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Cristian Peța

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Cristian Peța last won the day on January 9

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94 Excellent

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. There is not Android x86 platform in Delphi. For debugging you can use Android devices or better Windows 32 for non Android specific things.
  2. Cristian Peța

    Disabled floating point exceptions are problematic for DLLs

    If not multi threading then it can be.
  3. Cristian Peța

    Disabled floating point exceptions are problematic for DLLs

    procedure Foo; stdcall; begin SetFPCR; ... RestoreFPCR; end; Do you think is so cumbersome to do this for every exposed function? The SetFPCR and RestoreFPCR you need to write for yourself but only once.
  4. Cristian Peța

    Disabled floating point exceptions are problematic for DLLs

    If FPCR would not be per core then one processes would change FPCR of all processes! This can't be. FPCR must be pe core like all CPU registers.
  5. Cristian Peța


    Here something on this them: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77764786/remove-runfulltrust-capability-from-flutter-windows-application And Win32 apps packaged as msix will need runFullTrust. You can avoid runFullTrust with UWP but a Delphi app will call all sort of Win32 API that will need runFullTrust. https://blogs.windows.com/windowsdeveloper/2017/07/06/calling-winrt-components-win32-process-via-desktop-bridge/
  6. Cristian Peța

    Delphi and "Use only memory safe languages"

    The sources must register to the collector. And unregister when the source does not need the collector anymore. The collector must not be destroyed if there is an active source. This is a little like ARC for interfaces work.
  7. @Uwe Raabe do I need to do something more than login to see the report?
  8. Cristian Peța

    TStringStream inconsistent results

    I suppose you are using TXMLDocument. Then why not using TXMLDocument.LoadFromStream and TXMLDocument.SaveToStream and let the library do the encoding work for you?
  9. Cristian Peța

    Pascal script memory management

    Simply don't share dll memory with the exe. https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Sharing_Memory
  10. Cristian Peța

    Pascal script memory management

    The OS will free the memory when you unload the dll.
  11. Cristian Peța

    Therad erro: with noerror displayed.

    Why a ghost? TThread.Create() can raise an exception using resourcestring SThreadCreateError = 'Thread creation error: %s' And SysErrorMessage() return an empty string.
  12. Cristian Peța

    Assign Null value to date mySQL

    FieldByName('STAT_CLOSED_DATE').Value := Null Easier to read for me.
  13. Cristian Peța

    Trouble with installing community edition serial number

    That serial number is not for Delphi 11 that is the current community edition?
  14. Cristian Peța

    Delphi and "Use only memory safe languages"

    Linux and Windows sources are C, C++, Assembly....
  15. Cristian Peța

    Delphi 12 : Encoding Unicode strange behaviour

    Then you don't know if that first char is one or two bytes. You test first byte (suppose UTF-8) and if it is not what you expected then you test first two bytes?