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Vincent Parrett

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Everything posted by Vincent Parrett

  1. Vincent Parrett


    🤦‍♂️ Oh FFS - how many versions do we have to wait for properly functioning high dpi support. The fact that these were reported 3 or 4 years ago and have not been addressed is astounding. Surely if you are working on high dpi support you would look at these issues in your own bug tracking system.
  2. Just random av's, form designer refusing to open etc. So rather than using inheritance we create smaller frames and compose those with other frames. A lot of the time they are composed at runtime rather than design time though, for similar reasons (ide instability).
  3. Ouch! I stopped using form/frame inheritance a long time (ok, my code still has a few legacy instances of this) due to IDE instability. And yes @Der schöne Günther is correct, pay attention to your dfm's when committing changes. I prefer composition over inheritance these days, it's more work initially but in the long run it's just simpler for the IDE to deal with and results in less lost time restarting the IDE.
  4. Vincent Parrett

    Per monitor DPI awareness - how to prevent flickering?

    I do the same thing when switching themes, but haven't tried this. I wonder how it will go with moving the window from one monitor to the other with different dpi's. At the moment it's terrible, flickers and stops moving for a few seconds.
  5. Vincent Parrett

    TTitlebarpanel and VCL styles

    BTW, I did try to use it, but it's buggy and doesn't work with TMainMenu.. so useless.
  6. Vincent Parrett

    TTitlebarpanel and VCL styles

    TTitlebarpanel is the most arse backwards design in Delphi - and that's saying something since there are many to chose from! TForm has a bunch of properties, that are only relevant when you have a specific control placed on it and hooked up… yet you manage the control from properties on the form not on the control? Having most of the options on the form rather than the panel is odd to say the least, since you tend to interact with the panel, and it’s painful switching between the two due to the object inspector not remembering where you were on the controls, so lots of scrolling, expanding… etc. Also in a real application, the form is quite often covered with panels etc and so have to use the structure view to even select the form. Yet another half baked barely functioning feature added to the vcl - which btw can't be removed (because someone "might" be using it), destined to be hacked at to try and fix it (but never really succeeding), just like vcl themes.
  7. Vincent Parrett

    More performance Stringgrid sorting algorithm help

    Everyone focusing on the sorting algorithm, no one comments on the folly of loading a 100K rows into a TStringGrid 😉
  8. Vincent Parrett

    tMainmenu, imagelist, high-dpi

    https://www.axialis.com/icons/ not cheap when you end up buying multiple sets to get what you need, but other than that there are many websites that do svg's which can be uses with this library - https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList
  9. Vincent Parrett

    Non Delimited string parsing (registry entries)

    This is the command line parser we use in FinalBuilder and DUnitX and the package manager I'm working on. https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/VSoft.CommandLineParser
  10. Vincent Parrett

    On the use of Interposers

    I generally only use interposer classes to fix vcl/rtl issues where I'm using runtime packages.. and then only very carefully - generally in a file that is a folder like VclFixes and where the filename would be something like Vcl.Forms.RSP1234.pas - it's hard to miss that you are using a patch/hack and makes it easier to review when upgrading delphi versions (ie do I still need this file). The other time I have used them is when messing with the IDE and don't have the IDE source code 😉
  11. We are delighted to announce a new beta release in Continua CI. We have added the following new features: Export and Import: You can now export one or more configurations to a file and import them back from the file into Continua CI. Requeuing Stages: Requeue a failing stage without restarting the build. Multiple Daily Cleanup Rules: Each type of build by-product can now have a different shelf life. https://www.finalbuilder.com/resources/blogs/introducing-continua-ci-version-192-beta Continua CI is a low cost, easy to use Continuous Integration Server which includes first class support for Delphi (using FinalBuilder or MSBuild) and version control integration with Git, Mercurial, Subversion and more. https://www.finalbuilder.com/resources/blogs/building-delphi-projects-with-continua-ci
  12. FinalBuilder is a fully featured automated build tool, which supports Delphi 3 to 10.4, along with C++Builder 4 or later. FinalBuilder makes it simple to automate your entire build process, from compiling your Delphi and C++Builder projects to compiling and uploading installers, creating ISO's. There are over 600 built in actions, with support for Git, Mercurial, Perforce, Subversion, TFS and many other version control systems. Unlike xml or batch file based systems, with FinalBuilder you can easily debug your build process, with breakpoints, step over, step into etc. Of course FinalBuilder also integrates with Continua CI - our continuous integration server product, and with other CI servers such as Jenkins. Thousands of Software Developers rely on FinalBuilder to automate the build, test and release process. If you are not using FinalBuilder to automate your builds, you are missing out. Download a fully functional 30 day trial version today.
  13. Vincent Parrett

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    Animation is not simple, I can only imagine the amount of work required to implement animation - and that's not really the intended direction for SVGIconImageList - as you can tell from the name of the library, it's about using svg with imagelists.
  14. Your helper is not going to work because what you want is a string helper (since the return value of GetAttribute is a string.
  15. Vincent Parrett

    Delphi 10.4 Debug

    Turn on Use Debug dcu's in the compiler options. This is usually enabled by default in the Debug config.
  16. Vincent Parrett

    While Not _thread.Finished Do Application.ProcessMessages;

    I wrote https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/VSoft.Awaitable for this purpose.. in a tabbed interface where each tab invokes a background task to fetch data, but switching tabs in the middle of the request is allowed (and starting a new request, fetching a different set of data). My library is a wrapper over Omnithread Library which just makes it easier to cancel tasks and to return values. TAsync.Configure<string>( function (const cancelToken : ICancellationToken) : string var i: Integer; begin result := 'Hello ' + value; for i := 0 to 2000 do begin Sleep(1); //in loops, check the token if cancelToken.IsCancelled then exit; end; //where api's can take a handle for cancellation, use the token.handle WaitForSingleObject(cancelToken.Handle,5000); //any unhandled exceptions here will result in the on exception proc being called (if configured) //raise Exception.Create('Error Message'); end, token); ) .OnException( procedure (const e : Exception) begin //runs in main thread Label1.Caption := e.Message; end) .OnCancellation( procedure begin //runs in main thread //clean up Label1.Caption := 'Cancelled'; end) .Await( procedure (const value : string) begin //runs in main thread //use result Label1.Caption := value; end); So when the user switches tabs, or to another part of the UI, we can cancel the background task via the CancellationToken (see https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/VSoft.CancellationToken) and start a new one. Of course being able to cancel what is happening in your thread relies on whatever you are calling being able to be cancelled or aborted. I wrote my own http client (https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/VSoft.HttpClient) to ensure I could cancel requests. Also, CancellationTokens have a Handle that can be passed to WaitForMultipleObjects or api's that take event handles for cancellation.
  17. There's a reason this site exists https://git-man-page-generator.lokaltog.net/ 😉
  18. For those struggling with the git commandline, this is a good intro using it Also, Using windows terminal with powershell core makes it so much nicer https://www.hanselman.com/blog/HowToMakeAPrettyPromptInWindowsTerminalWithPowerlineNerdFontsCascadiaCodeWSLAndOhmyposh.aspx
  19. Vincent Parrett

    Debug Expert

    I working on a dll expert right now, and I find it useful to use a separate registry for debugging the IDE, so that it only loads my expert and not 20 other things I typically have installed. You can do this in the Run Menu, Parameters dialog, under the Host application, add -rOpenToolsApi The name after -r doesn't matter, as long as it's unique Run that once, it won't load your expert, but will create a new entry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero You can also use that run to remove any libraries or experts you don't need for debugging.. speeds up startup a lot. After that you can manually add your expert to the Experts key and then start debugging. This is useful for testing bpl experts too.
  20. Interesting. I haven't used Semantic Merge either, but was considering trying it for our .net code(c#), we're in the process of migrating a huge codebase to .net core and have had quite a few merge issues lately semantic merge could possibly have dealt with better. I have so many other open source projects on the go at the moment, so I will have to restrain myself from taking on another one (tempting as it is!) - I also have a day job, admittedly working for myself, but I often have to restrain myself from working on fun projects so I can earn a living!
  21. I assume you mean SemanticMerge rather than plasticscm (same company, different product)? I didn't think it had a parser for delphi? That would be a fun project, using https://github.com/RomanYankovsky/DelphiAST perhaps. We use Beyond Compare (written in Delphi, built with FinalBuilder!) - can't fault it and the price is very reasonable.
  22. It still supports older versions of windows (not sure which but I would imagine windows 7+. The work to integrate Direct2D support has not been done yet.. more refactoring required to abstract the rendering so that different svg engines can be used. @pyscripter has made some major improvements to the existing svg engine, fixing several bugs and improving performance.
  23. Vincent Parrett

    Delphi 10.4 compiler going senile

    I don't have a problem with it - the DotNet api is really quite nice, broad functionality, well tested, well documented. Nothing wrong with using it for inspiration. What I wish more than anything is that Embarcadero stops releasing unfinished untested features. 10.4 is up there amongst the worst Delphi releases ever and pretty much unusable for me. LSP is half baked, the IDE is a mess, the debugger barely works and it;s a sloth. The VCL is ruined by poor implementation of themes - flicker everywhere.
  24. I used to use SourceTree, but found it a confusing mess as it evolved. I've tried a few others but don't remember the names, none of them lasted more than a day before I went back to the command line. Fork is the first tool that doesn't have me switching back to the command line all the time, although I do still relapse occasionally!
  25. I use Fork and cannot say enough good things about it. TortoiseGit is the poor cousin of all the TortoiseXXX tools (TortoiseHG is the best one imho - for mercurial). I never did get comfortable with TortoiseGit and would rather use the command line than it!