService.RequestPermissions([FCallPhonePermission], MakePhoneCallPermissionRequestResult, DisplayRationale) //FPhoneDialerService.Call(edtTelephoneNumber.Text); end else begin TDialogService.ShowMessage('Please type in a telephone number.'); edtTelephoneNumber.SetFocus; end; end else TDialogService.ShowMessage('PhoneDialer service not supported'); end; procedure TPhoneDialerForm.MakePhoneCallPermissionRequestResult(Sender: TObject; const APermissions: TClassicStringDynArray; const AGrantResults: TClassicPermissionStatusDynArray); begin // 1 permission involved: CALL_PHONE if (Length(AGrantResults) = 1) and (AGrantResults[0] = TPermissionStatus.Granted) then FPhoneDialerService.Call(edtTelephoneNumber.Text) else TDialogService.ShowMessage('Cannot make a phone call because the required permission has not been granted'); end; // The other method for making calls procedure TPhoneDialerForm.MakeCall(const PhoneNumber: string); var Intent: JIntent; Uri: Jnet_Uri; begin Intent := TJIntent.Create; Intent.setAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_CALL); Uri := TJnet_Uri.JavaClass.parse(StringToJString('tel:' + PhoneNumber)); Intent.setData(Uri); if TAndroidHelper.Activity.getPackageManager.queryIntentActivities(Intent, 0).size > 0 then TAndroidHelper.Activity.startActivity(Intent) else ShowMessage('No app to handle the call intent.'); end;
  5. For communication between apps/processes I used to use Redis Message Queue to send some signals between them or to send data. But I didn't use that way in Delphi yet (planning to). I agree with splitting GUI from the working code, for that I've chose MVVM pattern (ChatGPT gave me some examples but Grijji has a nice framework).
  6. Ruslan

    Delphi accessing remote Derby DB

    Also make sure that windows firewall doesn't block remote connection to the db.
  7. I'd better create a vpn server on the cloud to create a virtual LAN between 3 of your environments.
  8. Ruslan

    Error while installing fastreport

    Did you try to install it via GetIt? If so that try to clear the previous downloaded packages of Fastreport, then try to to install it again but running the IDE with administration rights (Run As Administrator).
  9. Ruslan

    What is proper way to crypt some fields?

    There is a way to encrypt the Firebird database, the is a sample in Firebird documentation. Unlucky me I wasn't able to create a encryption/decryption module for Firebird, most because of no time, maybe you could try to create one and share the results and will have a lot of thanks and appreciations for that. Most encryption/decryption modules prices are tooo big.
  10. I would capture that content (on exception of course) and will try to parse it for content that describes the error and display it to the user. But first I would try to collect all types of errors/html and create some kind of templates to make it easier for parser (from above) to get the right content.
  11. Ruslan

    Firebird transactions with Firedac

    SET SQL DIALECT 3; CREATE GENERATOR GEN_RECORD_NUMBER; SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER ORDEN_BI FOR ORDEN ACTIVE BEFORE INSERT POSITION 0 as begin if ((new.number is null) or (new.number = 0)) then new.number = gen_id(GEN_RECORD_NUMBER,1); if ((new.guid is null) or (trim(new.guid) = '') ) then new.guid = '{' || uuid_to_char( gen_uuid() ) || '}'; end ^ SET TERM ; ^ I also use a GUID column as a unique field
  12. Ruslan

    SOAP Client debug

    Delphi 10.3.3 SOAP Server (unknown source but the server has it's a php) Imported the wsdl, no changes made to the unit. Tested requests to the server with SoapUI and everything goes fine, from Delphi application - there is no luck. All responses are about Schema mismatch. Using event HTTPRio.onBeforeExecute checked the request and it is the same as tested in SoapUI. Questions: How to debug a request? How to check if the request meets the schema rules? Any advanced docs/video on how to build SOAP client/server applications?
  13. Ruslan

    Internationalizing Applications

    I am trying to Internationalize a application using integrated Delphi feature using documentation. After the application is created I use "Resource DLL Wizard" and translated obtained forms. In documentation it is said that the application will automatically be translated by system locale settings, but also I would like to change the UI language from application settings. To test the application in different language I set the language from Project->Languages->Set Active, all builds and compiles but not working, an execution error rises Exception EResNotFound in module ExHome.exe at 00250A7D. Resource TfrmFDGUIxFormsError not found. Exception EClassNotFound in module ExHome.exe at 00065F62. Class TFDGUIxErrorDialog not found. Don't know how to fix that. Tried to remove FDGUIxWaitCursor and FDGUIxErrorDialog from project datamodule, but no luck. And the second question is how to change the language from application settings and use that language on next start? Can I save the current application language in a INI file? And how to add other translations for strings (messages, exceptions, etc.) used in units? Delphi 10.3 Application with FireDAC SQLite database
  14. Ruslan

    Firebird-Create Procedure

  15. Ruslan

    Firebird Admin Tool

    IBExpert, and you can get a free license if have WIN1251 (Russian) code page installed in your system
  16. Ruslan


    Is you are using FireDAC than transactions are used internally, but you could use transactions like in your example. The "commit" is required if the the DataSet is set to no auto commit, e.g. cached updates. If I am wrong please correct me.
  17. Ruslan


    Never worked with SQLite before and now for my project need to use it but some questions and misunderstandings came on application model (VCL). I used to use GUID data type for unique records, in SQLite table the field 'uuid' is declared as binnary 'guid', and I created a trigger to generate the value, in application in FDConnection.Params.GUIDFormat=guiBinary, but when try to execute a clean FDQuery a message shows up: [FireDAC][DatS]-10. Fixed length column [uuid] data length mismatch. Value length - [32], column fixed length - [16]. changing FDConnection.Params.GUIDFormat=guiString show up a 'Wrong guid format error'. and here is the trigger for guid generation: CREATE TRIGGER demotable_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON demotable FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.uuid IS NULL) BEGIN UPDATE demotable SET uuid = lower(hex(randomblob(16))) WHERE id = NEW.id; END So the question is how to deal with guids in Delphi+SQLite? Should I generate them from application? Do I need to make some mappings? The second question is about using generators for auto incremented fields, is this possible?
  18. Ruslan

    Using VMWare: what files remain on host?

    Think VM as a computer, it's not a container (like docker or jail), so if you think of moving the IDE to the VM than you should move the project(s) to othe VM and all the dev tools needed for that project. I did like that. I've created a VM for Delphi development only, put my Delphi projects there and all the dev tools I need for my projects development, configured the git (git+TurtoiseGit+Bitbucket) and a additional a backup method. Every time I want to make some changes to my system (not in development manner), OS upgrade, IDE upgrade/downgrade - I make a full copy of my VM (because I have only a VMWare Player), but if you have a VMWare Workstation you could use the VM snapshot that is much comfortable.
  19. The question is good, an it is hard to answer. First of all you need to define/create the architecture of the cloud model, to specify the services you need and how to interact with each other, to take care of load balancing and resource consumption. When I migrated my desktop app to the cloud the first this I've done is splitting the functionalities of my app, not all but some (btw I use Amazon AWS and Digital Ocean, but not hard to do in in Azure too). Then create a cloud infrastructure model to chose the right cloud service to you app functionality, the best example here is the database and a rest api server. Also need to remember of security. In the end I've came out with a simple desktop application (because some of functionalities are translated to cloud services) the connects to the cloud and is secure, load balanced, and works from anywhere in the world. But, the easier and simple way is: Buy a vps with needed OS Put you application in there And run it
  20. Ruslan

    grid with expandable area below each row?

    I've seen something like that in EhLib
  21. Ruslan

    SslHttpClient Post problem

    Could it be in write permissions? Did you try to run the programm elevated?
  22. Maybe a stupid question but not for me at the moment. Need a way to draw rectangles on a canvas and then to make it possible to resize, move, delete or clone. That is needed to automate some process of segmentation objects (same kind of objects by rectangles with same aspect ratio) on a bunch of images (>100K). For now I can draw rectagles on a TImage canvas wthout any questions. But can't figure out how to select that rectangle with mouse, resize it, scale it and move. Or maybe should I look at shapes?
  23. Ruslan

    Delphi Licensing

    Did you try to run the installer with Run As Administrator? Did you installed on the same recovered drive? If not, do you have access to your old drive where RAD was installed?