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Everything posted by bdw_nz20

  1. bdw_nz20

    Newbie Question 2

    There is a github site with all the examples on it. https://github.com/Embarcadero I have found the Help with C++ is not working all the time for me but not had time to look at why. Delphi has no issues when using Help
  2. bdw_nz20

    NULL iterators in C++ Builder - 32 bit vs. 64 bit

    Yes I think Remy's second example would be a nice solution and actually how I do it for an abstract base class with code implemented then for specific data types i.e. different file formats and sql.
  3. That code works for me fine on 12.1, I guess the basic question is do you have a file the that input stream can load. If it doesnt exist it will fail
  4. I was a little offended as thought I had an acceptable easy going personality but 12.1 IDE seems to not agree !!!! Anyone else struck this error message "Personality 'Default.Personality' is not supported ? Ok would just pop up again, then had to Task Manager stop it, second restart worked alright that time.
  5. No it isnt set to load last project and my setup looks the same as Remy posted. So far this error has only happened once with the 12.1 install, not struck it before on 12.
  6. Potentially could be a TMS component installation issue but I wouldn't rule out EMB either. I'd look at contacting TMS but also filing a Quality issue with EMB.
  7. Is this a blank project and your saying it doesnt compile ? Have you tried the 32 bit and 64 bit modern platforms to see if they compile ?
  8. I've been waiting for this miracle for a while ! I just read an interesting post about it on Dalija's web site for those interested https://dalijap.blogspot.com/2024/04/delphi-121-new-quality-portal-released.html
  9. bdw_nz20

    New quality portal for bugs is open

    Yes I hope it improves with time, just nice to have a means to report issues as its been far too long without. I quite liked the graphs the old QP has as well to see issues trending up and how many are close etc...that was more a quick glance to see overall whats happening but had no functional use though
  10. bdw_nz20

    New quality portal for bugs is open

    Thanks lars as well, I'm sure I tried that originally.....maybe not enough coffee !
  11. bdw_nz20

    New quality portal for bugs is open

    Thanks Remy, hadn't spotted that one
  12. What a very strange post and doesnt make much sense. If your having trouble re-licensing I would suggest you contact EMB sales and explain clearly your issue with potentially your primary contact email no longer being valid.
  13. bdw_nz20

    New quality portal for bugs is open

    I can now see the example QP entry on the new system (given above). Has anyone figured out how to get a general search to work for existing reports ? Not being able to find already reported QP's is going to potentially mean lots of duplicates. Be nice if EMB actually put a post out explaining where there QP system is at and present limitations, what they are working on to improve it (or not).
  14. bdw_nz20

    New quality portal for bugs is open

    Yeah its all a bit of a head scratcher at the mo for me. I can see quality.embarcadero.com i.e. old reports but yeah very little on new QP site https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals I can only assume this was the intended result and restricted by the cloud setup maybe
  15. bdw_nz20

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Web installer worked fine for me but had to do a full uninstall of TChart Pro as TeeCompile was having issues with v12 paths.
  16. I was getting a similar issue so used the EMB example code components which were TToolbar and associated buttons. That worked to a large extent until testing under Win Server 2022 which again was drawing the black areas unlike Win10 etc So in the end to control any colors I had to remove any styles and use the default windows VCL style. I then had to use the Form.Activate to set the background colors if they werent transparent. Mine worked fine with the Form.Activate but from memory the EMB example used the WM_ACTIVATE message to set the colors. Its probably a bug for when Styles are set but no way to report that last time I looked.
  17. bdw_nz20

    Manual HDPI setting for VCL window

    I've just been playing a little bit with one of our applications to allow HDPI, not done much on this till now. Its working when changing the scaling for all windows i.e. change it in the display settings to 125%, 150% etc. I was just wondering if it was possible, like other applications can, to just adjust the VCL application rather than all windows. For example some windows allow Ctrl+ and Ctrl- keys to scale up and down of the window.
  18. bdw_nz20

    Manual HDPI setting for VCL window

    Hey Remy, yes I do understand it was just a hope to make life easier for my testing of an application that can have many dynamically created displays to check it performs. My dev system has a 32 inch monitor which I use one side for IDE and other side for app testing rather than multiple monitors as I've had in the past. It just becomes a pain with all the various windows re-sizing and becoming useless (or difficult to use) while testing minor code changes. I was just looking for any easy way for my present setup to test more easily.
  19. bdw_nz20

    Manual HDPI setting for VCL window

    Thanks all for the suggestions. I was hoping there was a simple Windows message the could be sent to trigger the DPI change to the application.
  20. I'm hoping the momentum will continue. I've been using the v12 and Tomato integrations have been good, CodeInsight solid, IDE stable just a couple of crashes over a few weeks. Multi-thread compile finally working out of that box without need for TwinCompile.
  21. bdw_nz20

    Toolbar + ToolButton + TitleBar flicking

    Yes I have the DoubleBuffered to True, the Transparent is False. I forgot to say DrawStyle := dsGradient and in my case I set the GradientEndColor and GradientStartColor in the OnActivate Form function. I got that from the EMB example code in Getit. void __fastcall TFormMain::FormActivate(TObject *Sender) { TColor LBackgroundColor; if (FormMain->Active) { LBackgroundColor = FormMain->CustomTitleBar->ButtonBackgroundColor; } else { LBackgroundColor = FormMain->CustomTitleBar->ButtonInactiveBackgroundColor; } ToolBarTitleMain->HotTrackColor = FormMain->CustomTitleBar->ButtonHoverBackgroundColor; ToolBarTitleMain->GradientStartColor = LBackgroundColor; ToolBarTitleMain->GradientEndColor = LBackgroundColor; ToolBarTitleTabs->HotTrackColor = FormMain->CustomTitleBar->ButtonHoverBackgroundColor; ToolBarTitleTabs->GradientStartColor = LBackgroundColor; ToolBarTitleTabs->GradientEndColor = LBackgroundColor; ToolBarTitleRight->HotTrackColor = FormMain->CustomTitleBar->ButtonHoverBackgroundColor; ToolBarTitleRight->GradientStartColor = LBackgroundColor; ToolBarTitleRight->GradientEndColor = LBackgroundColor; }
  22. bdw_nz20

    Toolbar + ToolButton + TitleBar flicking

    Actually I should also say Win10 mostly worked from memory but Windows Server 2022 was playing up which was was being used by Citrix and RDP.
  23. bdw_nz20

    Toolbar + ToolButton + TitleBar flicking

    Not tested for your example but I have been trying to get TTitlebar to draw and behave correctly for a few days. What I found was if I had any VCL style set and any window is brought in front of the application and I moved my mouse around its titlebar area it would all revert to the VCL style and not use the custom color in my case black black. I was using TToolbar and its associated buttons with text and icons. What I had to do was turn on the default windows setting and then make sure the TToolbar was not transparent. It would then repaint correctly in terms of the buttons and icons set.
  24. bdw_nz20

    What's the general opinion on v12?

    I've been testing the 12 C++ for compiling a large project which on the whole upgraded reasonably well. I've only had one IDE crash so far in code insight which with Tomo seems much better so far. Compile speed seems much better now, well with multithread compiling. I've had one strange thing where I was playing with components on the main form just to test using the Titlebar but didnt save. But on close and re-open the app it still has the changes. I deleted all history files to see if that helped but didnt have time to figure out what was going on. Maybe there is an auto save running, not sure as on exit it was still say "Save project ?"
  25. Just wondering what solutions, if any, people use to monitor a program then restart if it locks up or gets an exception ?