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  • Birthday 04/24/1964

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    Delphi 10.4 Sydney

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    WIFI Esay Connect QR Scanner

    Hello, I am studying Delphi in Republic of Korea. I found Java's function because I wanted to know the Android source code function that runs on the wifi-only qr code scanner on the screen. MainActivity.this.startActivityForResult(new Intent("android.settings.WIFI_DPP_ENROLLEE_QR_CODE_SCANNER"), 1); But Delphi can't find the same function that I want to know if there is a source of that function.I'd like to know if there is a corresponding source code.
  2. Thank you for always. Thanks for answering my question I am using Android phone Datasnap environment. In the Android environment, the query processing time is a little slow, so it bounces off. Please provide an Android query example so that you can safely execute the query.
  3. Procedure TfmMaster.btn Click OK (Sender: TObject); var InStr : string; begin for var i := 0 to Memo2.Lines.Count -1 begin InStr := copy(Memo2.Lines.Strings ,1,18) ; bQry.Close; bQry.CommandText := ' UPDATE "acCountsB" sET state = 1' +#10+' where substring(barcoding,1,18) = '''+ InStr +''' ' +#10+' and state is null ; ' +#10+'Select a4_ box quantity ,' +#10+' Sum(state) As system,' +#10+' A8_Invoice number ,A3_Delivery tracking ,A3_Unit price ,A7_Serial number,A0 _Vendor coding,' +#10+' A1_Seller Name, A8_Part Number, A9_Product Name, A4_Standard, A1_ Eco, A2_Quantity,' +#10+' A1_Acquired Customer Name,ItemName' +#10+' from "acCounts" a' +#10+' Right Join "acCountsB" b on ( Left(a.A8_invoice number, +#10+' and Substring(b. Invoice number,1,18) in' +#10+' (Select Left(Invoice Number,18) from "'+DBTO+'acCountsB" b' +#10+' Right Join "acCounts" a on (Left(a.A8_Invoice Number,18) = Left(b.Invoice Number,18) )' +#10+' where substring(barcoding,1,18) = '''+ InStr + ''' ' +#10+' and status is not null )' +#10+' and a.A8_Buy Male<>''Cancel''' +#10+'Group By 1' +#10+' total = a4_ box quantity' ; bQry.open try; bQry.open; except Get_ErrorEvent_Post( DM.Qry , StringReplace(bQry.CommandText,DBTO,'',[rfReplaceAll]) ); End; sleep (100); if bQry.RecordCount > 0 then begin InStr := copy( bQry.FieldByName('A8_InvoiceNumber').AsString,1 ,18) ; aQry.CommandText := 'update acCountsB set state = Null '#10 +' where substring(invoice number,1,18) = '''+ InStr +''' ; '#10 +' Update 'Account' a.A8_Shipping Status = '+cBaeSongStar+' '#10 +' ,a.A5_Delivery Departure = '''+jesaStartEnd+''' '#10 +' ,a .A3_tracking = a.A3_tracking+'''+jesatEndComCode+'''+#10 '#10 +' ,a.A5_processor = '''+tusername+'/'+tid +''' '#10 +' left outer join "acCounts" b on (a.A8_invoice number=b.A8_invoice number) '#10 +' where substring(A8_invoice number,1,18) = '''+ InStr +' '' '#10 +' and A8_Shipping Status = '+cJeSaEnd+' '#10 +' and A8_Purchase change <>''Cancel'' ; '; try aQry.Execute ; exception Get_ErrorEvent_Post( DM.Qry , StringReplace(aQry.CommandText,DBTO,'',[rfReplaceAll]) ); End; end; End; End;

    fmx grid error

    Thank you in advance for answering the question. 10.4.2 After the update, When you set up live binding on the grid, set up the column header portion of the design, and compile Android, the column header option is not saved in the design.Request confirmation.
  5. Apple Transporter failing to upload IPA with error: Failed to create .itmsp for 'appname I have the same phenomenon. Please help me

    XCode 12 compile error

    May you have a good day today.. I have been suffering for the first week because of this content. The same error occurs even though I upgraded today (Platform Assistant Server Version as shown below. Thank you in advance for your quick help.

    XCode 12 compile error

    May you have a good day today.. I have been suffering for the first week because of this content. The same error occurs even though I upgraded today (Platform Assistant Server Version as shown below. Thank you in advance for your quick help. Last login: Fri Dec 18 22:38:57 on console /Applications/PAServer-21.0.app/Contents/MacOS/paserver ; exit; itelos@itelosui-MacBookPro ~ % /Applications/PAServer-21.0.app/Contents/MacOS/paserver ; exit; Platform Assistant Server Version Copyright (c) 2009-2020 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. Connection Profile password <press Enter for no password>: Starting Platform Assistant Server on port 64211 Type ? for available commands > [DCC Error] E2597 Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: Error: "__ZdlPv", referenced from: _DllGetClassObject in alchemy.o); __ZN14DSBASE_Factory14CreateInstanceEP8IUnknownRK4GUIDPPv in alchemy.o); __ZN16DSCursor_Factory14CreateInstanceEP8IUnknownRK4GUIDPPv in alchemy.o); __ZN22DATAPACKETREAD_Factory14CreateInstanceEP8IUnknownRK4GUIDPPv in alchemy.o); __ZN23DATAPACKETWRITE_Factory14CreateInstanceEP8IUnknownRK4GUIDPPv in alchemy.o); __Z9GetFldObjjiP7DSXML_WPP7FLDConv in dspickle.o); __ZN12DSDATAPACKETD2Ev in dspickle.o); ... Error: "__ZdaPv", referenced from: __Z15MakeAdtFldDescsjP20DSDATAPACKETFLDDescXPjPP16DSPROVADTFLDDesc in dspickle.o); __ZN12DSDATAPACKET12DelRecStatesEv in dspickle.o); __ZN9DSEXTRACT12DelRecStatesEv in dspickle.o); __Z12MakeFldDescsjP9DSFLDDescPjPS0_S1_ in ds.o); __ZN6DSBASE8ResetAllEv in ds.o); __ZN6DSBASE8AddFieldEP9DSFLDDesc in ds.o); __ZN10LTABLEListD2Ev in ds.o); ... ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 [DCC Fatal Error] F2588 Linker error code: 1 ($00000001)