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shineworld last won the day on January 8

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83 Excellent

About shineworld

  • Birthday 05/09/1970

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. shineworld

    Delphi 12.3 is available

    I have always used and will always continue to use Delphi, as long as I am allowed in the company. Other languages and IDE environments have been added but it will be out of affection, I find the Delphi one very friendly, complex to the point and with things that are really needed. Of course, this depends a lot on the scope of the software, but in mine it is perfectly apt, where other environments become scattershot (too many things and not congruent with each other). What I admire about the Delphi RAD developers is their dedication. It has been dozens of years, that despite the fact that for many it is an outdated environment and language that they are dedicated to keeping it active, to meet new needs, limited as they all are by budget problems. But Delphi is still alive, and I easily shame the final products made by other colleagues with “newer” environments. Like everyone I would like to have more and more, and think that every problem it has can be magically solved in a short time, but you know, that is not the case for any of us who develop code for a living. You always look for a compromise between investment availability and goals to be achieved.
  2. shineworld

    RAD 12.3 and Eclipse Temurin JDK

    Me too. However all worked fine.
  3. shineworld

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Import and ability to use common C++ DLL files (eg: OpenCV, VTK, OpenCascade, etc). Actually I use Python4Delphi to get access to some features of these DLL but it is just a workaround.
  4. shineworld

    RAD 12.3 and Eclipse Temurin JDK

    Actually I've installaed Eclipse Temurin JDK with Hostspot 17.0.9+9 (x64) and shoud go fine ? PS: I'm used with RAD ISO which does not install JDK so it's necessary to be in the OS before to start. I don't know if web install does things to install also required JDK.
  5. shineworld

    RAD 12.3 and Eclipse Temurin JDK

    I'm approaching to install and try Delphi 12.3 in a clean VM. What is the "Eclipse Temurin JDK with Hotspot" version required to be installed before to start Delphi RAD package to enable Android development ?
  6. Mmmm, I've tried a simple console program in Athens 12: program Project4; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, System.DateUtils, Winapi.Windows; var I: Integer; T1: Int64; T2: Int64; TD: Double; D1: TDateTime; D2: TDateTime; DiffMs: Int64; Frequency: Int64; function Delay: Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; for I := 0 to 1000000 do Inc(Result); end; begin FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator := '.'; FormatSettings.ThousandSeparator := ','; try QueryPerformanceFrequency(Frequency); D1 := Now(); QueryPerformanceCounter(T1); Delay; D2 := Now(); QueryPerformanceCounter(T2); TD := (T2 - T1) * 1000 / Frequency; DiffMs := MilliSecondsBetween(D2, D1); Writeln(Format('Now() delta = %d ms', [DiffMs])); Writeln(Format('QueryPerformance delta = %f ms', [TD])); except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end. Result: Now() delta = 2 ms QueryPerformance delta = 2.15 ms The Delay is empirical, necessary just to have a little delay. Now() seems to capture 2ms of delta. Increasing delay of 10: Now() delta = 17 ms QueryPerformance delta = 16.42 ms I don't know why they report 1 sec of precision in the documentation, but if it can be so, is terribile, because my OPC UA server timings are based on TDateTime and 1ms of resolutions is already 10 time bigger than OPC-UA tick of 100ns.
  7. I work only on Windows but to get precise timings (below 1ms of accuracy) I use QueryPerformanceFrequency() and QueryPerformanceCounter(). In case precise timings are not available I switch to timeGetTime() A messy unit is in attachment. PS: You can improve Windwos timeGetTime, gettickcount and sleep (DELPHI IDE does that) with: program XXX; uses System.SysUtils, Winapi.MMSystem, ...; {$R *.res} var TimeCaps: TTimeCaps; NeedToChangeTimerPrecsion: Boolean; begin // starts high precision timer if timeGetDevCaps(@TimeCaps, SizeOf(TTimeCaps)) = TIMERR_NOERROR then NeedToChangeTimerPrecsion := timeBeginPeriod(TimeCaps.wPeriodMin) = TIMERR_NOERROR else NeedToChangeTimerPrecsion := False; // initializes and runs application Application.Initialize; ...; Application.Run; // stops high precision timer if NeedToChangeTimerPrecsion then timeEndPeriod(TimeCaps.wPeriodMin); end. osTimeUtils.pas
  8. shineworld

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    Delphi 12.3 presentation is cooming 🙂
  9. shineworld

    Reduce exe weight : Link with runtime package

    I use UPX by decade without any issue also with Virustotal and installed BitDefender. I guess it expand program in RAM. My 38.681.088 byte exe are compressed with LZMA to 10.189.312 byte with "upx-4.2.2.exe --best --lzma normal-version.exe upx-version.exe"
  10. shineworld

    Some new projects...

    There are other projects, eg: Chandra, Infero, jetLua, LMEngine, etc which are disapeared from git... Are become obsolete and replaced by some newone ?
  11. shineworld

    TLS v1.3

    Currently, working is only TLS 1.2, but there is a git to add TLS 1.3 ( https://github.com/JPeterMugaas/TaurusTLS.git ) I've downloaded and checket it but I haven't yet need time to try to extract sources use it... I try then from some weeks (I'm in releasing of current software version).
  12. shineworld

    TLS v1.3

    I've downloaded (cloned) Indy repository from github (https://github.com/IndySockets/Indy.git). Manually copied needed file in a source folder of my project. Added that folder in the project search path. Created the class only with code (no IDE objects placement) so I use only custom sources for Indy. This permitted me to add changes and work with latest git repository code, without remove native Indy tools from IDE.
  13. shineworld

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    I use a lot of third-party libraries and exclusively from source so the compiled code grows a lot. I may not have understood what is meant by “code is generated” but it is almost all hand-made code. This also includes compilers of various languages used by the system, for which, yes some of it is auto-generated (I use Gold Parser), but a few thousand lines. The program also different script languages, server types, and there the code grows. Empirically maybe I wrote 40% by hand, the rest is libraries, data, and different versions of UI.
  14. shineworld

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Personally, I held out as long as I could with BDS2006, whose problems I knew very well, which I had circumvented with tricks of all kinds. In the meantime, however, I always updated (purchased) the sucessive versions without ever using them. At a certain point I gave up, as, tired of using third-party libraries to have a partially Unicode program and of the memory limitations imposed by the 32-bit system (I use a lot of memory), I paid the price for years of dormancy and switched to Sydney and now Athens. Developing has become much easier, and all the things added to the language over the years allow me to greatly reduce the time required in going from concept to final code. I have fairly large projects (22 million lines of code) that I compile in both 32-bit and 64-bit, although recently I have been distributing only 64-bit versions, customers stick to the streetcar with their Win7 (it has not been supported by MS for years, and there is no point in persevering). Yes, 32-bit compilation is faster but as you can see from the image a complete build of the project I am working on, it is not that unbearable. The additional cost (twice the time) is worth the effort.
  15. shineworld

    Zip Compression library

    I've found it, and used, in official page of 7Zip: https://7-zip.org/sdk.html https://www.birtles.org.uk/programming/ It is old, true, but I use it to compress and send data over TCP server/client and works fine for my projects. There is also a, I guess 9.2 version, at: https://github.com/TetzkatLipHoka/LZMA/tree/main