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Attila Kovacs

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Everything posted by Attila Kovacs

  1. that would be wasting resources
  2. @Brian Evans cool, thx. It's time to forget this 30yo limitation and fixing FD.
  3. This is ridiculous. I can even free the dataset (TUniQuery), recreate it and use the bookmark again on it. Are you sure you have key-fields in your table? Maybe keyfields property should be set for firedac? procedure Run; var a: TQAdresse; bm: TBookmark; begin a := TQAdresse.Create; try a.Open; a.ID.Locate(105); WriteLn(a.ID.AsString); bm := a.Bookmark; a.Free; a := TQAdresse.Create; a.Open; if a.BookmarkValid(bm) then a.Bookmark := bm; WriteLn(a.ID.AsString); a.Next; WriteLn(a.ID.AsString); finally a.Free; end; end; Prints: 105 105 106 Done.
  4. I don't believe you. There was no bookmark in Delphi 1. Just tested with Devart's UniQuery, I can close the dataset and open it again, the bookmark is still valid. Maybe you are referring to some old BDE component or some other 3rd party which is for some reason saves an instance pointer/memory address too, instead of just key-field values. But I have never seen that before.
  5. @ChrisChuah Interesting, I suspect some extra unusual code what we can't see. Furthermore always use BookmarkValid() and do not use FreeBookmark. By the way, you have 2 indicators on the first pic, I never used Indicators but I don't think it's normal, do you have multiselect or similar turned on?
  6. No, it's pension and usually given before the elections.
  7. Is there anything which works like ctrl-H but for all Visible=False controls?
  8. Attila Kovacs

    IDE Hide / Show Non-Visible controls

  9. Attila Kovacs

    IDE start randomly stops with error message

    @PeterPanettone that's why I suggest madExcept: http://help.madshi.net/madExceptConfiguration.htm , give it a try
  10. Attila Kovacs

    IDE start randomly stops with error message

    madExcept should catch it in the IDE too, you could install it temporarily
  11. Attila Kovacs

    Delphi 11.1 - High DPI

  12. Attila Kovacs

    Freeing Show v ShowModal??

    If you are just asking about "'Action := caFree;", yes it's fine. Otherwise what David said. Non-modal needs different logic.
  13. @ioan I'd check what exactly is on 0x0000000000921298 this could give you more hints what is failing. For this reason I'm always archiving the map file for a release, otherwise you have to look up the asm in the (failing) release and try to identify the place with the latest src/build.
  14. Attila Kovacs

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    I'm still using my own stack bookmark plugin to parnassus bookmarks but I have only one shortcut and it's ctrl-shift-1, no other hocus-pocus. Sadly you have removed the (official) plugin support after selling it to embarcadero. At least the documentation and examples are deleted from your site. Why I'm not disappointed when we moving backward again.
  15. Attila Kovacs

    Recommended email tool?

    I'm not sure if you asked this but I'm using this https://clevercomponents.com/products/inetsuite/ and I'm fully satisfied.
  16. Now the "another unit" is cluttered with the form's stuff. Can't see any benefits.
  17. Attila Kovacs

    Working with Delphi and Excel

    Which one can read/write xlsb?
  18. Attila Kovacs

    Making Delphi 2007 HighDPI-aware

    Yes but I must have been a lazy dog again.
  19. Attila Kovacs

    Making Delphi 2007 HighDPI-aware

    Thx, that RTTI was already a big help for the future. I'm sorry that the result is disappointing, I'm pretty happy with it and as I said, I'm using this not just for the IDE but for my old D2007 apps too with some adjustment on some controls works pretty solid and looks good on 4k.
  20. Attila Kovacs

    Making Delphi 2007 HighDPI-aware

    Yes, I remember playing a lot with all these things without "rtti" until I gave up. I'd now try to iterate through the nodes using those typinfo's.
  21. Attila Kovacs

    Making Delphi 2007 HighDPI-aware

    Thank you, this helps a lot, I wish I knew it earlier. Edit: Setting the Indent property changes the layout immediately, DefaultNodeHeight not. I think if you need that on the fly you have to iterate through the nodes and set its height or invalidate them one by one. But I would not do that as it makes no sense changing it runtime but as I said, checking at startup if the IDE is starting in HDPI mode or not via the registry.
  22. Attila Kovacs

    Making Delphi 2007 HighDPI-aware

    do they have an own virtualtree? the one we know does not override it.
  23. Attila Kovacs

    Making Delphi 2007 HighDPI-aware

    Not if it's reintroduced/not overridden in the child class.