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Everything posted by FredS

  1. FredS

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Wasn't another point to finally merge those internal and external issues.. now all external ones have become internal..
  2. FredS

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Sounds like better to me..
  3. FredS

    New quality portal for bugs is open

    I'm certain the original blog post told us that months of planning went into this..
  4. FredS

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Was just going to look at that.. one 'good' thing EMBT has taught me is to generate a snapshot before attempting any installation.. DId a registry compare and it wiped out the path and the Win64 Library Path..
  5. FredS

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Thought the point was for it to be better than the last system..
  6. FredS

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Used the ISO but aren't they supposed to be the same now..
  7. FredS

    New quality portal for bugs is open

    Nice to have the Request button explained but there isn't anything there..
  8. FredS

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Same, sure someone has reported that bug how do I watch it?
  9. FredS

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Sending Reports to a black box.. sounds productive..
  10. FredS

    Delphi 12: internal errors

    Can you open an RSP on that 😂
  11. You can execute this statement after connecting to a v4 or v5 db: 'set bind of TIME ZONE to LEGACY'
  12. Yeah, was wondering about that. As stated back in January it should be up in a week, especially after 'months of planning'..
  13. FredS

    David Hoyle's 3rd Party IDE Help in Delphi 12?

    I always use RegEdit, check out: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\23.0\Experts
  14. Updating did not install KB5028166 on that one today..
  15. Dunno, its a reasonably new install, only a handful of hotfixes installed.. will try my old noisy 'puter next 🙂
  16. I use a Samba Domain on Ubuntu (16.04) and can login with KB5028166 installed from a 22H2 W10 VM.. I used a new Domain account to force new profile generation to make sure..
  17. Little has changed since Godzilla, or maybe some of that is back again. I still use a clean bat when switching between 'Build Configurations', that limits the problem even today. What it does is delete all DCUs which exist from all but the current 'Build Configuration'.
  18. Not so simple then, I've not seen running code that executes with identical integrity, tokens and access.. A few posts on SO claim to have solved it but the Scheduler works so I've found no need to retest all for that.. ShellRun('Open', 'Schtasks', '/Create /F /SC ONCE /TN taskname /TR "<cmd>" /ST 00:00', swHide); ShellRun('Open', 'Schtasks', '/Run /TN taskname', swHide); ShellRun('Open', 'Schtasks', '/Delete /F /TN taskname', swHide); Add some error checking and it works..
  19. Once you run elevated you have access to the Scheduler, use Schtasks.exe to Create/Ru/Delete a task to run that app..
  20. This is how I compile with older versions of controls.. might help you get started. The CMD file is in the project root and changes directory to Source: @ECHO OFF :: :: How to Redirect to an older Version of VCL :: Since no IDE is required this will work for NON installed versions of any VCL controls ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: Redirect DX, to compile with source we need to update all these ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: REM @SET DXVCL=%VCL%\DevExpress VCL\20.2.8 (26-May-2021) for PA2-R12 REM IF NOT Exist "%DXVCL%" ( REM echo."%DXVCL%", Directory does not exist REM Pause ) REM CALL :SetEnvVar "DXLibs" REM CALL :SetEnvVar "DXSources" REM SET DX REM pause :: :: Redirect UNI, to compile with source we need to update all these ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: REM @SET UNIVCL=%VCL%\UniDAC\9.0.1 (14-Sep-2021) REM IF NOT Exist "%UNIVCL%" ( REM echo."%UNIVCL%", Directory does not exist REM Pause ) REM CALL :SetEnvVar "UNILIB" REM CALL :SetEnvVar "UniSources" REM SET Uni REM pause :: :: Environmental Vars declared in the IDE must be redeclared ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @SET CompilerV=28 @SET ProductVersion=22.0 @SET IDEVER=11.0.2 :: :: Now expand those with rsVars.bat ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\bin\rsvars.bat" :: :: Reset the rsVars.bat defaults ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @SET BDSCOMMONDIR=D:\Embarcadero Studio\22.0 :: :: Add the location of cmd.exe ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @SET PATH=%WINDIR%\System32;%PATH% cd source :: Recomended in 10.4 Release Notes.. MSBuild APP.dproj /t:clean REM TIMEOUT /T 10 MSBuild APP.dproj /t:build /v:q /p:Config=Release /p:platform=Win64 cd .. :: View any output notices pause :: ========== FUNCTIONS ========== EXIT /B :: Read a Value from Environment :: Param 1: Name of output variable. :: Param 2: SubKey. :RegQueryEnv @ECHO OFF SET KEY="HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" :: Remove the double quotes Set SUBKEY=%~2 FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%A IN ('reg.exe query %KEY% /v "%SUBKEY%"') DO ( set %1=%%B ) EXIT /B :: Expand any EnvVars in the Text :: Param 1: Name of output variable. :: Param 2: Text to Expand (%UNIVCL%\Lib\Delphi$(CompilerV)) :ExpandEnvVar @ECHO OFF set %1=%~2 REM echo.ExpandEnvVar=%Text% EXIT /B :: Combines RegQuery and ExpandEnvVar then uses @SET :: Param 1: SubKey. :SetEnvVar @ECHO OFF CALL :RegQueryEnv Value %1 CALL :ExpandEnvVar Value "%Value%" @SET %~1=%Value%
  21. FredS

    Code completion failure

    The myth of a working LSP server.. since before Godzilla 🙂
  22. I don't have 11.2, but the fact that madExcept needed an update to deal with ASLR tells me its finally working. Redux: https://blog.marcocantu.com/blog/rad111_pe_security.html
  23. This hasn't worked for at least 11 years: https://www.codenewsfast.com/cnf/articles
  24. I didn't renew last February and in the good bye letter from EMBT there was something about being able to reactivate it.. I don't have it handy but pretty sure there was a period specified when it can be reactivated. Maybe you better clarify that with subscriptions..
  25. FredS

    Zip Compression library

    Wouldn't it be simpler just to use ShellAPI and Windows to zip?