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HI. Suddenly I am unalbe to create a VCL New Project. When I launch it in the IDE it freezes for a long time. The task manager shows a strange list of proceses (see attached image. This is the project code: (form 3 does nothig, it only contains a stringgrid. Any idea? program Project4; uses Vcl.Forms, Unit3 in 'Unit3.pas' {Form3}; {$R *.res} begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TForm3, Form3); Application.Run; end.
Thanks Remy. Yes and yes. I even reassign it at runtim (Formactivate, set to il then reasign).
HI. My Onpaint is never triggered in one form. Any idea as to why this happens?
HI. I had the adventurous idea of changing the Inactive code opacity in Tools->Editor->language->Error Insight from 30 to 40. Immediately any opacity was lost. Then I played around with values (50, 10, 40, et) and now the code inside an ifdef/endif is opaque (if not applicable) but any commented code remains without any opacity.(see attached picture) Any hint as to restore the proper opacity? Thanks
I have this setup but no files are saved in the __recovery directory. Do I need to setup something additionally?
HI. I don't know if I am on the right track. After a lot ot research, I came up with this scheme. I am stuck in get1Proc: I do not knoow how to get the handle of the control taht sent the message. mHook := SetWindowsHookEx(CM_VISIBLECHANGED ,@get1proc, hInstance, 0); function get1Proc(nCode, wParam, lParam : integer) : integer; stdcall; begin how do i get the handle of the control that sent this message to be used in Findcontrol()? end;
Thank you. it worked.
Enum modules return ONLY the application, no other packages
alogrep replied to alogrep's topic in VCL
Thanks Remy. I am talking aboutn the Component ->Install Packages list. Is there a way to get a list of them to print or to save to a file? -
HI. I just can't get to change the text color of a statictext; I have this code: num:=TStaticText.create(self); num.parent:=self; num.parentcolor:=false; num.StyleElements:=[]; rect:=wc.boundsrect; num.caption:=' '+inttostr(lastnumnum)+' '; num.font.name:='Arial'; num.font.color:=clred; I have tried setting StyleElements to sefont, to seclient, and also left it alone (seclient, sefont, seborder).. THe texct color is always black. They have made this really hard to change! Anybody knows the "magic trick" to change the color on a runtime created statictext? P.S. if the statictext is created at design time, Style Elements is all set (3), AND IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM.
HI I hope someone can help. The docwiki states: EnumModules continues until the last module in the application is enumerated, or until the callback function returns False. Bu the code below omnly shws the Application name,. Where is my error? function GetModules(Instance: THandle; Data: Pointer): Boolean; var FileName: array[0..Max_Path] of Char; begin if GetModuleFileName(Instance, FileName, SizeOf(FileName)) > 0 then Tlistbox(Data).items.Add(FileName) else RaiseLastWin32Error; Result := True; end; EnumModules(GetModules, ListBox1);
Thank you very much Remy. That was it. Problem solved.
Sorry. This line was wrong. Printque is a Form created in the Main Thread, just before calling this thread. shold have been Printque is a Form created in the Main Thread,
HI. I hope someone can give me a hint here. Printque is a Form created in the Main Thread, just before calling this thread. Its Formcreate contains this line: Tstuckthread.Create(Tprintqueue(self),printernames); The problem is in the showform procedure at the line .A.show It gives no error, but the app becomes unresponsive. The main form is hidden, and I have to stop the app.I Tstuckthread= class(TThread) private FForm: TFORM; L:tSTRINGLIST; function STUCK(title:string;l:Tstringlist): boolean; procedure listjobs(allprinters: string); protected public constructor Create(ownerForm:TFORM;printernames:string; ARUNS: INTEGER=0); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Execute(); override; procedure showform; published end; constructor Tstuckthread.Create(ownerForm: TFORM;printernames: string;ARUNS: INTEGER=0); begin L:=tSTRINGLIST.CREATE; FForm:= ownerForm; Self.FreeOnTerminate := True; inherited Create; end; destructor Tstuckthread.Destroy; begin inherited; L.FREE; end; procedure Tstuckthread.Execute; begin done :=FALSE; while not Terminated AND NOT done do begin <get printjobs list and save it in L......> if L.count>0 then BEGIN /// fine HERE Tprintqueue(FForm).MEMO1.LINES.ASSIGN(L); // fine HERE Synchronize(SHOWForm); SLEEP(500); END; DONE:=TRUE; end; end; And here is the showform() procedure; procedure Tstuckthread.showform; VAR A: Tprintqueue; begin A:=Tprintqueue(FForm); TRY IF NOT A.VISIBLE THEN A.show; // PROBLEM HERE. EXCEPT a.free;// 4 testing. It never gets there. END;
HI. my package builds ok. But trying to install results in the error The specified module could not be found. I read all the posts I could find on this. it is almost impossible to find the real problem. Could this info get to shade some light? In Process monitor i see these 2 lines with Result NAME NOT FOUND (each repeated twice) C:\Users\1\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\23.0\UserTools.proj C:\HMXE_A\MYCOMPONENTS\mine2.deployproj tHE DPK IS C:\HMXE_A\MY COMPONENTS\MINE2.DPK And the mine2.bpl IS there. P.S. Dependexny walker gives me many many errors on microsoft dlls ???