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Cristian Peța

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Everything posted by Cristian Peța

  1. What is "STM32 code"? Delphi code is not a communication protocol (similar to a spoken language) but a programing language. With Delhi code or any programing language you can not communicate.
  2. Then you want to write a transpiler in Delphi to translate Delphi code to "STM32 language" and back? But what is "STM32 language" ? Just found something where Pascal is mentioned (link: https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32-ides.html): And here (link https://smartsolutions4home.com/how-to-program-stm32/) states: "The only correct option here is C. Don’t bother with other creations."
  3. Cristian Peța

    Current state of the Embarcadero services

    https://blogs.embarcadero.com/getit-update-additional-rad-studio-12-getit-packages-are-now-available/ I understand from the link above that who installed with old online installer GetIt will not work.
  4. Cristian Peța

    Current state of the Embarcadero services

    For D12 there is a new installer because GetIt server changed. I suppose you need to install with the new installer in order to work Welcome page or Tools menu.
  5. Cristian Peța

    TForm Destroys are not called when target is macOS ARM 64-bit

    Finally... upper right corner (not left).... basic and advanced search doesn't work
  6. Cristian Peța

    TForm Destroys are not called when target is macOS ARM 64-bit

    You have not posted a link and probably it's a stupid question but how to find a RSP by number?
  7. As @Uwe Raabe said, Embarcadero does not want to do this. You are the only one who can give Embarcadero a good reason to give you a new 10.4.2 CE license. If you have sources I don't think this is a show stopper. Ask help here if there is something blocking you to use D11.
  8. Cristian Peța

    How to call a Delphi function from a python script?

    That would be Delphi4Python. Otherwise you need a inter-process communication. For example your Delphi code can run in REST server.
  9. Cristian Peța

    DateTime problem in fastreport's PFD export.

    I said before that mm represents also minutes if after hh. It states in documentation: mm Displays the month as a number with a leading zero (01-12). If the mm specifier immediately follows an h or hh specifier, the minute rather than the month is displayed.
  10. Cristian Peța

    DateTime problem in fastreport's PFD export.

    That field is not read by MemoView? Why convert it to String then again to TDateTime? In script you can use <MyTable."MyDateTimeField"> to read it as Variant that will keep TDateTime as it is (actually a Double).
  11. Cristian Peța

    DateTime problem in fastreport's PFD export.

    It is as text and it must be formatted like regional settings because you are using StrToDateTime() to convet this text to TDateTime.
  12. Cristian Peța

    DateTime problem in fastreport's PFD export.

    What value is in that frxMemoView text before change and what after?
  13. Cristian Peța

    DateTime problem in fastreport's PFD export.

    You want to change the text value from a frxMemoView from date-time to display hour and minutes? Because mm is month... and HH is not documented. See documentation: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Alexandria/en/System.SysUtils.FormatDateTime EDIT: Now I see that mm can show minuts if after hh.
  14. Cristian Peța

    DateTime problem in fastreport's PFD export.

    Are the script code using regional settings? Do you need the user to decide the format?
  15. Cristian Peța

    DateTime problem in fastreport's PFD export.

    What is invisible mode? A Windows service? Can you show the code of that script?
  16. DELETED: some misunderstanding about subscription....
  17. Cristian Peța

    App Builder & Blazor

    There was a survey that closed on 21 January. In the survey was a question also about WebAssembly.
  18. Cristian Peța

    Wrong hex code

    Probably you are reading binary data as Unicode string. x80 is euro symbol in ANSI/Windows-1252. 0x20AC is also euro symbol in Unicode.
  19. Try to disable EurekaLog and see.
  20. Then the exception occurs deeper and you catch it with the try...except block. I don't see your code so I'm guessing...
  21. There is probably a try...except block where this exception occurs that will catch the exception.
  22. The link below is working from here. https://lp.embarcadero.com/webinar-registration?utm_source=Eloqua&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_content=Webinar-240119-HowToWebinars
  23. Cristian Peța

    D12 CatalogRepository Problem!

    The professional installs into "C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReport VCL Professional". It is your decision if this is better. The downside is that it comes with sources and after installation I always need to go and move sources and let only dcu files because I don't need to compile them every time.
  24. Security is not bad intention. Delphi is calling home for a reason. If ELC is not calling home then the VM with ELC can be multiplied and used on multiple sites without Embarcadero knowing about this?
  25. Delphi activated without ELC will run without internet connection indefinitely or this 30 days applies too?