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Jacek Laskowski

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Everything posted by Jacek Laskowski

  1. Jacek Laskowski

    D10.2 Ideas/Thoughts on a project...

  2. Jacek Laskowski

    WinRT API Resources

    WinRT is dead
  3. Jacek Laskowski

    FDQuery, threads and CmdExecMode

    When I create FDQuery in threads, should I set CmdExecMode to amNonBlocking or leave amBlocking? http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Tokyo/en/FireDAC.Stan.Option.TFDResourceOptions.CmdExecMode
  4. Jacek Laskowski

    Firebird 3 and SP in Object Pascal

    Firebird 3 has very interesting possibilities. Among other things: "Object-oriented C++ APIs enable external code routines to plug in and run safely inside Firebird engine space, including (but not limited to): Encryption schemes for data User authentication schemes, including secure key exchange Eventually, plug-in support for stored procedures, triggers and functions written in Java, C++, ObjectPascal, etc." The quote comes from here: https://firebirdsql.org/file/documentation/release_notes/html/en/3_0/rnfb30-new-sumry.html I am particularly interested in the last point, the use of SP written in Delphi. Unfortunately, I haven't found a piece of code anywhere that would show how to do it. Does anyone know any documentation or examples?
  5. I wanted to compile a FullDebugMode library from FastMM project. It requires JCL library, I installed it using install.bat. However when compiling FastMM library I get a compilation error inside JCL: [dcc32 Error] JclSynch.pas(1078): E2010 Incompatible types: 'Cardinal' and 'Boolean' What am I doing wrong?
  6. Jacek Laskowski

    FastMM Full Debug Mode and JCL problem

    Thanks, I actually had two versions of the file on different paths.
  7. Jacek Laskowski

    MMX for Delphi 10.3 Rio

    However, saving an entity before editing does not always help, MMX rarely hangs, but it still happens. But I have new observation. If I manually add new property to the class, but without the getter and setter (as in the picture) and press the ctrl+E shortcut, first the question appears about adding accessor methods and only after clicking "Yes" MMX hangs.
  8. I now do the injection by the constructor, but this causes some constructors to be very complex. Is injecting by [inject] attribute directly into the object field a good practice? Is it better not to do it?
  9. Jacek Laskowski

    MMX for Delphi 10.3 Rio

    I don't use Mitov Library. I don't use any libraries working in design time, only a few experts: CnPack, GExpert, DocumentationInsight, Code Insight Plus and RFindUnit.
  10. Jacek Laskowski

    MMX for Delphi 10.3 Rio

    I'm not sure it's a good lead, but I have an observation related to the MMX suspension. If just before ctrl+E (entity edition) I press ctrl+S (save changes in files) I have no suspension, and every time MMX suspends Delphi I forget to press ctrl+S. This may be some kind of key 😉
  11. Jacek Laskowski

    MMX for Delphi 10.3 Rio

    Every now and then, irregularly, MMX kills my IDE (10.3.2). The Check Packages option is turned off - thanks to this hangs are much less frequent, but they have not disappeared. I am still using MMX version 15 and waiting for a fix.
  12. Jacek Laskowski

    FireBird, TFDConnection and concurrency

    No, he doesn't need to create TFDConnection, he can use TFDQuery alone and get the connection from the pool in it: FDQuery := TFDQuery.Create(nil); FDQuery.ConnectionName := RegisteredConnectionDefinitionString;
  13. Jacek Laskowski

    FireBird, TFDConnection and concurrency

    In multithread application you must use separated connection per thread.
  14. Jacek Laskowski

    TArray vs TList with VirtualStringTree

    Why can't I find PList property in TList<T> of Delphi 10.3.2? Where exactly is it hidden?
  15. Delphi is very backward when it comes to coding and refactoring support tools.
  16. Jacek Laskowski

    Android in VMWare

    How to install Android in VMware?
  17. Jacek Laskowski

    JSON string value

    Does Delphi have a function in RTL that will encode the text to a form consistent with the JSON value? For example, from string: "value\with {strange}chars/" to: "\"value\\with\r\n{strange}chars\/\"" It is possible?
  18. Jacek Laskowski

    Unknown attribute

    How to set Delphi compiler to stop with error on classes where unknown attributes were used (no appropriate units in the uses section)? Delphi 10.3
  19. Jacek Laskowski

    Unknown attribute

    Thanks for tip!
  20. Jacek Laskowski

    Firebird SQL 3.0.4 content encoding issue

    Try DBWorkbech
  21. Jacek Laskowski

    Unknown attribute

    There is no access to such a warning! In turn, the compiler directive does not work globally, but locally (per unit), so it is useless.
  22. Jacek Laskowski

    Unknown attribute

    This bug is ...resolved: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-20384
  23. Jacek Laskowski

    Unknown attribute

    In previous versions of delphi I did so, in 10.3 it doesn't work, that's why I asked a question.
  24. Jacek Laskowski

    Delphi Security Components SecureBridge Got a Huge Update

    There is another subforum for announcements and information about third-party packages: https://en.delphipraxis.net/forum/13-delphi-third-party/
  25. Jacek Laskowski

    Working Find Unit...

    RFindUnit is for me the second, after MMX, the most important IDE extension! It is irreplaceable and "almost" perfect.